Sentences with phrase «intergalactic gas»

"Intergalactic gas" refers to the gas that exists between galaxies in outer space. It's made up of various elements and can include hydrogen, helium, and other atoms. Full definition
Hubble's spectrographs — partially fulfilling the promise of a large space telescope envisioned by Spitzer all those years ago — were critical in allowing astronomers to map the web - like structure of intergalactic gas in the universe, now termed the «cosmic web.»
But astronomers were not finding the same quantity of 10,000 - degree intergalactic gas in the local universe.
Cannan Huey - You, just 11 years old, impressed professional astronomers in January with his research on a massive intergalactic gas cloud.
Some ghost GRBs also may be so far away that many wavelengths of light emitted by them may become absorbed by intergalactic gas.
The latter are massive groupings of up to a thousand galaxies immersed in hot intergalactic gas.
But intergalactic gas collided and pooled on the trailing ends of each cluster.
In the present Universe, most hydrogen exists as diffuse, ionized intergalactic gas.
The 19 newly - detected halos also revealed another surprise: they consist of relatively cold intergalactic gas — approximately 10,000 degrees Celsius.
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), the largest component of the third Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS - III), pioneered the use of quasars to map density variations in intergalactic gas at high redshifts, tracing the structure of the young universe.
ATA team members have searched for it in four groups of galaxies so far, but have not yet found any new intergalactic gas, deepening the mystery.
Using this technique, a team of astronomers led by Neil Crighton (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy; now at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne) has found the best evidence to date for a flow of pristine intergalactic gas onto a galaxy.
The energetic radiation of the quasar makes the surrounding intergalactic gas glow, revealing the morphology and physical properties of a cosmic web filament.
An even more interesting possibility, however, is that x-ray flashers come from explosions in even more distant regions of the universe, where cosmic expansion since the Big Bang would have shifted emitted gamma rays into the x-ray range and intergalactic gas blocks visible afterglow, as none of these x-ray flashes have been observed to have a detectable, visible - light afterglow.
As this quasar light travels for as long as billions of years through intergalactic space, it passes through filaments of intergalactic gas which absorb certain colors of the light.
Such filaments are thought to permeate the universe and to draw in galaxies and intergalactic gas clouds from less dense regions.
It's also compressing and heating enormous quantities of intergalactic gas.
THE end of the universe's «dark age» was long and drawn out, according to the first direct measurement of the period before the first stars and galaxies heated up intergalactic gas.
The end of the universe's «dark age» was long and drawn out, according to the first direct measurement of the period when the first stars and galaxies heated up intergalactic gas.
If a distant galaxy were made of antimatter, it would constantly be producing gamma - rays as it encountered the matter in the intergalactic gas clouds that exist throughout galaxy clusters.
«Quasars are massive galaxies, and we expect them to be in the denser parts of the universe, where the density of the intergalactic gas should also be higher,» says Font - Ribera.
In addition, near the galaxy cluster center, intergalactic gas is so hot it can not cool to condense and form stars.
«That means it had to be present in the intergalactic gas before the Perseus cluster formed.»
«The combined energy of these cosmic phenomena must have been strong enough to expel most of the metals from the galaxies at early times and to enrich and mix the intergalactic gas,» said co-author and KIPAC graduate student Ondrej Urban.
The gravity of the galaxy clusters also gathers up gas and the gas heats up from the friction of the intergalactic gas particles bumping into each other.
High - velocity clouds are vagabond clumps of intergalactic gas, possibly left over from the formation of the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies.
Hubble, being a space - based observatory with state - of - the - art spectrographs, can search for the missing colors of light absorbed by the intergalactic gas, particularly in the high - energy ultraviolet colors where the hot intergalactic gas does a significant amount of absorption.
Hubble found that much of the intergalactic gas in the distant universe was being heated by stars and regions around supermassive black holes to about 10,000 degrees.
Identifying the colors that are missing, or absorbed, in spectra gives astronomers a great deal of information about the intergalactic gas, including its composition and temperature.
LUVOIR would be able to see more galaxies that are not only farther away but also farther into our galaxy — the Milky Way — including distant stars, exoplanets, intergalactic gas, and the imprints of dark matter.
The spectra also allow astronomers to make estimates of the total amount of matter that exists in the form of intergalactic gas.
Astronomers can use a spectrograph to break up the incoming light into its individual colors and search for the missing colors of light that were absorbed by the intergalactic gas.
It's low metallicity suggests that it is composed of intergalactic gas that is being pulled in gravitationally by the Milky Way's mass as a first - time visitor, as part of the billions - of - years - old formation process of the galaxy.
Measurements of large - scale structure in SDSS maps of galaxies, quasars, and intergalactic gas have become a central pillar of the standard cosmological model that describes our understanding of the history and future of the Universe.
In it, you play this little alien dude who has to man his Intergalactic gas station.
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