Sentences with phrase «internal deliberations»

The phrase "internal deliberations" refers to the process of thinking, discussing, and considering ideas or decisions within a group or organization. It involves people within the organization sharing their thoughts, weighing different options, and coming to a final conclusion or agreement. Full definition
Yet doubts were created, and the Clinton campaign blamed that 11th hour report, and Mr. Comey's disclosure of it, contrary to FBI custom against public discussion of internal deliberations prior to completion of any agency investigation.
Cost reductions may also come from deferring projects, choosing not to fill open positions and spending less on printing pitch books or brochures, another person said, asking not to be identified discussing internal deliberations.
It's also a hot topic, with several arguable perspectives, but my current conclusion, after much internal deliberation, many discussions with fellow bloggers and slow fashion brands, is that I have a unique opportunity to provide my readers and audience with a reliable and broad range of responsible shopping and style options.
Left to its own devices, the State Department came up with its own talking points to be used by U.S. missions in Africa working to stem the damage, said a U.S. official, who wasn't authorized to disclose internal deliberations and demanded anonymity.
Brazil's securities regulator has announced that investment funds may not invest directly in cryptocurrencies, and it projected that guidance on indirect investments — for example in foreign virtual currency derivatives — will be made available following further internal deliberations.
From the party's inception, the principles of democratic fairness and justice were to guide APC internal deliberations.
The hangover apparently lasted in the court's internal deliberations as well.
The decision by the Michigan lawmaker — who has held his seat since 1965 and who denies the harassment allegations — followed several days of internal deliberation and pressure from Democratic colleagues, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who wanted Conyers to leave the high - profile post but didn't want to be seen as forcing him out.
An announcement is expected in the next few days, according to the person, who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberations.
After much internal deliberation I decided to go with wood grain.
The new request for a delay will go to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis for a final decision, said the officials, who weren't authorized to discuss the internal deliberations publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
White House officials and others insisted on anonymity in order to disclose private conversations and internal deliberations.
They also highlight the internal deliberations between the company's board and its advisers as public outrage over the move grew.
I asked a former Federal Reserve official, familiar with internal deliberations, what to make of this language.
One official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said that Mr. Trump was sympathetic to the plight of the young immigrants, known as Dreamers — many have known life only in the United States and have few connections to the countries of their birth — but had been told by Justice Department lawyers that his predecessor's program would not survive a court challenge.
For too long the Fed's internal deliberations have been dominated by academic economists who do not understand the real world impact of monetary mechanics much less the workings of the financial markets.
With this in hand, we can then ask which better explains the observable pattern of internal deliberations, official discourse, symbolic gestures, and even the nature and timing of substantive foreign policy actions in the case in question.
The adviser spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
With so much of today's attention on the internal deliberations of one man, Boris Johnson, it is worth looking at this Ipsos Mori blogpost in order to understand why news editors across the country are trying to get the inside track on Johnson's thinking.
And yet, despite the difficulty of his internal deliberations and the anguish that attended them, Saland seems to have a quiet conviction that his vote places him on the right side of history.
Rep. John Conyers» decision to step down from his post as the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee amid accusations of sexual harassment came after several days of internal deliberation and pressure from Democratic colleagues, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who wanted him to leave the high - profile post but didn't want to be seen as forcing him out.
He repeated a much disputed claim that the correspondence with Ms. Cunningham is protected under an exemption in FOIL that protects «internal deliberations
One party official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said Democrats are confident that 2014 candidates would have access to the information.
Although Cuomo, a former prosecutor himself, is notoriously careful about internal communications — reportedly using untraceable Blackberry PIN messages — no politician, let alone one up for re-election this year and with major ambitions beyond 2014, wants any internal deliberations open to this kind of review.
According to him, from the party's inception, the principles of democratic fairness and justice are to guide the APC's internal deliberations.
Oppenheimer is a member of one team that has already requested access to the group's internal deliberations.
«But for the agency to refuse to disclose documents related to the video in order to protect what it claims are internal deliberations is doubly ridiculous.»
There is no analogy between Climategate and the theft of the Heartland documents because (1) Heartland has no legal obligation to share its internal deliberations with the public, and (2) unlike collusion to evade FOIA, strategizing about how to raise money is not a violation of either law or professional ethics.
Smith was heavily ridiculed for subpoenaing NOAA scientists, and the agency refused to hand over any internal deliberations of the «Karl study.»
On Friday, after almost a year of internal deliberation, in a bid to monitor and stop money laundering to terrorists, the EU's Bitcoin crackdown finally came to light.

Phrases with «internal deliberations»

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