Sentences with phrase «interesting legal issues»

It raises interesting legal issues in the context of litigation where the possibility of local prejudice makes the right of removal to federal court extremely important.
The best presentation was actually about cannabis, which is a fast - growing retail industry with very interesting legal issues.
I think we are going to see over the next while some interesting technical developments with some equally interesting legal issues to ponder around big data and wearable computing.
Aside from the technology aspects of web 2.0, there are also interesting legal issues related to blogging (a web 2.0 technology) and disintermediation consequences to the application of web 2.0 technologies to the legal profession — sometimes wrapped - up in the term «law 2.0».
«We'll see how that goes, lot's of interesting legal issues there.»
Chloe Bell, currently assistant to Lord Mance, said: «It is a real privilege to have the opportunity to engage with Supreme Court Justices on some of the most interesting legal issues in the country and to learn from the advocates involved in them.»
«Don stepped in to mediate a case with interesting legal issues and emotionally charged parties.
This raises several interesting legal issues, and perhaps most importantly: is a ruling by a group of anonymous jurors assembled online to rule on the disputed outcome of a smart contract, legally compliant and legally binding?
The damage to such a unique work of art, in circumstances where a contract for the sale of the item had been agreed, throws up interesting legal issues of contract law, in particular whether or not, as a result of the accident, the contract had become discharged.
Couple this with a society that is largely clueless, or perhaps apathetic, about what they're sharing online, and we have a recipe for a lot very interesting legal issues relating to privacy and various constitutional rights.
The CLE provided no magic bullet or easy catch - all answer, but the speakers — Micah Buchdahl, Michael P. Downey, and Scott G. Wolfe, Jr. — did raise interesting legal issues and some controversial points surrounding lawyers blogging, tweeting, facebooking and connecting on LinkedIn.
In adopting this deferential approach, the Court had to deal with some interesting legal issues relating to the free movement of goods, in particular:
THR, Esq. believes this is an interesting legal issue, as the the divorce agreement doesn't define what «spinoff» means.
The apparent manner of Claiborne's death will also raise some interesting legal issues.
An interesting legal issue is how the court dealt with statutory language permitting the Minister to veto.
CBC News reported this week that a 38 - year old Jamaican woman is seeking to stop the adoption of her son by a B.C. family, a case that is raising some interesting legal issues.
And of course, blockchain tech is the basis of nearly all cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether, which is giving rise to some interesting legal issues in itself.
You know you are a nerd when you are avidly googling the name of the author of a series of erotic novels all of which feature the word «cocky» in their titles because of the interesting legal issues the «Cockygate scandal» has brought up.
In the process, Justice Ikola, writing for a 3 - 0 panel of our local Court of Appeal, faced some interesting legal issues relating to fee entitlement under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) or the «tort of another» doctrine.
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