Sentences with phrase «to interfere with breastfeeding»

However, if the mother seems not to produce enough, she can still breastfeed, supplementing with a lactation aid (so that artificial nipples do not interfere with breastfeeding).
For breastfed babies, pacifier use can cause confusion and may interfere with breastfeeding because sucking on the breast and sucking on a pacifier are different.
If you develop pain and infection this can interfere with your breastfeeding relationship and cause health problems for you and baby.
Don't hesitate to take them if you need them, since being in intense pain can unnecessarily interfere with your breastfeeding efforts.
However, keep in mind that if at some point, you decide to have another baby, breast surgery can interfere with breastfeeding in the future.
Too much water can interfere with breastfeeding because it fills baby up so that he nurses less.
According to Very Well, postpartum fatigue can interfere with your breastfeeding relationship and cause your body to produce less milk.
It is perfectly possible for the father to have lots of reasonable, positive contact without interfering with breastfeeding — contact that can increase as the infant grows older and becomes less reliant on the breast until they are old enough for overnights.
Yeast infections can also interfere with the breastfeeding relationship as it can pass back and forth from the mother's nipple to the child.
96 - This is an example of a labial frenum that probably interfered with breastfeeding because it did not allow the upper lip to raise and seal around the breast.
Things were heading down the exact same path with Alex but my husband convinced me to try him with a dummy and we haven't looked back since, he settles himself to sleep, is instantly soothed when he is upset and it hasn't interfered with breastfeeding at all.
There's no evidence that giving formula in the hospital interferes with breastfeeding.
Using a bulb syringe works best for young babies, especially if a stuffy nose interferes with breastfeeding or bottle - feeding.
Breastfeeding jaundice can occur when a newborn does not get a good start on breastfeeding, has an improper latch, or is supplemented with other substitutes which interfere with breastfeeding.
The head of the nursing department should know that pacifiers for newborns interfere with breastfeeding and are against the recommendations of the Israeli Health Ministry and the World Health Organization.
One reason that many pediatricians and breastfeeding experts recommend not, say, introducing a bottle at the VERY outset is that it may lead to something called «nipple confusion,» or basically interfere with breastfeeding being successful.
The mothers who complain about instances of airline employees interfering with their breastfeeding or pumping aren't covering up and going away; they are tweeting out their complaints in 140 characters or less, sometimes in multiple posts, other times taking pictures of longer reports.
Breastfed babies can be quite tough and not having the right pacifier could potentially interfere with the breastfeeding process.
Anything that's going to interfere with her breastfeeding hormones, as well as glandular issues.
To lower the risks of interfering with breastfeeding, the general recommendation is to avoid the periareolar incision (because of the risk for interfering with nipple sensation) and to place the implant under the muscle.
Dr. Hazelbaker discusses the ways in which compromised reflexes interfere with breastfeeding and provides various methods to bring the reflex back to full emergence as a method for supporting optimal breastfeeding.
Consensus by lactation specialists and plastic surgeons nationwide indicate that, generally, breast implants do not interfere with breastfeeding.
Here are some of the most common ways that various birth practices interfere with breastfeeding:
Administering dextrose oral gel though allows for a rapid rise in blood sugar without interfering with breastfeeding.
(Some states could charge her with harassment if she tried to interfere with breastfeeding.)
Not that it interfered with breastfeeding, he just didn't want to have anything to do with a pacifier.
But, giving a bottle in the first few weeks can interfere with breastfeeding.
Conclusion # 6: Tight frenums can interfere with breastfeeding and can cause significant health and dental problems.
The law also applies to anyone that interferes with breastfeeding, including employers.
• Understand how structural issues that interfere with breastfeeding can be relieved through chiropractic cranial work and manual therapies
If a blister forms on your skin, it can be painful and interfere with breastfeeding.
You know those questions that keep you up at night — Will your breast surgery or medication you take or health challenge you have — interfere with breastfeeding?
Postpartum fatigue can interfere with breastfeeding and your breast milk supply.
They can be painful, and they can interfere with breastfeeding.
Pacifiers are another whole topic and can interfere with breastfeeding, this is something for each family to decide individually.
Admittedly, I was worried about it interfering with breastfeeding, as the books and the experts say will happen, but I wasn't in a good position to object.
Although many people do not believe that the early introduction of bottles may interfere with breastfeeding, the early introduction of artificial nipples can indeed interfere.
By quickly taking care of breast problems when they arise, you can prevent them from developing into more complicated issues that can interfere with breastfeeding your baby and your future health.
Many experts believe that using a pacifier may interfere with breastfeeding and they are associated with early weaning.
Thereafter, I insisted only on treatment which would not interfere with breastfeeding.
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