Sentences with phrase «international carbon reduction strategies»

«If global brands don't build international carbon reduction strategies even faster, they risk missing out on the spending power of emerging economies.»

Not exact matches

As the left - leaning Centre for International Climate Research noted in March, China's carbon reduction strategy is «nowhere near consistent with the overarching ambitions of the Paris Agreement.»
(B) effective and cost - effective control technologies, operations, and strategies for additional domestic and international black carbon emissions reductions, such as diesel retrofit technologies on existing on - road, non-road, and stationary engines and programs to address residential cookstoves, and forest and agriculture - based burning;
But the paradox, and the tragedy, is that the Climate Summit will not have the cessation of massive world - wide geoengineering as one of it's paramount objectives, but will instead dilly - dally endlessly with how to coordinate international carbon reductions with the stated goal of a signed agreement, while «mitigation» strategies of every conceivable kind will be on the table.
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