Sentences with phrase «intergalactic travel»

Intergalactic travel refers to the idea of traveling between different galaxies in the vast expanse of outer space. It suggests the possibility of exploring and journeying to distant galaxies that are located far beyond our own Milky Way. Full definition
These aliens are smart enough for intergalactic travel but they can't outsmart a bunch of rustlers?
gave us a superhero with a pretty silly mythology — involving intergalactic travel on a rainbow bridge and ice monsters and plenty of familial angst played in cumbersome costumes — surrounding him, but then the film — kind of bravely, in retrospect — practically abandoned the world and exposition it had established, exiled its protagonist from his home world, and removed his superpowers from the equation.
For example, we saw how intergalactic travel becomes much easier once people and other intelligent entities can be transmitted in digital form, potentially making us masters of our own destiny not only in our solar system or Milky Way Galaxy, but also in the cosmos.
Alternate explanations for Captain Marvel's absence could involve the quantum realm or even intergalactic travel — but neither of those are as fun.
Both are physicists, and Pine's character has been missing for four years after discovering Tessering, which essentially is a wrinkling of time and space that allows near - instantaneous intergalactic travel.
And the Space Gem enables intergalactic travel and, at its full potential, omnipresence.
Though Modest Mouse might think intergalactic travel is «boring,» most artists aren't so quick to dismiss the appeal of strapping yourself to a rocket and soaring through the stars.
Pair With: Guardians of the Galaxy — for the fun side of intergalactic travel, complete with an eminently watchable cast of misfits, a kickin» classic - rock soundtrack, and Marvel's most eclectic sense of charm yet.
No Man's Sky will offer players the chance to explore a procedurally generated universe, visiting planets, interacting with various fauna, and taking part in the best thing about intergalactic travel: space battles.
So if the wrong person — say, someone like Thanos — gets his or her hands on all six, it's time to clock out early and make plans for intergalactic travel.
Thor gave us a superhero with a pretty silly mythology — involving intergalactic travel on a rainbow bridge and ice monsters and plenty of familial angst played in cumbersome costumes — surrounding him, but then the film — kind of bravely, in retrospect — practically abandoned the world and exposition it had established, exiled its protagonist from his home world, and removed his superpowers from the equation.
As director and co-founder of Guerilla Science, Rosin has reached over 15,000 people directly through events such as the Intergalactic Travel Bureau, multi-day events at math and art festivals, and a section of the first National Math Festival.
The Intergalactic Travel Bureau describes itself as an «interactive science - theater experience» and is staffed by professional actors and astronomers.
This image, created by artist Steve Thomas for the Intergalactic Travel Bureau, is one example.
Also, here's Han's response as he encounters yet another sticky situation on his intergalactic travels.
As a Mass Effect fan I've always been captivated by the intergalactic travel, firefights, dialogue between characters but I always felt like I was missing something.
Intergalactic travel is anything but easy in Spaceteam.
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