Sentences with phrase «interests of the buyer»

By eliminating seller paid financial incentives we aim to align the financial interests of the buyer and the buyer agent.
Trulia's market mismatch score measures the search interest of buyers against the category of homes that are available on the market.
Trulia's market mismatch score measures the search interest of buyers against the category of homes that are available on the market.
Establishing potentially unique value early on is in the mutual interest of buyers and sellers.
To accommodate the growing interest of buyers and provide the greatest return on investment, activities and special events are scheduled to take place each day of the 2017 SEMA Show, Oct. 31 - Nov.
The concentrated interests of issuers in a rating trumps the diffuse interests of buyers.
Address difficulties (e.g., dealing with conflicting interests of buyers and sellers) and arrive at plausible, practical solutions
We believe that when a seller broker pays a bonus to the buyer broker that completely miss - aligns the financial interests of the buyer broker and creates an insurmountable financial conflict of interest.
Knowledgeable, ethical Realtors should always have the best interests of their buyer clients at heart, and therefore should always recommend inspections of the various mechanical and structural systems of the property by qualified, recommended experts in their fields, just as a prudent used car buyer would arrange to have the car of his / her choice inspected by a well - known auto - mechanic, PRIOR TO handing over a deposit.
It seems to me that this piece of short - sighted legislation is setting up a registrant to violate a fundamental tenet of REBBA — acting in the best interests of their Buyer client — by knowingly allowing their Buyer client to provide a deposit that could be held back by a disgruntled Seller for a long period of time.
The fiduciarily correct manner by which to deal with a home inspection report, when acting as a buyer agent, is to use the contents of said report for the best possible outcome re the financial interests of the buyer... period.
And it will capture the interest of your buyer before they are even ready to contact sales.
Given the general oversupply, however, the trend towards higher and more premium priced programs has piqued the interest of buyers seeking to exploit the trend.
Nissan has been adopting the policy of introducing some engine tweaks and visual changes to its GT - R every year which has been kind of success and has hold the interest of the buyers in this mean machine.
This may well be enough to put the MAzda6 back into the interest of buyers, as the last - gen model was an afterthought to most buyer, with exception to the Mazda nuts.
What seems to have piqued the interest of the buyers even more is the entire stock of the white version of the mini iPad (including all of the internal storage options) vanished in just minutes.
Because a buyer's agent routinely analyzes market data to promote the best interests of the buyer, as a buyer without an agent, you must research comparable sales to avoid overpaying or running into appraisal problems.
They tend to earn more from securities that are less in the interest of buyers.
Your have your home inspector who looks out for the interest of the buyer and the lender by creating a pre purchase list of problems with the home.
But even if we're not headed for an implosion, pundits generally agree we're returning to a balanced market in which the interests of buyers and sellers are aligning — especially in Toronto and Vancouver where homes cost 4.3 to 7.1 times the average family income, respectively.
In an agreed statement of facts submitted to the discipline panel, she admitted acting unprofessionally by failing to verify that the SPIS was accurate, and failing to promote and protect the best interests of the buyer.
Some standard real estate contracts are missing the important contingency clauses needed to protect the interests of the buyer or seller.
They represent the interests of the buyer and will listen to your needs and scour their wide pool of insurers.
• Act in the interest of buyers or sellers of real estate, including negotiating contracts and completing purchase paperwork.
It would seem that the interests of your buyer client and the interests of the seller under these circumstances require you to deliver the counteroffer.
I agree with @Fred Heller listing agents are there to market properties for their clients and protect their interests, not the interests of buyers.
By teaming up with a loan officer immediately, you'll not only serve the best interests of buyers but also increase the number of people you can help.
The reason we can't call ourselves sales persons is the only thing we sell when we represent a buyer is our services — we can not «sell» a home since we have a fiduciary duty to represent the best interests of the buyer — even if that means trying to talk them out of buying a home.
Beginning in the late 1980s, groups, including NAR, state and local associations, and consumer advocates, started examining how the interests of buyers were being represented under the traditional agency / subagency model.
The Montana Supreme Court decided that although the state's license law didn't specifically forbid representing two buyers, it did state that a buyer's representative must «act solely in the interests of the buyer
For each, we've provided the positions and interests of both buyer and seller and offered some possible solutions.
«Homes with pools can narrow the interest of buyers, particularly when they have young children, says Hannah.
Negative feedback is sometimes used by listing agents that is not in the best interests of the Buyer or Buyer's Agent.
Also, Helmut felt that the septic system repair clause was adequate to protect the interests of the buyer and the seller.
ABR ® — Accredited Buyer's Representative designation, for real estate professionals who represent the interests of buyer - clients
What if some of these home inspectors are more interested in obtaining future referrals than they are in serving the interests of the buyer client?
A Realtor using this system is not able to provide all the relevant information to a buyer and may be leaving himself or herself open to legal action for not acting in the best interest of the buyer.
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