Sentences with phrase «internal life»

These changes should not affect lifetime structure costs as the life insurers use their own internal life tables for annuity pricing.
Like a tree that has fallen in the forest, the resort combines old substance with fresh growth, generating new internal life and a commitment to renewal.
We have a great internal live team working through all of these and our mission is to ensure we can tackle as many of these feedback items as possible.
Overall, Don Jon has its problems — it doesn't explore its issues nearly as elegantly or evenhandedly as I'd like (the women get very little internal lives of their own, instead acting as ciphers for Jon to bounce his porn / mommy issues off), and many elements strike me as overly precious or derivative of other works.
Oversized modern 2 Bedroom Apartment with 67m2 of internal living space plus outdoor balcony.
31 villas with 48 sqm internal living space and 25 sqm outdoor space.
, John Steinbeck summarized a writer's internal life so well when he wrote, «I know it is the best book I have ever done.
Somewhat similarly, the Catholic Church will remain a muted prophet if the witness of its own internal life speaks louder than its words — for example, in the area of fairness and human rights.
The prehended occasion must be incorporated into the unique divine concrescence, co-experiencing God's ongoing internal life according to its capacity, even as God had co-experienced its own.
The theology of the Trinity discloses to us that God's own internal life consists essentially of relationship, and the theology of revelation shows that God wishes to extend this relationship of infinite love to the world and to the individual beings and persons who make up this world.
But if a church is... actively involved in seeking justice in the world, both globally and locally, and if it's cheerfully celebrating God's good creation... and if, in addition, its own internal life gives every sign that new creation is indeed happening, generating a new type of community - then suddenly the announcement makes a lot of sense.»
Claire has been investigating her broadening sexual options, her rich artistic temperament and sad internal life, and Nate is, as his mother was, the guilt - tinged widower, still looking for love in what may turn out to be all the wrong places.
It starts with advice on harmonizing the external and internal life while living in society.
The picture benefits from the time - lapse photographic maturation of Daniel Radcliffe, who now has the capacity to bring a sophisticated internal life to young Harry.
«We look for [that] internal life,» Dayton continues.
Her «outcast» qualities are more internal, and she's certainly a strong enough actress to deliver whatever internal life the character requires.
1 Bedroom Premier Apartments feature a large balcony expanding the spacious internal living area and overlooking the resort pool and gardens.
Clear vision Bi-folding doors and glass walls will feature strongly as homeowners look for ways to create a harmonious connection between internal living spaces and the outdoors.
2 villas with 80 sqm internal living space & 50 sqm outdoor space.
In Journal of a Novel, John Steinbeck summarized a writer's internal life so well when he wrote, «I know it is the best book I have ever done.
The Iranian leadership has its own internal life - and - death skirmishes, with the Iranian president Ahmadinejad in a nasty ongoing power struggle with others, most notably religious conservatives and his own military.
Finally, statistics about the Church in the pre-Conciliar years are misleading, because there were many trends afoot» in theology, morality, politics, science, and exegesis» that were already having an unsettling impact on the internal life of Catholics.
Within such a context Bonhoeffer's fragmentary thoughts on the internal life of the church, the «discipline of the secret,» and the connection he made between prayer and righteous action are particularly relevant.
In varying degrees, most of them want practical theology to become more critical and philosophical, more public (in the sense of being more oriented toward the church's ministry to the world rather than simply preoccupied with the needs of its own internal life), and more related to an analysis of the various situations and contexts of theology.
Among these, which hold the most promise of renewing the internal life of the organization to make it a more enlivening social environment?
All living organisms not only possess an internal living system but also constitute with their environment a larger living system, which could be called a «life field».
In his book on religion Whitehead emphasizes that religion has to do with the ordering of our internal lives as subjects.
Or again, «Religion is the art and theory of the internal life of man, so far as it depends on himself and on what is permanent in the nature of things.»
God gave Jesus so that we can have internal life.
In the internal life of the Church in the U.S., Francis's visit has undoubted real meaning — in the lives of bishops, priests, religious, and lay people who flock to his Masses and other gatherings, or only view them from afar, and in the things he does and says as supreme pontiff during his visit.
No individual is simply one among many; the many are deeply creative of the internal life of each individual that is an emergent from its relations.
Excluded also are the views that occasions can be directly intuited or given to contemporary occasions and the view that data may in some cases be bits of mere matter or merely material processes, «vacuous» of any internal life, feeling, or value.
Even some groups that do not use the creed as a central expression of faith in their own internal lives can nevertheless affirm it as a common expression.
Their internal lives — how they construct their curricula, select their faculties and set expectations of their students — are based more on the models of other seminaries than on the mission of the church.
To take part in that enterprise — to embody its vision in its internal life of fellowship and worship — is the church's main function.
He specialises in the internal life of political parties and is currently investigating how parties recruit and retain their activists.
In 1983 the LCC organised a major conference «After the landslide» to examine the lessons from the party's catastrophic defeat of that year: the tone the conference set - that organisational and political modernisation and change were essential was to become the dominant theme in the party's internal life in the following decade.
Using technologies analogous to medical CAT scans, geologists are virtually peeling back our planet's outer layers and exposing its internal life in exquisite, three - dimensional detail.
The buttocks provide an internal living space for crustaceans and juvenile fish.

Phrases with «internal life»

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