Sentences with phrase «interest time»

It's clear that we're all living in interesting times.
As much as past performance is not indicative of future performance, I personally find it a very interesting time for managed futures and encouraged.
We're in a very interesting time in that it's the collectors who have the power and they set the agenda for the museums.
Interesting times ahead, plenty of new models to consider.
Interesting timing of this post as I was just talking with a co-worker about the benefits of intermittent fasting and the general practice of fasting.
It'll be interesting to see if there's the same level as interest this time around.
Anyway, this can be a very interesting time when you are in a long - distance relationship.
Unlike the first game, these instances are painfully rare, which is unfortunate because they're far more interesting this time around.
I don't want to be him when we live in such interesting times.
And I would like to thank the players who are about to have a very interesting time with the game and don't even know it yet!
These are certainly interesting times for the publishing industry, and the more choices authors have, the better the retail experience — and their books — will be.
The»80s were a very interesting time because of what happened to the art market, what happened to women.
With a lower principal balance, you're charged less interest each time you make a payment.
So, I find that this makes this an extremely interesting time in which people are so unsure about the foundations of belief that they constantly have to articulate them, too.
It has been a very interesting time since my last update.
There is no playground here, but we always find something interesting every time we go.
Regardless, interesting times lie ahead and I can't wait!
In my opinion, this is a major failure on the part of the games press, and truly interesting times we are living in.
The actual story was pretty interesting this time around but the game play was really annoying.
But he is also very much a product — perhaps an advanced product — of his own extraordinarily interesting times.
What starts out as a genuinely interesting time management game eventually becomes a puzzle that has no pity for players.
Feel free to examine the not very interesting time stamps.
These are indeed interesting times for these schools with their new found freedoms, new funding methodologies and a new regulator.
Sure it is interesting times ahead and the climax of the tablet wars has yet to be reached.
We live in complicated and interesting times when most of us are looking for quick and simple answers to the big questions.
«It is a really interesting time in the industry,» he says.
An old Chinese curse (cleverly disguised as a blessing) goes that: «May you live in interesting times,» and no time has been more interesting than the present.
These are interesting times with many possible new services and approaches.
It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds, these are certainly interesting times.
What's interesting this time around though is that the true believers in $ 15 per hour think they may already be very close to winning this fight.
It has been a very interesting time since my last update.
Your request for parenting wisdom comes at a very interesting time for me.
But they are also coming into the Playoffs at interesting time for the Team..
Ubisoft also picked the most interesting time period in Egyptian history possible.
The Ghana Armed Forces seems to be going through interesting times as sinister motives hatched by certain elements against some otherwise hardworking senior officers is gradually bouncing to the fore.
«We're in very interesting times right now,» he smiles.
And what interesting timing for the Funny Games US DVD to act as a primer for on - screen mayhem of The Dark Knight and what it means for families to bring their children to such casual and brutal murder.
I love how stupid people will vote against their own interests time after time and think it has anything to do with freedom or capitalism or whatever flavor of the month false idol they worhsip at that moment.
This must be a most interesting time for 26 countries scattered across the continent, as if Britain can renegotiate, maybe they can too?
The new Nexus devices are expected to debut on October 15 or 16, which is interesting timing given Apple's upcoming iPad event on October 16.
This is a particularly interesting time at both museums, especially the MCA, which is featuring circuit - blowing, multimedia work by Brazilian artist Tatiana Blass and local favorite John McEnroe.
It's an interesting move, and interesting timing on Galaxy's part.
In fact, educators, including their policymaking second - cousins, are living in quite interesting times in large part because the walls of the school house doors are coming down.
Interesting times lay ahead and British organisations need to be more on their guard than ever before.
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