Sentences with phrase «internet survey»

Over three thousand people responded, making this the largest internet survey to date asking consumers about these apps; the results were insightful.
The insights from these groups informed the development of a 50 - question internet survey.
Participants were recruited from a commercial national internet survey panel; each of the participants reported detailed social connection information with up to 25 friends and relatives.
For instance, nearly 6,000 dog breeders, trainers, groomers and vets were asked to identify dogs by breed in an anonymous Internet survey.
The study is based on a nationally representative internet survey of 1,463 parents with children under 8.
Consider these facts from a recent Pew Internet survey as they relate to lawyer Internet marketing:
She cited a 2014 internet survey published by PLOS One, on the prevalence of sexual harassment at fieldwork sites throughout the sciences.
Study 2 data were collected by Qualtrics — a company that specialises in representative internet surveys — during June — July 2013 using a web - based community sample.
«But two large Internet surveys reveal that a staggering 86 % of women don't understand that products sold by compounding pharmacies are not approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.»
The Advent of Internet Surveys for Political Research: A Comparison of Telephone and Internet Samples.
Just as Lewandowsky couldn't take the perspectives of climate sceptics in good faith — he had to probe inside their minds, using a shoddy internet survey — Read does not take issue with the arguments actually offered by actual climate change - denying libertarians, he takes issue with his own fantasy libertarian, abandoning all the rigour and practice that the discipline he belongs to has established over the course of millennia, to score cheap rhetorical points.
The research was based on a 20 - minute Internet survey of 12,000 respondents in 12 countries — including Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Britain and the United States — from mid-September to early October.
One teen from the Pew Internet survey said «My boyfriend or someone I really liked asked for them and I felt like if I didn't do it, they wouldn't continue to talk to me.
Emotional but not physical maltreatment is independently related to psychopathology in subjects with various degrees of social anxiety: a web - based internet survey.
Prescriptions of compounded hormones aren't systematically tracked the way those for FDA - approved drugs are, so the analysts used two large internet surveys of middle - aged and older US women to gauge how commonly they use approved hormone therapy and compounded hormone therapy at menopause.
In a recent Pew Internet survey, 59 percent of Americans said they consider online dating a good way to meet people compared with 44 percent in 2005.
We apply structural equation modelling to data from a large Internet survey to compare the social structuration of Internet benefits with harms.
Using the responses of 215 online investors to a 2001 internet survey and actual portfolio returns for these investors during 1997 - 2000 as calculated from their holdings during that period, they find that:
Using the responses of 215 online investors to a 2001 internet survey and actual portfolio returns for these investors during 1997 - 2000 as calculated from their holdings during that period, they find that: Keep Reading
An Internet survey was conducted among 511 respondents in Victoria, Australia, to ascertain their support for possible government fruit and vegetable promotion policies.
These are the findings of an Internet survey conducted by a group of gynaecologists presented in the journal Human Fertility.
Unsurprisingly, out of 374 injured people who responded to an internet survey that Jenniskens and colleagues created, the most common complaint related to eyes — 180 people said their eyes hurt and 70 were temporarily blinded.
To investigate, chronobiologist Till Roenneberg at the University of Munich in Germany and colleagues compiled data from tens of thousands of responses to an internet survey on sleep patterns and other behaviors.
Corrigendum: Barriers, Benefits, and Beliefs of Brain Training Smartphone Apps: An Internet Survey of Younger US Consumers
These are the findings of an Internet survey conducted by a group of gynaecologists...
An internet survey indicate...
Meanwhile, an Internet survey that polled over 8,000 people showed that the age criteria for a «left - over» man is 35, and 28 for a «left - over» woman.
Although Rosenfeld says the paper is a «serious and interesting paper» and «Cacioppo is a serious scholar with a big reputation,» he is concerned that «the use of an Internet survey which leaves non-Internet households out might bias the results.»
In a recent Pew Internet survey, 73 percent of all teens used social networks daily.
Using an innovative technique made possible by Internet surveys and geo - coding technology, Martin West and his colleagues at Harvard's Program on Education Policy and Governance («Grading Schools,» research) were able to match each member of a nationally representative sample of adults to the specific elementary and middle schools that serve his or her neighborhood.
Feeling safe at school from potential violence and health hazards is critical to effective learning and teaching, and International Horizons Unlimited is trying to learn through an Internet survey what educators and the public know about school safety issues.
An internet survey of teachers across Georgia shows a lack of enthusiasm for the idea of putting guns in their hands, a strategy President Donald Trump espoused to thwart mass shooters.
It seems fitting that one of the key sources of inspiration for the dramatic new Nissan URGE concept, a spare, technology - heavy, performance - oriented sports car design exercise, would be found online — in the results of an Internet survey of approximately 2,000 young car and gaming enthusiasts.
Thunderstorm phobia in dogs: An internet survey of 69 cases.
Not a single poodle was identified as a stool eater on Hart's Internet survey.
According to Hart's Internet survey, fewer than two percent of owners with poo - eating dogs suggest that such products work.
Corren conducted an Internet survey to test his theory.
Thunderstorm phobia in dogs: an internet survey of 69 cases.
Results from an Internet survey published in the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association in 2001 indicated that herding breeds such as German shepherd dogs and border collies seem to be more susceptible to developing this condition.
Just as we thought it was getting quiet again, along comes the latest Pew Internet Survey to suggest that
According to a recent Pew Internet survey, 91 % of online adults use search engines to find information on the web.
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