Sentences with phrase «international think tank»

Presently, he holds several advisory positions with international think tanks in the Middle...
Tundi works with international think tanks, foundations, multilaterals, museums and academic institutions, environmental groups, and consortia with interest in solving local and regional coastal and marine conservation problems.
Changhua Wu, a Chinese analyst with The Climate Group international think tank, says the CAT's estimate may be optimistic.
Since its spectacular Paris debut, GAMEHOTEL, the successful international think tank and event series, has transposed the latest trends in interactive entertainment into vibrant shows and inspiring congresses.
Prior to joining NIDIS, she served as a Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow at adelphi, a Berlin - based international think tank, conducting research on climate risk insurance, environmental conflict and state fragility, and the water - food - energy nexus.
She chaired the Boards of international NGO, Psychology Beyond Borders and international think tank and research institute, Issues Deliberation Australia, for ten years each.
Elliott Masie is the chairman and CLO of The Masie Center's Learning Consortium and CEO of The Masie Center, an international think tank focused on learning and workplace productivity.
Jennifer Franco, a researcher at the Transnational Institute, an international think tank in the Netherlands that advocates for social justice, said land grabbing has been going on for a long time and some of the increase is due to more awareness and reporting of it.
A trio of scientists from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and the Morgridge Institute for Research participated in an international think tank this month on the intersection of genome editing technology and national security.
Following successful shows in Paris, California, and at Gamescom Cologne, Gamehotel, the international think tank and event series on interactive entertainment, returned to Zurich for a fourth consecutive year, showcasing two new formats: The electrifying Gamehotel Soirée, and the stylish Gamepromenade.
With offices in the North America, Europe and Asia, the international think tank tracks countries» resource deficits and assesses the risks that they create for national economies — risks that are currently underestimated in many country - risk models and sovereign credit ratings.
Osmundsen offers a good idea at the end of his post: IEA should partner with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), an international think tank created specifically to analyze the development of renewable energy.
«It's clear that Congress is fairly split on this,» says Jennifer Morgan, global director of the Climate Change Program at the World Resources Institute, an international think tank, in a telephone interview Tuesday.
Global Footprint Network is an international think tank that coordinates research, develops methodological standards and provides decision - makers with a menu of tools to help the human economy operate within Earth's ecological limits.
Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint Network, an international think tank that coordinates research, develops methodological standards and provides decision - makers with a menu of tools to help the human economy operate within Earth's ecological limits.
Immediately prior to joining Equal Justice Works, he served as Chief Development Officer and Vice President of the EastWest Institute, an international think tank focusing on conflict resolution in the service of global stability.
He is in the late stages of the interview process for a job with an international think tank that ideologically leans far in one direction.
A new research report from Fung Global Retail & Technology, an international think tank that follows retail and technology trends, uses hard data to outline what retail property owners and managers already know — store closing announcements this year have been off the charts.
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