Sentences with phrase «interesting than stories»

The stories of people are inherently more interesting than stories of products and services.
A story about «traditional» dating gone wrong is far less interesting than a story of internet dating gone wrong (even though one is no more dangerous than the other).
The unseen events bookending Easy Rawlins» (Denzel Washington) transition from disaffected war veteran to private investigator - namely his former criminal escapades with a trigger - happy associate in Texas (Don Cheadle) versus his further adventures as a fully - fledged gumshoe - unfortunately sound a lot more interesting than the story we are being told, making this feel like a sequel to, or a two - hour trailer for, an even better film.
How Lynne Ramsay tells the story of a PTSD - scarred private eye (Joaquin Phoenix) tends to be more interesting than the story itself
Later, Henry wonders if there is «anything more interesting than the story of a man and a woman coming together out of nowhere» [p. 38].
My approach goes beyond straightforward talk therapy because I believe the storyteller is sometimes more interesting than the story.

Not exact matches

They're much more interested in speaking with a founder than a PR firm, because they want to hear your story just as much as they want to hear about your actual startup.
But, as is often the case, my interview with Sam Yagan, OkCupid's co-founder and CEO, had more interesting tidbits than I could fit into the story.
As behavioral psychologist Susan Weinschenk explained on her blog recently (via a great personal story, of course), by putting us in their protagonists» shoes, stories manage to engage more of the brain than straight recitations of facts or dry arguments, leading to more arousal and interest.
This is simply no different than curating on Pinterest, tweeting interesting stories, editing on Wikipedia or blogging.
PR can generate interest primarily because of the medium: News stories by their very nature are more credible than advertisements.
those bringing in less than $ 5m a year in new bookings and those bringing in more an interesting story emerged:
Our recoveries have become more L - shaped than V - shaped, an interesting change that's a story for another day.
I think gossip are more true than the traditional news you get, because the story that really happened and the story behind the story are more interesting than the official version.
Thus my assertion at the top, that the story of how Microsoft came to accept the reality of Windows» decline is more interesting than the fact of Windows» decline; this is how CEO Satya Nadella convinced the company to accept the obvious.
Why: Facebook wants to make its Stories more interesting than Snapchat's.
Long story short; banks are faster to increase interest rates on mortgages rather than paying higher yield on deposits.
It doesn't take more than a passing glance at a business publication or televised market update to know that one of the top business stories is the current low interest rate regime.
The story behind Noah is threatening to become more interesting than the movie itself, as Darren Aronofksy's $ 125 million epic seems to be baffling test audiences.
And yet Peggy's preamble to her Burger Chef pitch contained this admission against interest, in reference to the moon landing broadcast: «I certainly can't tell a better story than the one we saw [on television] last night.
Far more interesting, to me, than scripture's historicity (or lack thereof) is the way we interact with scripture devotionally, and what our continued attachment to this story can teach us.
Few things are more fundamental to societal interest and parental desire than the hope for children and grandchildren, for successor generations that will carry on our communal stories.
Stories have come out recently about young girls who rebel and seek approval from someone other than their parents, only to be duped into believing an older man is interested in them.
Other than the Air India case, there hasn't been a large - scale attack on Canada so the media moves on to a better «story» to get ratings and the public loses interest Canada is very different as well than the US.
Sermons that move inductively sustaining interest and engaging the listener, do not have points any more than a narrative, a story, a parable, or even a joke has points.
Whatever experiences led to his impressive knowledge of Scripture and human nature are no doubt interesting, but Thomas comes to us as one with a message infinitely more important than his own story.
is far more interesting in its own context than as a standalone story.
Or perhaps the prevalence of these stories attests to Milton's conviction that sin is more interesting than virtue.
We tend to concur in the wise comment that «if the author had an ulterior motive, he concealed it more successfully than is common to story - tellers who write with a purpose»; and, from another source, that the writer «set out to tell an interesting tale of long ago, and he carried out his purpose with notable success.»
Certainly few stories are more calculated to hold the interest of boys and girls than those of this Hebrew strong man who, though singularly lacking in desirable moral and spiritual qualities, is a most excellent example of what not to be — selfish, wilful, lustful, proud, lacking in loyalty, weak in self - control.
We know «The Most Interesting Man in the World» will continue to endure and grow, as the character's story is bigger than one individual,» said Andrew Katz, VP of Marketing for Dos Equis.
I am liking these Lacazette stories, though I believe that more than anything else, it is just another media hoax - considering the fact that no «credible source» has been reporting on our supposed interest in the player so far.
«Snake probably kept me from getting a B rather than a C a few times because it was a lot more interesting to listen to his stories than study,» Morgan, who today is the chief executive officer of the Mississippi Department of Revenue, said.
So, these stories of bids and rejections and improved bids are unlikely to be true — it is more than likely a club has to register an interest in a player they want to buy, and wait to see if his club makes its mind up to sell — and letting the other clubs and the player's agent know, and then sit back and await the club who are prepared to match their transfer valuation and meet the player's personal terms, while they go through the same process to recruit a replacement.
I'd like to hear more stories about different versions of success than work for YOUR teens and young adults with THEIR own unique interests, learning styles, and strengths.
Or maybe most news outlets are more interested in getting a «story» than getting a real story.
I'm really happy to share your story here, and in doing a little research it was interesting to find that more people than you'd think have varying degrees of food aversions and phobias.
If your baby seems more interested in chewing on the felt pieces than in listening to your story, save the board for another time.
Chartock had asked Cuomo to respond to a recent Times story that more than half of the estimated $ 7.1 million his campaign has accepted from PACs, LLCs, associations and other entities has come from big - moneyed special interests in Albany, including the health care industry, labor and real estate developers.
The interesting thing is, I've become more intrigued by the stories themselves than by their...
I suspect that people who are particularly attuned to this kind of story, or who think of women as a special interest group with their own «issues», are less likely to be open to a party that prefers to think of people as individuals rather than in categories.
However, in order to be taken as a serious government - in - waiting, politics has to come first and I was somewhat concerned recently to hear the following story about a member of the shadow cabinet: he had apparently already told David Cameron that he didn't want a higher profile post than that which he currently holds in advance of the general election, because he didn't want to give up other interests on account of time commitments or potential conflicts of interest involved in a different post.
It's easier, in some ways, than Albany where you're dealing with a lot of different interests,» Klein said in between bites of his chicken Caesar hero at the Italian restaurant just around the corner from his two - story, brick house in the Italian - dominated neighborhood of Morris Park.
There's nothing more scientifically interesting about the house smashers than any other pieces of meteorite, but their value rises when there's a good story attached.
The latest molecular analyses and fossil finds suggest that the story of human evolution is far more complex — and more interestingthan anyone imagined
Although they represent the advertiser's interests, they're displayed as actual stories or videos rather than splashy ads, so they pass through ad blockers.
Since the theory was first suggested more than 55 years ago, huge advances have been made in the study of human evolution and our story is much more interesting and complicated than suggested by the catch - all aquatic ape hypothesis.
But they all start somewhere, and in some cases, the origin stories are even more interesting than the legends themselves.
But here's where things get really interesting: Those stories aren't necessarily the truth, and those emotions are often nothing more than habit.
I'm a little more than a year late in reporting on this paper, but I just stumbled across it while researching another story, and thought it was interesting.
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