Sentences with phrase «international debating competition»

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There are four articles in this issue: David J Brennan, Shifting shades of grey - International price discrimination and Australian copyright law; Matthew E Taylor and Arlen Duke, Refocussing the parallel import debate; Warwick Rothnie, Trade marks and parallel imports and Rhonda L Smith and Arlen Duke, Agreements and competition law in Australia.
Convention highlights included a series of public debates on key issues and challenges facing Mars exploration and the future of the U.S. space program, as well as the final face - off of university student teams presenting designs for the Mars Society's International Gemini Mars competition.
I rely on them whenever I had to bag a job, when I apply for a part - time second job, when I attend conferences as a representative of our international school, when I bring my debate team to a national intervarsity tournament, or when I sit as an adjudicator for a debate competition.
Young Scientist of the Year These students then go on to represent the UK at international competitions and become ambassadors for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by taking part in media interviews, panel debates, and mentoring schemes.
Spurred by concerns about international competition, economic troubles, and a perceived stagnation or regression in student performance outlined by the now famous 1983 report, A Nation at Risk, the standards debate gained new life as politicians looked for ways to clarify goals, measure progress, and hold schools accountable.
Details: An international blogging competition from the NUHA foundation established «as a platform to debate issues of education and development, and to provide an opportunity for authors to be published and to develop their self - confidence».
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