Sentences with phrase «intermittent electricity source»

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A prototype metal - free flow battery developed by engineer Michael Aziz and colleagues at Harvard University relies on the electrochemistry of naturally abundant, small organic molecules to store electricity generated from renewable, intermittent energy sources.
Electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind power, which can be intermittent and unreliable, could then be easily stored and distributed as hydrogen fuel.
Electricity Transmission Intermittent sources are less troublesome if they feed a bigger grid; a region with 100 scattered installations of wind and solar could count on some average level of input.
But keeping those lights on amid ever increasing demand and the rise of wind, solar and other alternative sources of electricity generation that are inherently intermittent is just one of the goals of a smart grid.
It's about absorbing intermittent sources [of electricity] like solar and wind.
The intermittent nature of these sources of electricity has resulted in wide swings in available capacity.
Results: High capacity, safe batteries are needed for efficient hybrid or electrical vehicles and for storing and releasing electricity from intermittent power sources like wind turbines and solar panels.
The old transformers and power lines break because unpredictable and intermittent sources of electricity like wind and solar overload the old infrastructure.
There is wide agreement among scientists that inadequate funds are going to basic research in such fields as capturing carbon dioxide from smokestacks or the atmosphere, advancing photovoltaic cells and other solar power systems, finding ways to store large amounts of electricity from intermittent sources like wind or the sun, and making nuclear power more secure.
With liberalization of the electricity market and expansion of renewable sources, distribution grid mandates have mounted, requiring, for example, that operators ensure their grids remain stable despite increased levels of intermittent generation.
If you want to get polluting sources of electricity out of your generating portfolio, it helps to have a lot of hydroelectric power: It's cheap and it's less intermittent than the wind and the sun.
«Electricity storage for intermittent renewable sources
Electricity production with intermittent sources of energy.
(And don't forget that until some unforeseen breakthrough in battery technology occurs, natural gas must remain on call as a backup for intermittent renewable sources like wind and solar for generating electricity.)
It will do this despite the fact that this will neither generate any usable electricity (because the supply from both sources is intermittent) nor reduce carbon emissions.
One of the many avenues currently being examined is how best to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources into existing electricity grids while still guaranteeing a reliable and steady supply.
One of the report's major findings is that the state will need a very different electricity system that is better able to balance supply and demand while integrating more renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which are intermittent.
You may find this interesting regarding the cost of pumped hydro and of battery storage to store sufficient energy from intermittent energy sources like solar and wind to meet the demand of the Australian National Electricity Market:
and it can be used to store electricity generated off peak to reduce the amount of overcapacity needed and make all those intermittent alternative sources more economical.
For example, utility - scale wind generation, a particularly volatile intermittent power source, requires electricity operators to make significant adjustments to balance generation and load, creating inefficiency in the system.
Intermittent renewables can provide 10 - 20 % of our electricity, with hydroelectric and other baseload renewable sources (see below) on top of that.
The green proposition of electric cars, especially the plug - in variety, is that by promoting the development of electricity generation and energy storage technology development (in the form of energy storage devices such as batteries), electric cars are not only reducing the need for gasoline, but also creates pull factors for the development of grid - connected renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy by creating new electricity demand and provide energy storage solutions to address the problems of the intermittent nature of solar and wind power.
Environmentalists want to rely solely on solar and wind power — intermittent sources of electricity that need back - up power.
«Since intermittent renewables by definition can not provide a reliable supply of electricity, they must be backed up by conventional fuel sources such as coal, gas, hydro or nuclear.»
Examples include refining ways to securely handle radioactive waste from nuclear reactors; testing repositories for carbon dioxide captured at power plants; and, perhaps more important, improving the electricity grid so that it can manage large flows from intermittent sources like windmills and solar panels.
... The inability of RES - I [intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar] to satisfy high fluctuations in electricity consumption on its own constitutes one of the main obstacles to the deployment of renewables.
Sierra Club seeks to permanently phase out coal from our nation's energy portfolio by 2030, even though coal powers nearly 40 % of America's electricity, and its diminished use would result in a dangerous overreliance on natural gas, which is a «just - in - time» source, piped in when needed, and intermittent energy sources like renewables,» said Laura Sheehan, spokeswoman for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Eelectricity, and its diminished use would result in a dangerous overreliance on natural gas, which is a «just - in - time» source, piped in when needed, and intermittent energy sources like renewables,» said Laura Sheehan, spokeswoman for the American Coalition for Clean Coal ElectricityElectricity.
Integrating increasing amounts of wind, solar, and other intermittent sources of electricity may complicate ramping and voltage support on the CAISO system.
Storage is Still # 1 Thing to Figure Out While this high electricity generation from a very clean source is great news, it is also a good reminder that intermittent and variable sources of power pose a great challenge to the grid.
Christopher Graves: Noon Energy is pioneering a new class of flow battery technology that enables economical long - duration energy storage, designed to enable intermittent renewable electricity sources such as solar and wind to meet continual demand.
We need to develop much better and more abundant electricity storage technology because most of the best renewable energy sources are intermittent.
But intermittent sources like wind and solar can not be counted on to produce electricity at the correct time to keep the lights on.
These sources can piggyback on existing infrastructure, pumping electricity into power grids (though their intermittent power production requires managers to adjust their load - balancing techniques).
Researchers are hard at work devising new ways to store the electricity generated by intermittent sources like wind and solar.
And while the President lectures us about our sins against the planet, his EPA and other agencies embark on the project to impose penance on us by forcing the closure of coal and other fossil fuel power plants, blocking pipelines, bankrupting the coal mining industry, subsidizing intermittent power sources that can't possibly run a fully operational electrical grid at reasonable cost, and multiplying our cost of electricity by an order of magnitude or so.
Analysts have long argued that nations aiming to use wind and solar power to curb emissions from fossil fuel burning would first have to invest heavily in new technologies to store electricity produced by these intermittent sources — after all, the sun isn't always shining and the wind isn't always blowing.
However, the integration of intermittent energy sources on the grid poses some challenges, such as reliability of the transmission network, lack of capacity storage technology and balance between electricity supply and demand.
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