Sentences with phrase «international sphere»

JKS Communications is a book marketing and book promotion firm with a national and international sphere of influence for authors and publishers JOINING THE JKS FAMILY You have spent months, maybe years, alone, honing your craft, writing your book, and now it's time to put your «baby» out into the world.
JKS Communications is a book marketing and book promotion firm with a national and international sphere of influence for authors and publishers
Optimists have suggested that despite the revanchist and often anti-rationalist rhetoric of his campaign, Mr Trump has in the international sphere surrounded himself with rational establishment advisers and has either retreated or been stymied by Congress on proposals like launching trade wars or building walls.
So the «fire» in the international sphere was the U.S. military - spending deficit and trade deficit.
A number of these SOEs have moved into the international sphere and are now listed on global stock exchanges; CNOOC International is one.
Technological birth control need not have emerged in the way it did in the U.S. History might have told a different story, wherein families and cultures were able to choose life in multiple, even seemingly profligate, ways and find support for their choices in the civic and international sphere.
Elshtain says that the same accountability that exists between citizens must also apply to the international sphere.
However, while running up against a high blank wall at home, the new Pope was able to do something in the international sphere.
Other initiatives for sweetFrog include growing its fleet of mobile franchise trailers and trucks, building out more non-traditional locations, and expanding more in the international sphere.
Other grievances include a lack of infrastructure; «centralism» in regard to Barcelona's airport; a lack of recognition of the distinct national reality of Catalan society; the absence of linguistic pluralism in state institutions and practices; and marginalization of Catalonia from the European and international spheres.
In the international sphere, Margaret Thatcher sought to strengthen and restore pride in the United Kingdom, a country which had been derided as the «sick man of Europe».
RF: As I have emphasized already, the book is significant in the way it highlights the interpenetrated nature of the domestic and international spheres.
By using a hybrid form of art - making, Jaar has consistently provoked, questioned, and searched for ways to heighten our consciousness about issues often forgotten or suppressed in the international sphere, while not relinquishing art's formal and aesthetic power.
The forum sought to ameliorate the invisibility of the works of black Canadian artists, curators, and critics within the international sphere.
They worked to build bridges between grassroots activism and the international sphere as part of a coherent civil society strategy on climate.
In the international sphere — without a legislature akin to Parliament and without ready recourse to the courts — the government lawyer is in a unique position.
Initial Programs of Study are: Law and Government; Law and Business; Law, Science and Technology; Law and the International Sphere; and Law and Social Change.
Personally, I am a supporter of the International Criminal Court, as it carries the banner of human rights and law and order in the international sphere.
This would go a long way to dispel any allegations that the ICC is an ineffective experiment in international law, and could provide for a new avenue of accountability and rule of law in the international sphere.
Health Affairs explores health policy issues of current concern in domestic and international spheres.
It is obvious that Malta has become a natural point of reference on the international sphere and companies such as Binance will continue to look into Malta to further expand their operations or establish a base.
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