Sentences with phrase «interesting than my degree»

I found the LPC far more interesting than my degree and following my training contract at a reputable regional firm I took a corporate role at a boutique commercial firm in West Sussex called Paul Davidson Taylor, before joining my cousin Guy at Setfords Solicitors in 2009 as a partner.

Not exact matches

Seeking entry into this field at mid-life meant competing with established professionals or those much younger than me, many holding a degree in journalism or another directly related course of study, an experience - rich resume to support their interest, and the freedom to work long hours in an office away from home.
«The economy has never been as levered as it currently is, and the economy is far more interest sensitive than it has been in the past, to a degree that we don't have certainty over how each interest rate hike is going to affect Canadian consumers,» said Frances Donald, senior economist at Manulife Asset Management, by phone from Toronto.
In the recent advancing half - cycle, the speculation intentionally provoked by zero - interest rate policy forced us to elevate the priority of market internals to a far greater degree than was required during the tech and mortgage bubbles.
So if you have a long - term goal such as saving for college expenses, perhaps an advanced degree or even something personal like a family reunion or wedding, opening an account and stashing money in it will earn you more than having it sit in a non interest yielding place.
The explosion in information, the need for increasingly specialized skills to acquire or understand that information, and the resulting emergence of a professionalized faculty more interested in their narrow research programs than the general education of students: these have led, the canonicists argue, to a dangerous «dispersal of authority,» to a «loss of integrity in the bachelor's degree» (ICC; TM).
The distinction corresponds to some degree to that between soul and body Agape is disinterested and impartial, without regard to persons, while eros is interested love, concerned with this person rather than that and desirous of the body of the other.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
A legal system is generalized, Parsons says, to the degree it is «an integrated system of universalistic norms, applicable to the society as a whole rather than to a few functional or segmental sectors, highly generalized in terms of principles and standards, and relatively independent of both the religious agencies that legitimize the normative order of the society and vested interest groups in the operative sector, particularly in government.
But two interesting factoids from Cook's Illustrated: oil makes for crispier waffles than butter; and resting the waffles for 10 minutes in a 250 degree oven makes them crispier.
Here's the rundown if you are interested: - outdated baking soda - overmixing the batter hinders rising and can cause sinking - if the batter stands too long before baking, it will sink in the middle - if your oven is too warm it can cause sinking: breads should not be baked at more than 350 degrees - too small of baking pan can cause the bread to sink in the middle - too much wet ingredients in the recipe or not measuring accurately can cause sinking
I'm really happy to share your story here, and in doing a little research it was interesting to find that more people than you'd think have varying degrees of food aversions and phobias.
During the battle for healthcare reform, for instance, reformers were able to pass legislation only with a relatively high degree of cooperation from powerful vested interests, and the reform itself amounted to a reorganization of existing submerged policies rather than their elimination.
And then there's a degree of Cuomo fatigue, evident from recent polling that shows the governor's favorability at one of the lowest points in the seven years he has held his seat and voters more interested in «someone else» than reelecting Cuomo.
I thought the closing session was very interesting, but I also thought that the scientists who spoke were clearer than the broader scientific community on things like the consensus on a 2 degree target.
• Cover letter describing why you are interested in the field / project described in the advertisement and what makes you suitable for the project in question • CV — degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects / theses • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files) • Letters of recommendation (no more than 6 files) • Degree projects / theses (no more than 6 fdegree projects / theses • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files) • Letters of recommendation (no more than 6 files) • Degree projects / theses (no more than 6 fDegree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files) • Letters of recommendation (no more than 6 files) • Degree projects / theses (no more than 6 fDegree projects / theses (no more than 6 files).
It is interesting that the non-significant EMG amplitude changes after isotonic training follow a U-shaped curve, but only contribute to greater torque increases than the middle range of motion at short muscle lengths (30 degrees).
An interesting note was that one of my Ph.D. professors was also a woman and she commented that women who obtain a Ph.D. had a much harder time of ever finding a mate than someone with a lesser degree.
There is possibly no other strategy obtainable to single Christians, that provides a greater degree of excitement, entertaining, and productive final results for meeting other males and women that feel the same way you do about your faith as well as other interests than free Christian online dating sites.
It does become more exciting than Divergent, and the action revs up to a degree where I think it's possible Allegiant might become genuinely interesting.
Other than a token fealty to the variable degrees by which characters» actions are governed by some sense of human connection instead of purely self - interest, Predators doesn't offer up much in the way of subtext or nuance.
Whether or not girls in single - sex schools are more likely to pursue science degrees or political careers, whether or not boys in single - sex schools are more likely to write poetry or pay attention in class, single - sex schools can allow educators to address the particular interests, strengths, learning styles, and developmental stages of a single sex while allowing boys and girls to concentrate on something other than the opposite sex — at least for a few brief hours each day.
Most of the students who register for MOOCs already have a college degree, are employed, and more interested in earning job skills than college credit.
