Sentences with phrase «international pressure»

Thanks to international pressure on their current governors to accept the vote, the independence plan may just work.
The arrests came as both domestic and international pressure for action grew.
The book, however, did mount national and international pressure on the Chinese government.
Reports say the deal was the result of international pressure on Myanmar, which has been mounting steadily.
They were impacted by the «revolutionary» riots, the Supreme Court nullification of the election (under international pressure from the West) and were accompanied by a prominent propaganda campaign in western media.
Global Witness also uncovered evidence that companies in eastern DRC and Rwanda are still buying goods directly from militarised mines, in spite of growing international pressure to end the trade in conflict minerals.
AFP — NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg will on Tuesday unveil «measures» in response to the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain, the alliance said, as international pressure mounts on Moscow.
After international pressure from the United Nations, Amnesty International, and other human rights groups, the women were released in November 2009.
And we have to have an international collective effort to remove these islands from our oceans along with international pressure on oil companies to clean up their mess in other parts of the world not just the Gulf.
The European Court of Justice issued its breathlessly awaited (at least by some) decision in SABAM v. Scarlet today, striking a serious blow to those imposing intense international pressure with the objective of securing exceptional enforcement for intellectual property rights online.
Washington (CNN)- International pressure mounting in the apostasy trial of a Christian pastor in Iran has «not had any impact on the Iranian court,» the attorney for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani told CNN on Friday.
And then, in a third blunder, the president indicated that he might not prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear arms, when he told a television interviewer, «The history of the Iranian regime, like the North Korean regime, is that, you know, you apply international pressure on these countries, sometimes they choose to change behavior, sometimes they don't.»
In the case of ISIS and Twitter, imagine a retaliatory attack on a hacker cell that ends up killing civilians in large numbers by accident, creating international pressure against the U.S. bombing campaign against the Islamic State.
But, released through international pressure to wander the planet on silken restraints, he also functions as a semi-free-will ambassador, tolerated to badger the regime, not to topple it.
An Anglo - French attempt to secure international pressure against the Syrian government could be thwarted by Russia later.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Sunday his commitment to ramping up India's renewable energy supplies is not aimed at «impressing the world» following international pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The inhabitants of the Bolivian Amazon are calling for our help: In 2014, international pressure helped prevent a road through the TIPNIS national park.
Intense international pressure at the government and company board level either shocked or shamed most brands into action.
Shortly after Trump took office, the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a U.S. technology think tank whose board includes representatives from top companies such as Apple, Amazon, Cisco, Google, and Intel, called for coordinated international pressure on Beijing.
Some of the price rises for Australia's important commodities, for example, signal international pressure on steel prices and non-oil energy costs, and therefore a range of other prices.
However, too much overt international pressure may be counter-productive, making it more difficult for Sudan's president, Omar al - Bashir, to agree to demands for her release.
«While we are glad to see and commend the local authorities under international pressure acted swiftly and fairly to resolve the church's land with this right decision, we are still deeply concerned about the justice for this family of martyr which is still not done,» stated Bob Fu, China Aid's president.
We should all support the science - based assessment of Golden Rice and allow national regulators to undertake their important work without international pressure or interference.
In a nutshell, Fidesz is reacting to a not so distant past, when the socialist and liberal dominated domestic press, the mostly foreign - owned private TV stations, and a handful of high - profile international pressure groups have played outsized roles in the surprising electoral defeats of the Hungarian centre - right.
Both sides, however, have rejected international pressure to agree terms of a ceasefire so as to allow humanitarian aid into the region to help those civilians caught in between the fighting.
Netanyahu's most recent declarations of support for the two - state solution reflect the deep concern that has spread in Israel regarding what is for the first time serious international pressure on the country.
Barber's deregulatory and proto - Lawsonian economics by 1972 - 73, due to international pressures such as the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, had broken down and interventionist policies were followed in its place.
During his remarks at the Workers Party Conference, Kim vowed to push forward with nuclear development despite international pressure.
Sunday's launch will heighten international pressure on China, North Korea's biggest foreign investor, to do more.
The interim military rulers were under severe public pressure to stage the trial, and under a significant degree of international pressure too.
This week, citing international pressure, President Yoweri Museveni advised his party's National Executive Committee, his cabinet and the NRM parliamentary caucus to «go slow» on the Bill.
Russia, which has enjoyed a close alliance with Bashar al - Assad's regime for years, has repeatedly refused to back western calls for UN security council resolutions which would place international pressure on Damascus.
The examination of a state's report under a treaty can provide an occasion for exerting international pressure on the state (McQuigg, 813).
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan has urged President Trump to maintain international pressure on North Korea through sanctions and other means.
«What is needed instead is to urgently reconvene the Geneva peace talks and unrelenting international pressure for a negotiated settlement of the conflict.
The award, he added, amplified his situation and helped rally international pressure «with much louder voice from one of the most well - known scientific societies in the world.»
Many believe the timeline will not be delayed due to strong international pressure on China to reduce emissions and a strong domestic desire to seek market forces against global warming.
Vil Mirzayanov, the scientist accused of revealing state secrets about Russia's chemical weapons programme, says international pressure secured his release from prison last month.
With several countries in the Old World making a determined effort to counter the problem, there will be heavy international pressure on those in the New World to lift their game.
With international support for the PRG growing daily, led by the Soviet Union, most of us believed that Nixon would have to negotiate peace because of severe international pressure
But the Chinese have resisted international pressure to curb their emissions.
It is only through indirect international pressure or through a willingness on the state to adhere to the committee's findings that action will be taken to rectify the breach.
I believe we sit down with our trade partners and create broad international pressure on China to change its ways.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), unhappy with the way that the UK government involved itself in the Serious Fraud Office's decision to drop planks of its investigation — impacting on Saudi Arabia — into alleged corruption at BAE, is presently investigating the UK's legislative infrastructure and the government is likely to face increased international pressure to codify and effectively enforce the law.
North Korea currently faces growing international pressure and sanctions over its nuclear and missile programmes.
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