Sentences with phrase «interesting discussion point»

Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing on the crowded App Store is an interesting discussion point: Indie game fans would probably buy the game on the names of Saltsman and Wohlwend alone, but is the average player invited by stand - out style and mystery, or do they avoid it in favor of a sure bet?
I know a lot of fans though were disheartened by the stronger focus on character relations, marriages, and simpler gameplay modes (such as casual mode with no perma - death) to bring in new fans, which brings us to a very interesting discussion point about the next installment in the franchise.
The September and October guided park walks highlighted below offer visitors varied terrain, great scenery, interesting discussion points, and different levels of walking (1 sneaker is easy, 2 sneaker is moderate, 3 sneaker is strenuous):
The walks highlighted below offer varied terrain, great scenery, interesting discussion points, and different levels of walking (1 sneaker is easy, 2 sneaker is moderate, 3 sneaker is strenuous).
I went on to extend it by using one of the variables above and number of siblings, this can often bring out some interesting discussion points, although these days perhaps it should be friends on Facebook.
When he sticks to the knitting, he provides lively reading and interesting discussion points — as with posts on guerilla marketing for law firms, use of RSS feeds, and sponsoring web sites.

Not exact matches

A point germane to the discussion may be interesting and even worth saying... but it's not essential.
Focus your discussion on client pain points, procedural advantages and timely topics of interest.
One of the interesting discussions the community pointed out is what if you are an excellent stock picker or join an incredibly successful startup.
A whole discussion can be had about the effect of the Bitcoin network and value on the interest and price of alternative cryptocurrencies, but the point is that for the purpose of privacy it can be relatively easy and cheap to move into Monero and back out in Bitcoin, or at some exchanges, directly into cash.
A final interesting point from our discussion was that Mark thought that investors were overly pre-occupied with default rates.
And to get back to my original point Georges» is interesting for his science... everything else you have brought into this discussion is an effort to distract from the point.
There is an interesting contrast that sometimes develops in relations between at least some men and some women, although the point under discussion does not depend on the stereotyping of either men or women.
Nearly everyone, I have found, is interested in the dramatic story of AA, and this is a natural point of departure for a discussion of alcoholism.
Those whose interest in the religions of Asia has been aroused to the point that they want to consider some of the comparative problems raised by the study of religions other than one's own will find thoughtful and searching discussions in two books recently published: World Religions and World Community, by Robert Lawson Slater, and The Meaning and End of Religion, by Wilfred Cantwell Smith.
Our interest at this point is in the teaching of Jesus concerning the future, so we shall limit our discussion to the so - called «apocalyptic» Son of man sayings, the core of which may be regarded as being found in Mark 8.38; 13.26; 14.62; Luke 12.8 f.par.; 11.30; 17.24 par.; 17.26 f par.
I felt the discussion was constructive and you offered an interesting point of view as someone trained in psychology.
If others are interested in reading her discussion of this point, it's in the section «Strengths and limitations of this study» starting in the 4th paragraph, including:
The Committee on Drugs therefore has not placed nicotine (and thus smoking) in any of the Tables but hopes that the interest in breastfeeding by a smoking woman will serve as a point of discussion about smoking cessation between the pediatrician and the prospective lactating woman or nursing mother.
But the book is more than just a collection of interesting photos; rather, author Andrea Curtis uses school food as a starting point for age - appropriate discussions of larger societal issues like poverty and the environment.
I think if one takes these two observations as starting points for a discussion they are thought provoking, depending of course on your interests.
REPUBLICANS TRY TO TURN THE TABLES: «It's pretty clear to me, at least at this point, that neither the Senate Democratic Majority nor the president of the United States have any interest whatsoever in entering into any discussions about how to resolve this impasse,» said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Repetition of talking points passes for political discussion, and serious interest in issues and options is treated as the idiosyncrasy of wonks.
This isn't in contrast to the discussion above, which notes that Matthew and Weaver make an interesting point — if we want to talk about «true» climate inertia, we should set our future emissions to zero and see how the system responds.
Further discussion about sensitivity in a response to several interesting points made by Tom Rees...
Re: 98 Satellite data: Some weeks ago I had a discussion with my American «Deny - aleban» nephew about global warming, and I came across some points of interest, which I think somebody should take a closer look into: I wrote this to him: and the point of interest starts at page 6, where I write about the 98 - thing.
That I've done a little work, though, has become interesting fodder to share to readers... and is a great jumping off point for discussion.
In this point of life, you like to moan about things like the traffic, a delayed order or an unfit parking lot, but your date can be more interesting if you try to avoid such boring discussions.
At that point, Arthur engages the class in a discussion about how trading would make the game more fun and interesting, and then introduces that option.
For those of you interested in just the email exchanges, as a follow - up to my previous post here, I've pasted the highlights of the conversation for you all below... with compliments to Valerie for including what she viewed as the key points for discussion / thought.
This could be a good choice for a book group because there are several points of contention that might make for an interesting discussion.
One point of interest in the on - going discussions of the future of digital textbooks for all academic levels is that the publishers seem to be entirely on board.
The discussion turned into one a number of people were interested in — in fact, one of the participants asked Sarah if MGC could do a post on KDP Select and Kindle Unlimited from an author's point of view.
Many of you probably have more experience with online e-book sales, but I thought these points were interesting nuts and bolts kind of discussion items.
If you are writing a term paper on literary text, you should dissect the text and find interesting points for discussion.
Mark compares things to TV, and I agree it provides an interesting point of discussion, but a single 30 page comic provides MUCH less story than a 60 minute TV show.
A great discussion, and I thank you for bringing up these very interesting points!
I'm glad we could have this discussion on Horizon zero dawn, and you've given me some interesting points to think about.
I have a huge number of hours logged into the game already but there are some plot points and design choices that I would be interested to see some discussion on.
Participants represent a mix of AAA / indie / mobile / education sectors and provides interesting starting points of discussion, applying their target audience's perspective as well as their experiences within the industry as we know it.»
It was really feminism that elongated, expanded, or ruptured institutional critique — that's the point at which I became deeply interested and invested, because the possibility of a queer subject also became relevant within this discussion.
He criticizes the spinelessness of those who should actually be watching over institutions: «Lacking an interest in art and with no culture of discussion, they hide behind external aspects of the museum and withdraw to a position of delighting in the exercise of administrative control — to the point of calling in the public prosecutor's office when, to put it bluntly, something is not to their liking.»
As well as being a turning point in the discussion of art from Asia in America, it reflected the growing commercial interest in the region.
[Response: This is an interesting point, which deserves better discussion that I can do.
One interesting point relevant to policy about bets focused on global average temperature (GAT)-- it appears from this discussion that there is unanimous agreement among those who disagree on what future GAT will be that there is no need to discount for policy interventions.
Further discussion about sensitivity in a response to several interesting points made by Tom Rees...
If the only conclusion drawn from my argumentation is that every event is natural, that's OK, but my linky and larger point was that there is a larger discussion over the environment as a «thing», a distinction which allows the environment to be devalued (and allows the environmental movement to be seen as a special interest).
Whether that's the case with most shiitake operations would be an interesting point of discussion.
Thank you for your reply but I don't see how that fits in to the discussion as to whether the scientists can not be trusted because they have a vested interest in getting more research grants (which is the point I was responding to above
referring to your analogy of hockey lines and your interests being akin to the third line of the discussion, I can see why you are making the points above.
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