Sentences with phrase «interesting pieces of legislation»

I decided to take a look and see what lesser known but nonetheless, interesting pieces of legislation are in the works.
The Tomb proposed several interesting pieces of legislation to avoid this.
«We had a very interesting piece of legislation in our Ag Committee meeting that would change the name of the veterinary technician to veterinary nurse.

Not exact matches

Again, the issue of deficit reduction is unlikely to register very much in the debate about whether or not it is appropriate to require women to register for the draft — but it makes for an interesting example of just how far the unintended consequences of a piece of legislation can reach.
As a result of this multifaceted piece of legislation, most of the tax - related benefits associated with mortgage interest deductions will be concentrated within the upper - income brackets.
He back channeled with those interests over critical pieces of legislation like the rent protections and 421 - a while claiming publicly to be 100 % pro-tenant.
You can hand someone a $ 2,000 contribution on the street and then walk into their office and say let's talk about a piece of legislation I'm interested in.
According to an analysis by the New York Public Interest Research Group, the 2012 session resulted in 571 pieces of legislation approved by both houses of the New York state legislature.
According to an analysis by the New York Public Interest Research Group, the 2012 session resulted in 571 pieces of legislation approved by both houses of the legislature.
«Because of deliberate, thoughtful, and at times hard - nosed negotiations, we now have a piece of legislation that balances the interests of workers, small business owners, and local mom and pop proprietors across this city.»
He also said: «Interesting ideas or controversial pieces of legislation have always come to Albany to die.
There are some parts that are controversial and, as with any large piece of legislation, some provision that benefit this interest or that have been worked in (the changes to drug approval at the FDA will likely benefit Big Pharma).
This piece of legislation has been amended to ensure protection of national interest.
Democrat Beto O'Rourke cosponsored several pieces of legislation that stipulated protections for the Pell Grant program, an attempted extension of the fixed interest rate in 2013, and federal student loan refinancing.
She has supported several pieces of legislation that called for low interest rates, Pell Grant expansion, federal student loan refinancing, as well as student loan forgiveness.
All pieces of legislation push reform, lower interest rates, better college access, and affordability.
He has cosponsored several pieces of student loan refinancing, forgiveness, and interest rate legislation; it is safe to say that Rep. Conyers has college affordability on his agenda.
In the late 1990's, Wallace and other activists led a resistance movement against a vigorous campaign by business interests to curtail the national Resource Management Act, a piece of legislation that provided important protection for natural resources.
Photo: Flickr, CC Well, a Win is a Win The government of British Columbia is introducing a new anti-deforestation piece of legislation, and at first glance it's very interesting, but
Both pieces of legislation dictate that the determination of custody and access of the children following a separation or divorce will be based upon the best interests of the child in the circumstances.
Apart from the usual posts observing developments in the case law and new legislation, in these posts a contributor will briefly present one piece of reading (book, article, SSRN paper, blog post etc.) which he or she found of particular interest and then set out why he or she considers this reading could also be of interest for others, be they specialized in the particular domain or as a generally well - drafted, thought provoking contribution to EU law.
On August 6, 2014 the Governor of Puerto Rico signed yet another piece of legislation that affects the interests of employers in the Island.
Despite regular review, it has been consistently considered to be, overall, a good piece of legislation that strikes an appropriate balance between all interest groups.
Simply posting the link to a news article, an interesting case, an article written by another lawyer, or a new regulation or piece of legislation along with a few words describing why the news is important will help establish you as a resource in your field.
Two new pieces of legislation have recently been introduced in the Ontario Legislature that will be of interest to employers in Ontario.
Leahy introduced that horrendous piece of legislation, throwing the public interest under the bus in favor of moneyed interests.
The most disadvantaged Australians, many of whom may not speak English as a first language, have to contend with one of the most complex pieces of legislation in Australia to gain legal recognition of their native title rights and interests.
It is interesting to note, with these observations in mind that land rights legislation in Australia for example the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) is clearly an advanced piece of legislation, because it provides for:
Federal and state parliaments around Australia have enacted more than twenty separate pieces of legislation to provide or recognise Indigenous interests in land.
It seems to me that this piece of short - sighted legislation is setting up a registrant to violate a fundamental tenet of REBBA — acting in the best interests of their Buyer client — by knowingly allowing their Buyer client to provide a deposit that could be held back by a disgruntled Seller for a long period of time.
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