Sentences with phrase «international negotiations on climate change»

«Whatever's China's position on the world stage in respect of international negotiations on climate change, what they have got is a very clear robust set of five - year plans and the ability to deliver them.»
As we have seen, the first Bush administration had agreed to and had ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change under which international negotiations on climate change would proceed.
Environment Minister Sakihito Ozawa said Sunday that Japan's new goal for cutting greenhouse gas emissions will put the country in a strong position at international negotiations on climate change.
Incorporating such considerations into international negotiations on climate change is not fanciful or unrealistic.
• Post-2012 climate scenarios: What emissions limits might emerge from current international negotiations on climate change?
e360: A lot of people think the whole process of international negotiations on climate change is — and I'm quoting you here — «stuck» and «ineffective.»
As I said in the JVE International press release, «While Doha was able to streamline the process and policies for international negotiations on climate change, through the adoption of the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, ending the various discussion groups set up in Bali in 2007 and paving the way for discussions on the work plan for the post-2020 could lead to an international climate agreement involving all countries history.
He also referred to the international negotiations on climate change in Paris beginning in December.
The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015, was an important breakthrough in the international negotiations on climate change.
In announcing the State Department's decision to reject the permit application for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama focused on how this decision fits into the broader context of international negotiations on climate change.
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