Sentences with phrase «interlocutory matters»

"Interlocutory matters" refers to legal proceedings or issues that arise during a case before the final judgment or decision is made. These matters are the intermediate steps or motions that are taken to resolve specific dispute or procedural matters during the course of the main legal action. In simpler terms, it refers to the temporary or preliminary actions that occur while a case is ongoing, but before the final decision is reached. Full definition
4.Re - define hearings so as to allocate more time for judges to review material and less time for oral hearings in interlocutory matters, and hybrid rather than conventional trials;
An appeal from a Master's order in a purely interlocutory matter should not be entertained unless the order was clearly wrong.
An order that the proceeding has been validly commenced can not be obtained, and other interlocutory matters can not be dealt with.
In addition to acting in trials and arbitrations (both led and unled), Tom has considerable experience in interlocutory matters (including freezing injunctions, specific disclosure, summary judgment and security for costs applications), arbitration enforcement claims and appeals.
«Judges must give appropriate [information] and instruction at each stage of the trial... this duty also applies to judges dealing with interlocutory matters
m) What is the average cost award in an interlocutory matter, in a trial?
Although in that case the value of privacy in relation to the parties» financial affairs was given significant weight, the court held that a blanket exclusion of the journalists would go too far and opted instead to impose reporting restrictions (it should be noted in this case however the matter had been to the Court of Appeal on an interlocutory matter so the parties had already effectively exposed their finances to the press).
He appears regularly in the Business, TCC, Insolvency and Companies lists of the Business and Property Courts of England and Wales on both interlocutory matters, including applications for urgent interim relief, and at trial, and in the Court of Appeal.
Given the nature of the work undertaken, William has developed a specific specialism in dealing with interlocutory matters, often on a without notice basis, including the obtaining of freezing orders, injunctions and orders for delivery up.
In the litigation context we have experience «unbundling» the process into its components (Statement of Defence, document discovery, oral discovery, interlocutory matters, trial, etc.) and providing flat fees for our services related to the individual components.
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