Sentences with phrase «international evidence»

We also know this from international evidence on childhood trauma.
While a substantial body of international evidence indicates that these children display poorer cognitive and socio - emotional outcomes than children living in traditional families, research on childhood mental disorders is scarce.
The review provides a robust international evidence base of programmes which have been demonstrated to improve parenting and the mental health and well - being of children.
Again, international evidence suggests that greater autonomy for schools is often associated to better learning outcomes.
International evidence shows no simple relationship between class size and student achievement.
This study is consistent with international evidence in suggesting that a closed group with structured opportunities every four to six months for new membership is an appropriate structure.
The guidance highlights teaching approaches that are supported by the strongest international evidence and which are most likely to impact positively on children's mathematical attainment.
The evidence review team conducted searches for the best available international evidence.
There is compelling international evidence about the importance of early brain development.
There is wide international evidence of the contribution that wellbeing can have on academic attainment, long - term life outcomes and economic skills.
A robust international evidence base exists of programmes which have been demonstrated to improve parenting, both in the general population and in high - risk groups.
It is also supported by international evidence, the Indigenous community and professional organisations.
Now we have international evidence about something that has a greater effect on learning than testing: Teaching.
There is wide international evidence of the contribution that wellbeing can have on academic attainment, long - term life outcomes and economic skills.
The research is being published ahead of a Sutton Trust summit in New York, which will look at international evidence on improving social mobility.
The Young Knocknaheey programme is underpinned by an innovative Infant Mental Health Framework and draws on best international evidence and practice
International evidence from these countries supports the positive qualities asserted by school choice advocates in the United States and invalidates the claims of harm made by some American commentators.
Esther McVey tells MPs international evidence points to effectiveness of sanctions, however «no system is perfect»
The book also showcases an approach to learning from international evidence very different from simply sending researchers to Finland to observe Finnish math teachers in their classrooms.
It is a relief for international evidence - based approaches, such as Walker Learning, to finally see the tide turning away from narrow, simplistic one - size - fits - all approaches to learning.
John — this confirms what the OECD said using international evidence: extra «choice» of school types is likely to increase segregation not promote it.
New International Evidence This paper investigates whether at the interaction between family background and school tracking affects human capital
The review will synthesize the best available international evidence regarding teaching maths to children between the ages of 9 and 14.
In view of the substantial international evidence that early - intervention and prevention programmes can lead to improved outcomes for pupils, school leaders should ensure that some teaching resources are used for this purpose.
International evidence tells us that issues of racism do indeed matter, and that such comments should not be dismissed or excused as stupid or ignorant.
Andreas Schleicher said international evidence suggested that selection was not linked to improving schools.
«Strong international evidence supports pharmacists» ability to improve a number of critical health outcomes, including significant reductions in blood pressure and cholesterol and improved diabetes control.
It collates international evidence that fairer societies, where the gap between rich and poor is small, do better than those with a chasm between the haves and have - nots.
Koettl says the metadata issue may be resolved by using a new app called International Evidence Locker.
«Growing international evidence shows the importance of equity in achieving excellence across a system, yet Australia seems to be moving further away from this as the Abbott Government abandons Gonski agreements with the States,» Haythorpe said.
The report cites an analysis of 1991 International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) data as offering international evidence that private schools do not have significantly higher student achievement than public schools after controlling for student background.
Well, as the OECD international evidence base proves, rote learning is fine for simple, basic knowledge, but becomes less and less effective as a teaching strategy the more complex and high level the learning needs to be.
This report is therefore more descriptive, highlighting the apparent strengths of the program that align with international evidence on effective schooling.
A new paper from Christian Walkshäusl and Sebastian Lobe * called The Enterprise Multiple Investment Strategy: International Evidence examines the performance of the enterprise multiple (EV / EBITDA) in international markets, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
While it shouldn't be too surprising that there are people who deny PA (people deny moon landings, Elvis Presley's death, and the Holocaust, etc.), it should be unacceptable that continued PA denials by a vocal minority of professionals, who ignore overwhelming international evidence, facilitate the widespread and unrestrained alienation efforts by parents which continue to cause significant damage to adults and children.
The Helping Families Change Conference is now a leading international evidence - based scientific conference event covering issues, strategies, and innovations related to parenting and family interventions.
Mounting international evidence now shows that incarceration contributes to still more incarceration.
international evidence confirms the most efficient way to contain health care costs is a robust universal primary health care system
«Triple P is now used in 38 U.S. states and many clinical trials and real - world evaluations throughout our country are adding to Triple P's existing and expanding international evidence base, which is the largest of any parenting program in the world,» he said.
But despite international evidence pointing to the need for continuity of care, which can reduce re-incarceration as well as poor health outcomes from prison to post-prison release, such research is scant in Australia and among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Specifically, the Brief discusses the ECEC policy environment in Australia and outlines international evidence regarding the impact of ECEC quality components related to adult - child interactions and relationships.
The Home Secretary says that international evidence demonstrates health risks posed by the water cannons on people in crowds.
After looking at international evidence on the impact of educational quality on economic productivity, Eric A. Hanushek finds a tight, if delayed connection.
The Welsh Government said regardless of the Pisa results, it would «remain absolutely focussed» on following the «best international evidence in order to continue to drive up standards in our schools».
But they will be wary of international evidence which suggests there will be a boost in support for the status quo in the final six weeks of a campaign, when negative campaigning hits home.
The polling is being published ahead of a Sutton Trust summit in New York with philanthropic support from Carnegie Corporation of New York today (19 April) which will draw on international evidence on the role of school structural reform, accountability, professional development and the use of research in schools in improving social mobility.
A stable ratio of credit to GDP would require that they both grow at the same rate, but international evidence suggests that it is not unusual for credit to grow, on average, a little faster than nominal GDP.
4 John Jerrim (September 2017), Extra Time: Private tuition and out - of - school study, new international evidence, Sutton Trust, p. 2.
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