Sentences with phrase «interest to the group»

This site shares the scientific research and information that is of interest to this group of people.
The talk is customizable and designed to be audience driven after the overview so that we can focus on the herbs and products of greatest interest to the group.
Of special interest to groups traveling with children is the 7th bedroom, which is a large suite with bunk beds that sleep 8.
That is because while my background may be interesting to the group for a variety of reasons, what I find is that usually I am irrelevant, because I am an outsider.
The group has an annual business meeting to discuss issues of interest to the group, and puts on a session each year in the annual conference.
Haha, it would be interesting to group all the stories fromm the various photoshoots together in a diary or something....
Having said that, if the conversation is going way off topic (which might be defined as a conversation involving just a couple of people that is not of interest to the group as a whole), it's time to bring it back on track
You can also submit links to articles of possible interest to the group prefaced with your own commentary.
This means it will be harder to pay royalties or interest to group companies outside the UK to reduce taxable UK profits.
If you have moved about and changed fields over the years, it may be in your best interest to group these positions by category (a functional resume style) rather than by date (reverse chronological style).
Periodically, the Early Career Psychologist (ECP) Task Force of the Society hosts conference calls on topics that are of interest to group psychologists.
Programs may combine topics and faculty presenters of greatest interest to a group, or they may be focused on one of our areas of specialization: Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, or Families, Illness & Collaborative Healthcare.
Second ~ I offer examples such as (1) preparing for surgery ~ (2) addressing the Supreme Court of the USA ~ (3) starting a car in cold weather in Alaska ~ (4) cleaning hands before cooking pork in a restaurant ~ (5) dressing an altar for communion ~ (6) securing a crime area for investigation or another protocol of interest to groups of students.
Allow Strong Little Sleepers to customize a child sleep class about whatever sleep topic may be of interest to your group or organization.
Focus the letter or mail piece on the issues that are of interest to the group to which you are mailing.
Our only subject rule is that topics must be of interest to the group, as loosely defined by the moderators.
The AGCA was formed as a society under the Societies Act (Alberta) in 1986 to provide a networking vehicle for general counsel and to provide a forum to discuss and learn about issues of interest to the group.
This provides an open forum to talk about issues of interest to the group — and in this case, the group also includes men.
(1) On platforms like Linked In — join as many legal type groups as possible that care about the things that interest you (e.g. legal practice groups, legal marketing groups, general marketing groups) and try to post articles in these group forums whenever you come across an article or news piece that you think would be interesting to the group.
Then, you can either lend your money to friends in need (and make 3 % interest on that loan) or borrow money from your group (and pay back 3 % interest to your group).
What you post is «searchable,» and recruiters will often assume that people talking about the «latest and greatest» in their field, or even sharing articles of interest to the group are the kind of thought leaders and team players that make for attractive candidates.
While spending time outdoors still matters, having a large space to maintain is not of interest to this group.
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