Sentences with phrase «international campaign»

She has headed a number of international campaigns for large brands.
They act through the promotion of literature, international campaigning on issues such as translation and freedom of expression and improving access to literature at international, regional and national levels.
The NUT, in partnership with other organisations, supports a wide range of international campaigns which aim to: support teachers and their unions, advance high quality education for all, work towards poverty reduction and sustainable development, and promote human rights.
• Devised various culture - specific content for international campaigns with enhanced visual optimizations.
International campaign calls for Nestlé to be expelled from UN initiative.
(CNN)-- Mitt Romney will be glad handing and photo opping in Israel until Monday during the second leg of the presumptive GOP nominee's international campaign trip.
Amnesty International campaigned for her father when he was repeatedly imprisoned and mistreated for making pro-democracy speeches under martial law.
Oil Change International campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy.
The nuclear annihilation of humanity is «only one impulsive tantrum away,» the head of the Nobel Peace Prize - winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) warned Sunday as she collected this year's award.
Amir Rashidi, an internet security researcher at the New York - based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, has worked with Iranian hacking victims.
Aaron Ramsey fears he won't be fit for the start of Arsenal's Premier League season after what has been a fantastic international campaign for Wales this summer.
Theo Walcott has been doing well in pre-season which i likely to reduce the pressure on Arsene Wenger currently, but with Olivier Giroud yet to return from holiday due to an extended international campaign with France, another addition is strongly wanted.
As an England fan, it's difficult not to shroud yourself in the pessimism of yet another failed international campaign.
In the 1990s, national and international campaigns advising parents to put their babies to sleep on their backs have led to a decline of 50 % in the rate of SIDS.
Suggestions about forums taking forward international campaigning would be useful.
The shift represents a victory for a longstanding international campaign to stop calling the group «Islamic State», an attempt to avoid both legitimising its claim to represent Islam or crediting the group as a nation state.
He promised he would only work on national and international campaigns unrelated to New York State.
Amnesty International campaigns director Tim Hancock also welcomed the news, saying: «Trafficking in people is a vicious and well organised crime which is causing untold human misery around the world and right here in the UK.»
To address those concerns, ozone specialists in two international campaigns scrutinized the arctic atmosphere between November 1999 and April 2000.
For the ExoMars launch, ESA's near - Earth object (NEO) coordination centre in Italy organised a successful international campaign for ground - based optical observations of the departing spacecraft.
Chinese model Fei Fei Sun has fronted international campaigns for a host of high profile luxury labels such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel Watches, Christian Dior, Prada and Calvin Klein.
Hachette UK's CEO Tim Hely Hutchison spoke to The Bookseller about the campaign for The Casual Vacancy, Rowling's total departure from the world of the boy wizard and her first title aimed at a more mature crowd: «Our plans here, in the US and in all our territories will ensure that we deliver an outstanding international campaign entirely in keeping with the themes of the novel and the enormous worldwide affection and respect that the author inspires.»
The coalition helps to provide international campaign support for the activities of Non-Governmental Organisations working on animal welfare issues.
We can all play a part in helping to put a stop to this cruel sport — from supporting the new international campaign to donating our time and offering financial support to greyhound protection and rescue organizations.
The Philippines Department of Tourism has announced a year - long international campaign with leading youth tour operator, STA Travel, in order to promote and expand travel to the destination, from the 19 - 35 year old market.
There is a major international campaign to protect this area, home to some of the world's last remaining mountain gorillas, from oil extraction.
We hope that by joining a UN level international campaign we will encourage other organisations to understand the vital importance of measuring, reducing and offsetting carbon emissions to help tackle climate change now.»
It also helped mobilise international campaign groups such as Global Witness to launch investigations of their own.
«When the G20 countries committed to the Paris Agreement, they made a pact with the world that they would take meaningful steps to reduce their carbon emissions in an effort to avert the worst effects of the climate crisis,» said Nicole Ghio, a senior international campaign representative at the Sierra Club.
Scott Cardiff, international campaign coordinator for Earthworks» No Dirty Gold campaign, says that his organization provided comments to Walmart during the development stage for Love, Earth but says Walmart did not end up going with the more rigorous standards.
It has also employed Wonder Woman star, Gal Gadot, as a spokesperson for the company in future international campaigns.
CNN: What's at stake for Romney in Israel Mitt Romney will be glad handing and photo opping in Israel until Monday during the second leg of the presumptive GOP nominee's international campaign trip.
Oil Change International campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy.
Created in 1970, they helped build the French ecological movement and helped found the world's largest grassroots environmental network, Friends of the Earth International, Friends of the Earth France forms a local network gathering 30 autonomous local groups that act according to their own priorities and support the national and international campaigns with a shared vision for social and environmental justice.
The international campaign — along with the spinoff at Barnard — is predicated on a simple but noxious falsehood: that Israel is a fundamentally racist state that is committing grave human rights abuses merely by existing.
Beat the Microbead, an international campaign to eliminate the ingredient, provides a list of products available on the Canadian market which contain the plastic.
In 2016, Simon Billenness founded the International Campaign for the Rohingya where he serves as Board Treasurer and Executive Director.
He's the creator of an international campaign to promote a Business Ethics Pledge based on «honesty, integrity and quality.»
I have been fighting the international campaign to legalize and normalize doctor - prescribed / administered death since 1993, and this much I know: Once euthanasia is let in the door, ultimately, enough is never, ever enough.
According to the International Campaign for Tibet, 94 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since March 2011, and the pace in November was nearly one a day.
Fueling the international campaign for Abedini's release is a letter from Abedini released earlier this week.
The Methodist Church has congratulated the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Ican) for... More
The realization that it is a threat not only to the South but to communities and citizens everywhere has given rise to an international campaign against it.
The Methodist Church has congratulated the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Ican) for winning the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.
Titled, «Lavazza, There's More to Taste,» the international campaign will include the Italian coffee company's first broadcast push in the U.S. market.
Meatless Monday is a national and international campaign that encourages people to enjoy meat free meals on Mondays to improve their personal and public health, animal welfare, wildlife protection, and environmental and agricultural sustainability.

Phrases with «international campaign»

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