Sentences with phrase «intermediary role»

The phrase "intermediary role" refers to a person or thing that acts as a middleman or go-between in a situation. They help to bridge the gap or facilitate communication or interaction between two or more parties. Full definition
Li echoes this feeling, noting that «because international clients have a tendency to distrust the [Chinese] government... international firms can play a very important intermediary role
«The increased intermediary role of the Eurosystem went in tandem with a reduction of market liquidity and interbank trading.
Unlike many other Pictures - affiliated artists who use photography, James Welling established a deep and remarkably sincere commitment to his primary medium even as he undertook an extensive investigation of its long - standing intermediary role in other artistic practices: Abstract and representational painting and sculpture along with film, architecture, and, more recently, dance have all crucially informed the artist's oeuvre.
In particular, he highlights that Google plays a passive intermediary role and has no relationship with the content of the third - party source web pages which it copies [86].
36Many process thinkers attribute this intermediary role to God's consequent nature, because otherwise, in their opinion, no envisagement and / or no provision of specific initial aims would be possible (e.g., Christian, IWM 306 - 308; John Lansing, «The «Natures» of Whitehead's God,» Process Studio 3 [1973), 143 - 152, at 147 - 148; Suchocki, MGWG 243 - 245; Lewis S. Ford, «When Did Whitehead Conceive God to be Personal?»
Some of these plasters were exhibited before their bronze version, some were exhibited after their bronze version, and some performed an intermediary role as a mold of a sculpt - metal painting later cast in bronze.
CR: What unique expertise and industry vantage point does Law Made bring to this intermediary role?
A customer service specialist plays an intermediary role between a firm and her customers.
You will undertake an intermediary role between potential clients and our financial institution.
The results show that 1) differences are obvious in self - concept, coping styles and subject well being among adolescents of Han, Qiang and Yi nationalities; 2) the positive self - concept exerts a notable positive influence on subjective well being, and the negative exerts a negative one; 3) the coping styles play an intermediary role in the influence of self - concept on the subjective well being.
Real estate agents often find they play an intermediary role in answering questions about warranties and can even assist in filing claims.
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