Sentences with phrase «internet does»

I can't tell you how many biz owners have built a nice website and then said, «The internet doesn't work for getting leads».
The Atlantic — Confirmed: The Internet Does Not Solve Global Inequality — Alexis Madrigal — Not only does the internet blink at you, but it does so more if you live in a rich country.
However, in our view, it is probable that a court would find that an inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of privileged information on the Internet does not defeat the privilege for such information.
The Internet doesn't change that.
The fact you can access it over the internet doesn't mean you're using the cloud.
I understand that soaking publicly on the internet does carry risk, but I was checking whether something that I thought Rose to the level of ethical malice Rose to the level of legal malice.
[14] In my view, merely viewing in a Web browser an image stored in a remote location on the Internet does not establish the level of control necessary to find possession.
Opening up yourself online, however, means that you can become the target of internet trolls that think the internet does not require manners.
It's not to say that the social and cultural phenomena specific to the Internet does not help, such as popular DIY's, How To's, Images, Catchphrases, Jokes, and viral Videos do help to expand it.
Speaking at the book launch of e-flux's The Internet Does not Exist, Galloway proposed that, contrary to the aspirations of the art of the modern period, art today isn't really operating as a vanguard.
The Internet doesn't have that at all.
The Internet doesn't hold sole license of stupidity and deception.
But i guess the internet does encourage self - centered babies like you to vent their frustrations on others, so i guess that's asking too much.
Luckily, the internet doesn't forget and this page has also been cached.
Yoshida's comments make Sony's position on the matter clear, at least — the PlayStation 4 will work when you're internet doesn't.
There are two things that that the internet does to digital content: it makes distributing it so cheap as to be almost free, and it makes it possible for companies to talk to their biggest fans and find ways to charge them lots of money in return for giving them things that they value.
The internet doesn't know what to do with itself after Twitch streamer Ninja and musician Drake paired up for a historic moment in video game viewership.
So, I'm just trying to make sure the Internet doesn't criminalise this guy en - masse basically.
4) internet does not work 50 % of the time.
Just because you can access everything on the internet doesn't mean that the descriptions provided in such forum are a perfect fit to your pet cat.
Just because you read some commentary on the internet doesn't mean it's true.
Just because someone chimes in on the internet doesn't make them credible.
Just because someone wrote it on the Internet doesn't make it true.
Few to no domestic ATM costs: Bank of Internet doesn't charge any ATM fees in the U.S. Plus, three of the bank's five checking accounts reimburse all fees charged by domestic ATM operators.
Being on the internet doesn't change our affinity for visual stimulation.
That this makes no good business sense on the Internet does not seem to have dawned on them.
The internet does transform the way readers consume their content on a daily basis.
The internet does not recognise international borders.
At least the internet doesn't do that.
The internet does not look kindly on secrets.
Browsing the internet does not cause a massive amount of page - refresh issues, that normally plague lower - end devices.
But the Internet doesn't forget.
As a natural site for self - publishing, the Internet does not compete with traditional forms of an author's presence on the market.
The Internet doesn't differentiate between countries, and books are often impulse buys.
Despite being insanely useful, however, the Internet doesn't always provide the inspiration a writer needs.
Publishers that understand the trade - offs and shifts in their work will be able to nimbly respond to the internet before the internet does their work for them.
There is still much to be said for searching for books in a quiet library, especially since the internet doesn't provide free access to much scholarship.
So, helping students learn how important that question is to ask but then also how you go about answering it online, because the internet does provide lots of resources to help us figure out who is behind websites and information that's posted.
Even if the internet doesn't necessarily deserve cats.
Star Wars Grindhouse trailer: The internet does it again by re-cutting everyone's favourite space opera into a Grindhouse trailer.
Timothée Chalamet, for example — who plays Lady Bird's crush Kyle and is also Oscar - nominated this year for his role in another coming - of - age drama, Call Me By Your Name — was directed towards the films of Éric Rohmer and a collection of theoretical essays, The Internet Does Not Exist.
And obviously, as we learnt more details thanks to press releases, toys, interviews and trailers — the internet does what it does best, speculate.
Problems start upon their arrival: electricity works on and off, telephones are not operational, the internet does not exist, television stations ceased to deliver news, and the last English newspaper was printed three days prior.
The internet does tend to breed hyperbole and polarizing generalizations; however, stating that everyone who didn't enjoy this movie would enjoy the idiocy of Michael Bay is just tossing another log on the eternal flames.
(COURTESY) As people spend more and more of their lives online and in «the... Stressing on the need to take every single expense (including money spent on eating out, partying, dating, movie tickets and online subscriptions like for... A Survival Guide To Online Dating — BuzzFeed — Because the internet doesn't have to Read More...
Well, the presence of the internet does not change that, it is still fate but with a gentle nudge.
The Internet does nt have to be a pedophiles playground.
Where else but on the Internet does a Dating Online is not perfect.
One thing that the Internet does allow you is time to get to know someone and to check them out BEFORE you go on a date with him or her in the offline world.
«Basically what the Internet does is makes it a lot easier to find a casual partner,» he told VICE News.
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