Sentences with phrase «internal body organs»

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer affecting the linings of certain internal body organs of a patient, such as the lungs, heart and chest cavity, and has been linked to asbestos exposure earlier in the life of the patient.
They also lack insulating fat and can have problems redirecting blood to their internal body organs (suface - vasoconstriction).
These tumors never move to internal body organs and only become a problem when their mechanical size makes the pet uncomfortable.
However, face mapping is not always accurate, while internal body organs may be represented by specific zones on your face according to Chinese medicine practitioners and reflexologists.
(8) prosthetic devices (other than dental) which replace all or part of an internal body organ (including colostomy bags and supplies directly related to colostomy care), * * * and including one pair of conventional eyeglasses or contact lenses furnished subsequent to each cataract surgery * * * -LSB-;]

Not exact matches

With holograms, students can manipulate organs and bones from every conceivable angle and get an immersive look at the body's internal landscape.
The body is made of ears, eyes, internal organs, hands, feet, etc.... they are different, have different functions, but are all part of the body.
If you'd like a side order of diabetes with your Unicorn Frappuccino then by all means head on back to Starbucks... If however, you value every internal (and external) organ in your body then you'll probably want to stay right here.
They activate sympathetic nervous system — which helps control most of the body's internal organs — to expend more energy, so the body burns more calories when the same food is eaten with chili peppers.
As the largest organ in the body, it serves as a first line barrier to prevent infection, protects from injury, regulates our body temperature, and is a phenomenal mirror reflecting the state of internal health.
Learn about our bodies with felt, cut out some various colors to match internal organs and bones.
Because when sleeping in this position, the baby's body will be completely comfortable, the internal organs are not under pressure, so that the sleep of newborns is safer.
Babies bodies are different from adults: they're not fully developed, so they can suffer severe injuries to their neck, spine and internal organs from the force of a crash, especially if they are not strapped in properly or in the wrong type of car seat.
The development of the internal organs is going on, all parts of the body are growing, the head is still bigger than the other parts of the body (at this period it is normal), the nervous system is forming, and within 2 - 3 weeks the baby will be two times bigger than now.
All internal organs will be formed but, like everything else, will need to mature in order for your child to be able to survive outside of your body.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the body instead of defending it, causing inflammation that often results in serious damage to bones, joints and tendons, and can also affect internal organs like the heart, eyes and lungs.
Nine times out of ten the body will rapidly succumb to an onslaught of diarrhoea and vomiting and finally the breakdown of vital organs and internal bleeding.
Louie, who is familiar with but did not participate in the study, notes the importance of being able to «tune» the nanoparticles so that they stay in the body long enough to do their job without accumulating in internal organs.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects around 400,000 people in the UK and is caused by the body's immune system turning on itself, leading to inflammation pain and swelling in the joints and other internal organs.
They line various body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs.
Her breastbone, rib cartilage and internal organs were also removed before the body cavity was stuffed with grasses and sewn up with horsehair.
To study how a dead body decays in isolation, Peter Noble at Alabama State University in Montgomery sampled microbes from a selection of internal organs, as «these aren't influenced by environmental conditions», he says.
Technicians opened this man's body on the left side and then forced it apart so that the internal and external organs could be seen simultaneously.
Two dozen full - body figures follow, each one more inside out than the last: a striding skeleton — the Runner — with all its muscles and tendons streaming backward off its bones like windblown ribbons; the skin - flaunting Muscle Man; the Goalkeeper, a muscular (and skinless) figure suspended horizontally in the air, one hand reaching out for a soccer ball, the other holding its full consignment of internal organs.
Symptoms of this very rare syndrome range from claims that blood or internal organs have gone missing to disavowal of the entire body and a belief that one is dead or has ceased to exist.
7 SENSUAL WINDOWS ON THE WORLD The brain's pervasive, exhaustive mapping of the body covers not only what we usually regard as the body proper — the musculoskeletal system, the internal organs, the internal milieu — but also the body's spying outposts — the smell and taste mucosae, the tactile elements of the skin, the ears, the eyes.
In this disease, malignant (cancerous) cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs.
Another shortlisted image captures a juvenile octopus just 2 centimetres wide, internal organs visible through its transparent body.
Therefore, the challenge will be how to activate release of the drug in other parts of the body, such as internal organs, he adds.
Bones support body structures, protect internal organs, and (in conjunction with muscles) facilitate movement; are also involved with cell formation, calcium metabolism, and mineral storage.
The internal organs of a sea cucumber explode out of its body, and the sea cucumber survives.
University of California, Berkeley engineers have built the first dust - sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit - like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.
An experimental augmented reality headset shows a virtual 3D map of a patient's internal organs, created using data from MRI and CAT scans and overlaid on the body.
Most of the cells in the human body have an internal clock that sets a rhythm for the activities of our organs according to the time of the day.
After the young wasp fatally consumes the caterpillar's internal organs, it emerges from the body.
One of the most serious classifications of this disease is known as diffuse scleroderma wherein the «sclerosis» (hardening of the tissue) occurs in the internal systems of the body, causing damage and widespread scarring to the skin as well as to various internal organs such as the lungs, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal organs.
Authors of the study and the accompanying editorial suggest that the series of events and biological interactions they identified could be responsible for the mechanism the body uses to limit blood supply to the skin in cold temperatures, which conserves more blood flow — and hence, warmth — for the body's internal organs.
We look at the tongue to measure various factors; we look to see the shape, quality, texture, coating, and color of the tongue because of its many relationships and connections in the body and the internal organs.
During the three - minute treatment, receptors in the skin send signals to the brain to release endorphins and valuable biochemicals while blood is sent to the core to protect internal organs and maintain body temperature.
It is a well - known fact that the skin is the largest organ; it helps protect and defend our internal and external body.
In other words, our body's internal organs are partial to a high - powered / good - natured gossip sessions akin to that of a middle - school cafeteria.
In short, perspiration is the body's internal cooling system and since your body's internal temperature rises during exercise, it automatically begins producing sweat in response to temperature changes with the purpose of avoiding the dangerous effects of elevated temperature on internal organs.
Like a sponge squeezing out soap, twisting a yoga pose helps your internal organs do their job of cleansing and healthfully maintaining your body.
Drinking lots of water will get rid of the extra sodium in your body and hydrate the main internal organs and improve their functioning.
This eventually starts placing stress and tension throughout your body, from your spine and hips, to your nervous system, circulatory system, heart and internal organs.
The Sitting Solution will gently restore a strong and upright posture, decompress your chest and improve spinal alignment... which in turn forms a beautiful erect stature, freeing your internal organs, opening up your circulation and restoring ease and mobility through your entire body.
They told me I had a gallon of waste floating in my body, and it was poisoning my internal organs.
Body fat cushions internal organs and protects them from being damaged.
And since the skin is the body's largest organ, providing a barrier between our internal environment and the outside world, it seems reasonable to assume that the skin microbiome plays a pretty big role in our health, too.
When it comes to our internal organs, the liver is a powerhouse for detoxification and helping to keep our bodies feeling rejuvenated, energized, and well.
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