Sentences with phrase «interesting dialogue with»

We've had this interesting dialogue with Ceres, because we actually won the Ceres awards this year for the best corporate responsibility report.
The exhibition then moves to the London College of Fashion's Fashion Space Gallery and Porphyr Court at the Wallace Collection, where it will present an interesting dialogue with their important Venetian glass collection.
CB This brings your work into a deliberate and interesting dialogue with the mechanics of photography.
Mike's easy going personality prompts interesting dialogue with the artists he chats with — it's well worth checking out.
The presentation of the works that comprise this unique monographic show establishes an interesting dialogue with the unmistakable architecture of Frank Gehry's building, whose curving galleries and great fanlights bring out the strength of Twombly's work and the rich tonalities and textures of his paintings and sculptures.
Try putting it in different places, and see if it strikes an interesting dialogue with other works on your wall.
BY STEPHANIE BUHMANN Engaging in an interesting dialogue with the current Whitney Biennial, this stunning installation organized by David Breslin with Jennie Goldstein and Margaret Kross depicts another tumultuous time in American history.
Her early use of industrial materials creates an interesting dialogue with the work of younger artists such as Tara Donavon and Rachel Harrison.

Not exact matches

The key is to open a dialogue with the proper government office and see if they would take an interest in your company.
Maybe hidden somewhere in that conversation is an idea that might never have occurred to you unless you made the effort to engage in a dialogue with someone who is interested in your product.
Face - to - face dialogue and the ability to share the experience with others are among the top factors consumers say make an event most interesting to them.
If we connect with people about what we have in common — sports teams, TV shows, interests — it is easier to have dialogue about what we disagree on.
Instead, try to spark interesting dialogue and discussion with your content.
The Russian leader «has expressed confidence that the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, in keeping with each other's views, meets the interests of both Russia and the US,» according to Russia Today.
Acting on this interest in expanded dialogue between Canadian millennials and our peers in Asia will provide us with the types of soft skills that will make us more effective learners in the classroom, better negotiators in the workplace, and more informed citizens.
When you notice that an employee is focused and working efficiently, there is a great chance to have a dialogue with them to see if they are interested in where their career could go and how you can keep them happy within your business.
With its dedicated team of Credit Advisors and recognized brand, D&B opens dialogues with merchants, assesses their needs and capacities and then seamlessly refers interested businesses to Credibility CapiWith its dedicated team of Credit Advisors and recognized brand, D&B opens dialogues with merchants, assesses their needs and capacities and then seamlessly refers interested businesses to Credibility Capiwith merchants, assesses their needs and capacities and then seamlessly refers interested businesses to Credibility Capital.
This paper aims to help promote the development of blockchain in Switzerland and to encourage dialogue between entrepreneurs, service providers and all other parties with an interest in blockchain.
It's a good bet Bernanke and the Fed got a bit more than they bargained for with May rumblings of tapering and the actual mid-June Bernanke tapering dialogue in terms of interest rate movement recently.
Since the program's inception, more than 50 % of presenting companies have received funding, with more recent participants in ongoing dialogue with interested investors.
If we simply have a modest dialogue with the men of Davos - by analogy with the men of Dublin - I believe that we will be received courteously but that has strictly no interest for us.
Rather than viewing Moltmann's thought on play as developing chiefly out of a dialogue with American theology, it would be better to conclude that (1) his systematic interest in exploring the various ramifications of a theology of hope led him to investigate ecclesiology, which he found playful, and (2) his desire to counteract the seriousness of student revolutionaries, both in Germany and in America, led him into a consideration of play as an antidote.
It is interesting to observe that while preparing for the centenary celebrations of the 1893 World Congress of Religions of Chicago, Metropolitan Paulose Mar Gregorios said that Chicago 1993 Global Concourse of Religions must «be committed not just to dialogue with each other but to the future of humanity as a whole».
As someone interested in atheist - theist dialogue, I thought you and your readers might be able to help me out with some questions:
Still, in an abundance of prudence, the administration's wise new realist thrust determined that it was in our nation's interest not to meddle in Iranian affairs and to continue the dialogue with the current authorities, even as it was clear that our national interest dictated that we work with President Chavez to help bring the deposed Mr. Zelaya back to power in Honduras.
Some postliberals, such as Lindbeck, are especially interested in pursuing theological dialogues with evangelicals.
The understanding of true conversation is so rare in our time that one imagines that one can arrange a genuine dialogue before a public of interested spectators with the assistance of proper publicity.
