Sentences with phrase «international criticism»

Only it hasn't had to contend with international criticism until relatively recently.
International criticism alone will not see the demise of this horror.
Of particular note, this year's report card identifies BC's glaring lack of action to improve the safety of Indigenous women and girls, noting the province's failure to fully implement the vast majority of the recommendations from the Missing Women's Commission of Inquiry, as well as the recent intentional deletions of emails related to violence against Indigenous women along the Highway of Tears, and the ongoing international criticism of BC and Canada's inaction.
The U.S. project is to use «democracy» to muffle international criticism in order better to control El Salvador.
It is also seen as further confirmation that the patriarch's apparent release was a ruse by the government to offset international criticism by giving the impression of an improvement in human rights, as well as to ease the path to succession for Bishop Lukas.
TORONTO — When 30 - year - old Shawna High walked onto the set of The Price is Right in Los Angeles earlier this year, she never thought she'd be the subject of international criticism for mistakenly thanking her friends in «Canadia.»
His brutal rule over the Congo attracted international criticism even at the turn of the 20th century, yet he never visited his privately owned «country».
A day after Crimea overwhelmingly voted to rejoin Russia despite international criticism, New York's senior U.S. Senator says Russia must not be allowed further into Ukraine.
Of particular note, this year's report card identifies BC's glaring lack of action to improve the safety of Indigenous women and girls, noting the province's failure to fully implement the vast majority of the recommendations from the Missing Women's Commission of Inquiry, the recent intentional deletions of emails related to violence against Indigenous women along the Highway of Tears, and the ongoing international criticism of BC and Canada's inaction.
Israel's response to the protests has drawn international criticism, with human rights groups saying it involved live fire against demonstrators posing no immediate threat to life.
The Philippine Independence Day celebration set for June 12 comes as the country pushes for a free - trade agreement with the U.S. and amid international criticism of President Rodrigo Duterte for encouraging vigilante killings of drug suspects.
Concessions to China over Scarborough would likely alienate Duterte from his constituents at home, who have given him high approval marks amid a bloody crackdown on drugs that has earned international criticism.
Duterte has repeatedly rebuffed international criticism about his bloody war on drugs, during which more than 8,000 people have been killed since he took power on June 30 last year.
While over half of the world's nations have abolished capital punishment, and while international criticism of the U.S. has been intense, America continues to condemn the poor and racial minorities (particularly those who kill whites) in disproportionate numbers, as well as the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, juveniles (here the U.S. leads the world) and sometimes the innocent — and all this to no apparent deterrent effect.
Moreover, it would no longer be able to use the Palestinian Authority and the sham negotiations of the last 20 years as a «fig leaf» to shelter itself from international criticism.
Government plans to block suspects from social media or close down the networks in times of emergency have been roundly condemned online and triggered considerable international criticism.
According to Reuters, «the size of Issoufou's victory is unlikely to draw significant international criticism, in part because of the boycott, but also because the incumbent has been in power only since 2011.»
There is also domestic and international criticism towards Canada over environmental impacts associated with Alberta's oil sands.
However, the UK remains subject to stern international criticism for its prosecution record.
In addition to Egypt's economic woes, a greater emphasis by the new government on security issues has impacted on civil rights; the crackdown has become a growing concern for foreign companies operating in Egypt post-revolution, sparking international criticism in regards to rule of law issues.
The tactic has attracted little international criticism so far but has nonetheless been devastatingly effective.
WELLINGTON (Reuters)-- New Zealand's privacy commissioner joined international criticism against Facebook Inc, saying on Wednesday it has broken the law by declining a citizen access to personal...
Bond Head was met with international criticism for his plan because some argued that it was apartheid (racial segregation).
International criticism by consumer groups and health professionals of this industry's marketing and promotional role in the rise of artificial feeding and its consequences led to the Joint WHO / UNICEF Meeting on Infant and Young Child Feeding in 1979.
Myanmar's most senior Catholic bishop has defended the country's leader, despite international criticism... More
But being at war with your smaller neighbor can also be costly, especially if your belligerence attracts international criticism and economic sanctions, and coincides with a collapse in the value of oil, your key export commodity.
Because national and international criticism of South Africa's AIDS policies is reaching boiling point.
Israel has faced some international criticism the past few weeks for lethal tactics used during clashes with Palestinians along the border with Gaza.
International criticism of the unethical marketing practices by the infant formula industry led to the development of the World Health Organization's International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes in 1981 and the subsequent relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly.
Trump's administration appears unbowed by broad domestic and international criticism of his planned import tariffs on steel and aluminum, saying that the president is not planning on exempting any countries from the stiff duties.
Susan Hyde points out that even semi-democratic countries invite election observation, despite the risk of international criticism, in part because refusing observers is taken as an admission of electoral malpractice.
International criticism of the Libyan government has intensified since October, when the country's supreme court refused to consider scientific evidence in the case against the medics (ScienceNOW, 24 October).
International criticism may be the only option to stop research whaling, Sato told ScienceInsider.
Multiparty System Introduced December 1991 Following pressure from opposition leaders and international criticism, the government agrees to reintroduce a multiparty system.
Whaling is defended by some Japanese, however, who feel unfairly singled out by international criticism and who argue that the hunts are a Japanese tradition.
The paper argues that international criticism of Japanese Mamizu climate policy proposals as being too weak was unfounded, and if anything, the proposals may have been too ambitious.
So sophisticated governments turn to sophisticated means to limit internal dissent and international criticism.
In light of the growing national and international criticism of the low age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales the government should take this case as a cue to resurrect at least the doctrine, if not the presumption, of doli incapax and place it on a legislative footing.
While there are many countries that are looking into creating a central bank backed cryptocurrency, such as Canada, China, Dubai, England, Estonia, India, Russia, but the only one to actually launch one is Venezuela, and that action has been met with international criticism.
Established in 2006, Mousse contains interviews, conversations, and essays by some of the most important figures in international criticism and curation, alternated with a series of distinctive columns in a unique tabloid format.
However, the future acts regime in its present form has been the subject of international criticism.
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