Sentences with phrase «internal regulations»

The goal is to support youth in progressing along the continuum from external behavioral controls toward effective internal regulation of their behavior.
Although these three interventions were not developed by occupational therapists, they fall within our domain of practice and address internal regulation and environmental modification to enhance sleep.
Commenting on the legal basis and justification for the request, the Deputy Minister for Finance, Mrs Mona Quartey, said strategic investments in excess of US$ 50 million qualified an investor to tax concessions under section 26 (4) of Act 865 and Internal Regulations issued by the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC).
Mayor Bill de Blasio has said that he would veto the proposed legislation, citing internal regulation within the NYPD as a better alternative.
Weight Watchers (and other diet plans) ignores our bodies» internal regulation for food.
All was good until I got to the part about Ignores internal regulation makes me feel as though the person who write this isn't entirely educated about the WW program.
Secondly, where the Defendant is able to impose the insurer» internal regulation despite the law.
Mr. McIver argued that historically it has been clear that the parliamentary privilege over internal regulation should not be used as a «sword to police Question Period» in this manner (McIver, at para 50).
Their self - imposed internal regulations will ensure that such incidents don't recur.
In addition to requesting results of the probes into the six banks, the NYDFS also «asked to see the banks» internal regulations on cryptocurrency dealings,» Chosun reported and quoted a Korean government official saying:
Explain the concepts of the brain - bridge and limbic resonance as elements of increased internal regulation and finer attunement for the couple.
The obvious similarities are those common to most mammals; we both bear live young, the ability to suckle that young, internal regulation of body temperature (unlike reptiles) and we are both driven by the biological imperative to reproduce.
Referring to the decision, a spokesman for Sweden's Financial Supervisory Authority said that «every institution must decide on the details of their internal regulations specifying the rules for their employees» investments and trading,» suggesting that the regulatory agency does not intend to interfere in Nordea's decision, nor act against similar moves that may be taken by other companies.
The ability to recognize your little one's hunger cues will also help foster her internal regulation system so she continues to practice self - regulation later in life.
A declaration that the decision by the NDC to allow Dr.Zanetor Rawlings to contest the parliamentary primaries in the KlotteyKorle constituency on its ticket when she was not a registered voter within the meaning of Article 94 (1)(a) of the 1992 constitution AT THE TIME OF THE SAID CONTEST violates the constitution and the internal regulations governing the conduct of parliamentary primaries of the NDC and same is illegal and of no effect.
The more you've dieted, the farther you may be from this internal regulation system.
Further research addressing sleep environment modification, internal regulation, sleep hygiene behaviors, and daily activity levels is needed to support the profession's role in this practice area.
Each institution must have an internal regulation dealing with document / data retention.
That includes the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act, their CDL manual, and their internal regulations — so, a number of things like that — because -LSB-...]
That includes the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act, their CDL manual, and their internal regulations — so, a number of things like that — because it is recognized that these are large, dangerous loads if they're not handled correctly.
Due to the essential changes required by CCL in the AoA or MoA and the internal regulations or bylaws of the existing companies, most of the companies do not have enough time to take the necessary steps to be aligned with the provisions of CCL and an extension for another year seems imperative.
The company's decision to disallow cryptocurrency - related services or transactions is covered by its internal regulations.
Keeping track of the changes in the fields and acting accordingly at the company's internal regulations
My background encompasses directing food service operations and teams to ensure outstanding dining experiences for customers, visitors, and residents while ensuring adherence to budgetary guidelines and internal regulations.
Organize the total incorporated duties including payroll processing, payroll taxes, evaluating and improving procedures and policies and also carry out internal regulations, system evaluation and upgrade
Analytical Skills: Compliance officers are adept at conducting inspections and audits to determine if a company conforms to set external and internal regulations
Organize training programs to enlighten company staff on the benefits and consequences associated with either complying or defying external or internal regulations
Conduct periodic assessment of an organization's operations to ensure they are in line with external and internal regulations
Ensure compliance with all external and internal regulations / laws on client - company relationship
Performed complex data analysis; prepared reports complying with FDA, ISO, cGMP and internal regulations; and coordinated material, instrument and process validations.
A basic premise is that a child's coping, as reflected in his or her behavior and internal regulation, is a function of emotional awareness, affective — cognitive control, behavioral skills, social — cognitive understanding, and interaction with the environment.
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