Sentences with phrase «internal efficiency»

Those included cutting police and fire departments, raising taxes, consolidating departments and improving internal efficiencies as well as exploring shared services.
Exceptional creativity and analytical skills to understand project goals and create innovative solutions to ensure customer satisfaction while increasing internal efficiency and utilizing resources effectively.
Numerous technological innovations and a remarkably high degree of internal efficiency ensure that fuel consumption and emissions do not rise.
Not only can you expect improved fuel economy with an oil change, but keeping up on your oil changes improves your car's internal efficiency in general.
Thanks among other things to its high internal efficiency and low weight, the eight - speed automatic transmission contributes to the efficiency of the powertrain as a whole.
Many technical features and internal efficiencies ensure powerful acceleration and short bursts of speed are possible with no additional fuel consumption.
He notes that while there are those who respond to the challenge by finding internal efficiencies, others would disrupt the system altogether.
Cost cutting and internal efficiencies brought the bank's cost / income ratio down to below 56 % from 60 % the previous year.
This improved transmission, with its wider gear spread also has further improved internal efficiency.
Can AI methodologies be utilized to help firms make smarter decisions and increase internal efficiency?
I stopped at four because there was a three - way tie for fifth place among succession planning, information overload from growth in legal documents, and lack of internal efficiency.
We have earned the trust of businesses worldwide because of our deep knowledge of best practices in globalization and internal efficiency in every business and legal process.
Many technical features and internal efficiencies ensure powerful acceleration and short bursts of speed are possible with no additional fuel consumption over the manual transmission.
We are aligned in that mission and are proud to be helping large financial institutions deploy this cutting - edge technology to drive internal efficiencies as well as new products and services into the market.
Briefing Magazine, from Legal Support Network, spoke to Sarah Wilson, Legal Knowledge Engineering and David Halliwell, Director of Knowledge, about the role of document automation in driving internal efficiency, improving risk management and enhancing client services in their May 2015 issue «Is legal a content business?».
Many of the custom ROMs available aim to improve battery life through internal efficiency settings, app and network activity management, and the removal of bloatware.
I was fortunate enough to have been ahead of the curve in terms of building internal efficiencies and practices such as single - entry capabilities to help REALTORS ® communicate better.
Exceptional problem solving skills, allowing for transitioning across cultural areas, decisively negotiating deals and closing key accounts, while improving internal efficiencies for streamlining internal processes...
Honeywell has already invested the capital to upgrade its factories with state - of - the art automation and its proprietary internal efficiency system, HOS Gold, should help the company maintain industry - leading margins.
Though internal efficiency is a worthy cause, the April report says, energy savings are superficial if the data center is powered with a non-renewable source.
The Malawi Education Sector Improvement Program, funded by a GPE grant, aims to improve learning outcomes by creating an environment conducive of learning and enhancing internal efficiency.
A range of innovative technical features and exceptionally high internal efficiency allow this higher - performance unit to combine powerful acceleration, strong mid-range sprinting and further reduced fuel consumption.
The eight - speed Steptronic transmission has outstanding internal efficiency, top - class shift dynamics and shift comfort, and a compact construction.
The latest edition of the system is characterised by reduced weight and optimised internal efficiency.
Pre-internet business thinking saw document assembly systems as internal efficiency tools mainly for law firms; post-Internet, we can see that this technology is a power vehicle for making legal know - how widely available on an online basis.
Analytics are of course useful for understanding all aspects of legal department performance, including internal efficiency.
Using digital technologies to achieve internal efficiencies is a major focus on the courts, and as the Modern Courts conference offered significant insight into gaps and challenges, objectives and best practices for implementation, I won't dwell on this area.
[as well as driving] internal efficiencies to manage risk, increase client satisfaction, firm profitability and staff satisfaction.
I have proven success in market penetration and initiating internal efficiencies, spanning 14 years, using insightful competitive research, keen wordsmithing, agile proposal presentation, closing the deal, and building referrals.
Professional Summary Highly skilled professional with over 15 years» experience in the financial markets used to identify opportunities to drive revenue and internal efficiencies directly impacting the bottom line.
Josh Fadley, Realhound's vice president of operations, spoke with NREI about the company's latest industry software and the compelling need for commercial real estate firms to focus on internal efficiencies using the latest tech tools.
RAS Builders recently introduced an integrated software system aimed at improving its own internal efficiencies and inter-departmental communications.
When asked what actions they had taken to improve internal efficiency in the last twelve months, CLOs identified greater use of technology tools as the most often used method, as well as the most effective.
ContractExpress is also used to increase internal efficiency as an automated drafting tool.
A wide array of technical innovations and the exceptionally high internal efficiency of the eight - speed transmission mean that potent acceleration, fast mid-range sprints and further reduced fuel consumption are also achieved.
Many of the custom ROMs are available aim to improve battery life through internal efficiency settings, like app and network activity management, and the removal of crapware and bloatware apps.
Some members of the profession are standing their ground; some are streamlining their activities, finding internal efficiencies to meet what expert Richard Susskind calls the more - for-less challenge; and still others are seeking ways to turn the profession on its head, looking for disruptive answers that will please both clients and legal professionals.
Those who plan to survive the economic downturn are retooling and focusing on ways to build internal efficiencies, which is something that a lot of real estate companies haven't looked at until recently.
One challenge that solos seem to be addressing better than other small firms is the lack of internal efficiency.
Outsourcing certain business functions can help greatly reduce operating costs and improve internal efficiency.
Yet despite declines in comparable - restaurant sales of about 2 % to 3 %, Buffalo Wild Wings impressed its shareholders with the extent to which it has followed through on cost - cutting moves to improve its internal efficiency.
«We have a lot of tools at our disposal that we've acquired over the last few years that help our internal efficiency, as well as the quality of our wines,» Schlatter says.
All of West Liberty Foods» facilities use state - of - the - art processes that ensure safe food and internal efficiency.
Therefore, the internal efficiency is quite high.
All models in the new BMW X6 lineup feature a standard eight - speed Steptronic sport automatic transmission, whose high internal efficiency, precision and short shift times help to improve both efficiency and responsiveness.
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