While it is more selective than some other Arkansas schools with education degree programs, with only a 70 % acceptance rate, it provides high quality teacher education for students interested in teaching in Arkansas.
A. I had a degree in journalism and worked on newspapers long enough to discover I was more interested in people's interior lives, especially their motivations, than I was in the everyday news.
The average student loan debt resulting from a four year degree program is over $ 26,000, and a student could end up paying more than $ 10,000 in interest before the loan is repaid.
However he never tried raising interest rates to a significantly greater degree than had previously been done, to see what would happen.
Typically, the interest rate for an undergrad degree is slightly higher than for a graduate degree.
Because of this unique degree of safety, interest rates are generally lower for this class of secruities than for other widely traded debt, riskier debt securities such as corporate bonds.
However, thanks to eight years of record low interest rates many of the best high dividend stocks (including utilities) are trading at unappealing valuations that can make for a higher degree of risk than many investors realize.
Arwings in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Yoshi Eggs and Blarggs in Super Mario 64, a whole train system that never got used in Super Mario Sunshine... to some degree it seems like the beta versions of the games are more interesting in terms of content and game mechanics than the ones we actually got to play!
Hi Cory I find this a very interesting piece but I am not a youngster who has just passed a degree course I am a 60 year old who has just been disabled out of work and who has drawn, doodled or painted all of my life, I come from a family of 12 so we didn't get a chance to go to college I left school at 14 with nothing more than a second place in an art competition and every time I tried to take a course in art at night school my work hours would change usually just after I had handed over my # 100 or so.
The show, which had attracted more than 70,000 visitors, «had stirred the art interest of the metropolis, and indirectly and reflectively that of the country, to an unexpected degree
Seems to me in hindsight that some prominent properties of current sceptics include — worked many years evaluating technical reports, commonly to approve or reject budget requests from others — many from industry or military rather than academia — careers that promote you for delivering the goods, like making profit — worked in positions requiring accountability — often with a degree in humanities as well as science / engineering, allowing interest in social conduct — education more often degrees short of PhD — old enough to have gained some wisdom — realistic about the horror of climategate and its whitewashes — appreciative of the rigour and good spirit of Climate Audit
In support of # 2, When you pull up the plots for cities, rather than stations, you get a plot of number of stations by year by distance away (50 km, 200 km, 500 km, 1000 km, 1500 km, 2000 km) I am quite interested in how many stations are within 50 km (about 1/2 of a degree).
The research on AGW is ultimately interested in the situations where the temperature has risen close to 2 degrees or more, or on the risk that it will rise significantly more than 2 degrees.
It is interesting that this warming rate is considerably less than the average warming rate without correcting for autocorrelation (1.7817 degrees Celsius per century).
Climate and obscure arguments about whether some global temperature will be few degrees more or less than some magical value in one or two centuries is without any interest for virtually everybody.
We are also seeing another interesting phenomenon: Major cities, like Hamburg, Berlin and Munich, have formed heat islands where the climate has been two or three degrees warmer than in the surrounding countryside for decades.
The state's high court, applying choice of law principles, reasoned that the failure to apply California law would «impair California's interest in protecting the degree of privacy afforded to California residents by California law more severely than the application of California law would impair any interests of the State of Georgia.»
This can be a frustrating disconnect: the lawyers I meet invariably are interesting, insightful, and well - rounded, yet their online bios are often stiff, stilted, and one - dimensional, providing readers with trivia such as year of call and source of law degree rather than information that clients can really use.
Olswang partner, Dan Tench, who acted for the newspapers, says: «The judge noted that the public interest in judicial review proceedings was if anything greater than that in private law proceedings and that there was no good reason to deny the same degree of public access to the key court documents.»
If you don't yet know what kind of lawyer you want to be, you can still go to a general - interest law school — but you'll be at a competitive disadvantage if you eventually want to focus in any area where specialized law degrees are available, and there'll be more than a few.
Often I tried to encourage the most obvious of these to pursue a degree in a subject that really interested them (short conversion courses covering the core legal principles are available to non-law graduates who want to enter the vocational training stage), rather than waste their and my time on an endeavour that didn't fully engage them.
On the other hand, if you have shortened your resume to the most recent 10, 15, or 20 years, and your most recent degree was earned earlier than a year or two before that cut off point, it is probably in your best interest to leave the dates off the resume.
Employers are more interested in your achievements rather than your degree.
During the time I pursued my degree in computer sciences, I was always more interested in interactive website development than anything else.
Hiring managers will be more interested in your work history and your accomplishments in your career than in your degree.
The differential degree to which types of similarity were perceived could be due to actual differences in similarity across these dimensions, but also could have occurred to the degree that it is easier to project certain attributes (activity interests, attitudes) than others (e.g., background characteristics, physical attributes) onto a partner.
Sellers can offer these Buyer Agent Realtors whatever percent commission they desire, but owners should consider that offering less than the traditional 3 % could affect these Buyers Agent Realtors «degree» of interest in showing your property to their customers.
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