Sentences with phrase «interesting design purpose»

Not exact matches

Purified diets were designed for this very purpose — to minimize variables so that scientists can be confident they are studying only the nutrient or compound of interest.
Purpose: This is a fellowship program designed for genetics professionals with an advanced degree who are early in their careers and interested in the development and implementation of genetics - related health and research policies at a national level.
Designs vary to cater both the taste of teenagers and matured stylistas but all detachable collars serve the same purpose, to quickly transform an outfit into something trendy and interesting.
Then there is a proper psychology matching based on 60 different criteria and social metrics; sexuality matching that was designed particularly for the dating purposes by a proper psychologist; there's a combination of sexuality, psychology and interests which we call «a perfect match».
Handheld and unstructured, for all intents and purposes, the hour - long X-Men: Production Scrapbook is an endurance test from which the patient viewer cherry - picks items of interest, such as the occasionally prickly Singer thinking through the design of Xavier's wheelchair.
In construing policymaking as the balancing of interests, Godwin and Kemerer eschew the power of an alternative understanding of policymaking, namely the design of institutions so that people are oriented to accomplish public purposes.
[5] This design served the intended purpose of creating interest, in the public and the corporation, for a new Z car.
They are two entirely different things, designed for different purposes, with strengths and weaknesses that make them more interesting to some, or less interesting to others.
«We've designed the Purpose Premium Yield Fund to provide investors with a great way to achieve higher levels of income, but without taking on credit or interest rate risk,» he adds.
The primary objective of the Fidelity Fund Portfolios — Income is to provide a representation of just one way you might construct a portfolio of Fidelity mutual funds, designed for the purpose of providing a focus on interest and dividend income, over a range of long term risk levels, which are consistent with the asset allocations of a (sub) set of Fidelity's Target Asset Mixes (TAMs).
Any review mechanism that didn't recognise at least the strong likelihood that such a conflict of interest would arise has been poorly designed and is not really «fit for purpose».
If you aren't interested in attaching a screen to your wrist but would still like a reliable tool for tracking your activity that can help you analyze your routines and help you exercise more efficiently, the Moov Now is a device designed precisely for that purpose.
LinkedIn is designed specifically for this purpose, to allow hiring managers to closely source the candidates they're interested in based on core criteria such as industry designation, years of experience, location, and even prior job titles and employers.
If your resume doesn't generate yours reader's interest, then it is of no use and therefore, the below professionally designed resumes have been created keeping your usefulness and purpose in mind.
But tax is its own universe, so for tax law purposes, when a DST is designed properly, is treated as a direct ownership interest in the underlying real estate,» said Steven R. Meier is co-chair of the real estate securities practice at Jenner & Block.
Lamp with traditional vase base Possibly the most interesting bases are those not originally designed for that purpose — candlesticks, mason jars, terra - cotta pots, ginger jars or, in this case, a porcelain vase with a truly classic design.
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