Sentences with phrase «international implications»

It's not a crime with international implications, and it's not a crime which is so fundamentally horrific that it needs to be ended by any means necessary.
She litigates complex commercial disputes and cases with international implications in federal and state courts as well as commercial and investment arbitration proceedings before diverse arbitral institutions.
In a high - profile antitrust case with significant international implications, the US Supreme Court recently announced that it would review the Second Circuit's decision in In re: Vitamin C Antitrust Litigation..
Price of gold in Delhi as any other city is influenced by international implications in the global stock market and the 24 carat gold rate in Delhi today is high as of this month due to its rising demand.
@Machavity Case law has interpreted the constitutional prohibition on state level participation in foreign affairs more broadly although there are a few things are are permitted (e.g. sister city relationships, budgetary decisions with international implications).
The answer to these questions can be understood more clearly if we investigate three of the most significant ethical issues involving television: violence; censorship and regulation; and the international implications of American media policies.
The Gluten Free Watchdog community has reached out to me regarding the study «Gluten content of imported gluten - free foods: national and international implications «published in the Medical Journal of Australia in October.
Mr MacAskill's decision to ignore their demands is being viewed, in terms of its international implications, as one of the biggest decisions made by the devolved administration.
RM: The war has domestic and international implications, many of which are still felt today.
Mr Miliband has struggled to balance impartiality with the international implications of the Scottish National party government's action.
«The aim of the attacks are assumed to be to destabilise a conflict rather than to cause massive injuries with international implications,» says Veronica Strandh.
And Samsø's successes provide a showcase with international implications.
And it could have international implications, because the United States faces important climate negotiations in Paris in December, which will be harder if their domestic plan is in legal limbo.
Closely monitors the international implications of U.S. domestic policy and advises on reaction by other governments or industry as appropriate;
Senate inaction also has international implications; failure of the Senate to codify a US commitment to cut emissions is likely to preclude the possibility of a binding global agreement to limit temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius.
In relaxing the traditional rules for the recognition and enforcement of the U.K. order, the Court of Appeal recognized the need for courts to take into account the ongoing evolution toward a global economy in dealing with a corporate restructuring that had international implications.
In an era of globalized media and increasingly assertive prosecutors and regulators, involvement in a government inquiry in just one jurisdiction can have international implications.
Stemming from his role at DHS, Stewart has a deep background in the international implications of US security policy — from the disputes over US collection of data from international businesses to the US statutory command that all containers being shipped to the US be scanned before leaving foreign ports.
Some implications of Disability Leave for employees, employers, and disability services, as well as national and international implications, are presented.
Throughout 1999, the SSB group also participated in a number of transactions with international implications.
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