Until liberal American Christians begin to take interest in African Christian thought and seriously engage with it, dialogue between the two will remain tortuous, if not impossible.
Nor were they particularly interested in dialogue with the non-Christian religions, although some of the leaders expressed high regard for theologians Stanley Samartha and M. M. Thomas, both now retired, who have written carefully and spoken widely on these questions as well as on Dalit rights.
Also I went into school (7 - 11 yr olds) for two years every now and again to share the journey with them by looking at what I believe and having interesting dialogue.
Might I suggest that you do if you are still interested in dialogue with your rabbi friend.
It would be interesting to see a dialogue of posts between believers of poorer nations with believers of richer nations on these topics.
He is interested in broadening his ecumenical interests to include serious dialogue with Judaism and other non-Christian faiths.
While Chicago no longer exists as a center of process thought and is to a lesser extent than before identified with philosophy - theology dialogue and interaction, it leaves a legacy worthy of study by anyone interested in the history of these modes of inquiry in American religious thought.
What matters is a lively dialogue among the branches of theology, with full appreciation for the practical interest that governs them all.
The second part of my problem with dialogue tactics that play down the Jesus factor is that - surprisingly - it is just this factor that the non-Christian participants often seem most interested in and most eager to discuss.
«In traditional thought and literature, there has been virtually no interest in foreign countries, societies, cultures or religions... India has not reached out for the west; it has not actively prepared the encounter and «dialogue» with Christian - European, or any other foreign countries» (Halbfass, 1988: 195).2 This self - contented and self - contained trend however underwent change in the early nineteenth century Three factors contributed to the new posture of «modern» Hinduism.
You will look long, hard, and futilely to find in His Holiness any serious analysis of the Pope's ground - breaking nuptial theology of the human body, or his emerging feminism, or his intense ecumenical outreach to Orthodoxy and the Reformation churches, or his commitment to a theological dialogue with Judaism unprecedented in nearly two thousand years, or his refocusing of Catholic social doctrine, or his passionate interest in the universality of sanctity in the Church, or his dialogue with atheist and agnostic philosophers and scientists, or his commitment to the «method of persuasion» in a revitalized Catholic evangelism, or his millennial sensibility.
But before engaging in serious dialogue with others, we must first reevaluate our interests and ideas among ourselves.
Therefore, if this book is to be anything more than information on interesting occurrences in the past, more than a walk through a museum of antiquities, if it is really to lead to our seeing Jesus as a part of the history in which we have our being, or in which by critical conflict we achieve being, then this book must be in the nature of a continuous dialogue with history.
The mission of the Sports & Society Program is to convene leaders, foster dialogue, and inspire solutions that help sport serve the public interest, with a focus on the development of healthy children and communities.
Find other parents in your school or community with similar interests and begin the dialogue
The relationship and dialogue I have with people interested in buying or commissioning my jewellery is incredibly important to me, as I want them to have jewellery that's comfortable to wear and that they really love.
The relationship and dialogue I have with people interested in buying or commissioning my jewellery is incredibly important to me.
We are always looking for ways to engage in meaningful dialogue with consumers and others interested in Nestlé.
And now I'll go back to my previously scheduled programming of dealing only with people who are actually interested in engaging in dialogue.
«This new initiative is intended to encourage meaningful dialogue with all interested parties concerned with infant feeding and nutrition, the encouragement of breast - feeding and the promotion of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast - milk Substitutes.»
The CIP includes action areas for Member States, WHO and other actors and recommends «to create a supportive environment for the implementation of comprehensive food and nutrition policies» and calls for Member States to «establish a dialogue with relevant national and international parties and form alliances and partnerships to expand nutrition actions with the establishment of adequate mechanisms to safeguard against potential conflicts of interest».
«Meanwhile, we wish to appeal to the Pan Niger Delta Congress to work with PANDEF for the interest of the Niger Delta region, and we want to assure all the indigenes of Niger Delta and the general public that while we await the outcome of the dialogue between PANDEF and the Nigerian government, we shall not fail to respond to any issue that may threaten the collective well - being of the Niger Delta people.»
It will be interesting to see how much Schneiderman's new job, which brings with it the potential to greatly increase his national profile, affects the dialogue at the top level of state politics in New York.
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