Sentences with phrase «interpreted as the belief»

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Confirmation bias is defined as the tendency to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms one's own existing preconceptions, beliefs and opinions.
Extremists in any religion may interpret their holy doctrines to produce the suffering, torture and murder of others as a mechanism to coerce them into adopting their ways of life and their beliefs.
So, by suppressing all reference to God and God's word, Christian beliefs can easily be interpreted as consonant with revolution.
I suspect because it is required to keep the belief going otherwise you would have to call in to question everything you believed in and that is a very deeply painful road — so most interpret it as a «test» rather than your brain working rationally because it is scary to go against tradition.
I also know that humans by flawed default will interpret the words as they morally see fit, because it is in our nature to judge others against ourselves and our own ethics, beliefs, and morals.
Accordingly, I have outlined a position which views development as integral to a particular way of interpreting the status of religious beliefs, and have illustrated it with the way we image God.
Orthodoxy is being able not only to repeat the same teachings but also to show their relevance to the new context.2 Other individuals, on the other hand, interpret religious beliefs as merely expressions of the human community's search for some kind of meaning, an accumulated source of information built up over the years as the community reflected on its life and activities.
On the traditional assumption that knowledge is justified true belief, we may interpret Whitehead as asserting that from the fact that we have a strongly held, possibly even unshakable, belief we may conclude — apparently only on that basis — that the belief is true and adequately justified.
So, to me, the real question becomes do you, as a devout Christian, vote for someone that has rejected the Bible and its Christian tenets in favor of a different path to salvation, or someone that actually does believe in the Bible and its Christian tenets but interprets those tenets in a less literal way that seems to run counter to your more literal beliefs?
I still don't think that belief in the Genesis version of creation requires one to believe in the ten thousand year thing.The King James translated the original to say seven days, other scholars have since said that word could be interpreted as ages.
«Inclusivity,» which in the context of the new authority is interpreted as the amalgamation of people with vastly different beliefs and ways of life, thus becomes not only the method but also the end of authority's exercise.
(3) If many stories may be interpreted as myth, how are we to protect the historical basis of Christian belief?
In the film I Am Not a Witch we see how every human society interprets its own beliefs as damage, and routes around them.
But we may also interpret the facts as supporting the belief that there are within limitations real possibilities for the exercise of human freedom in the reconstruction of the orders of existence.
It is simply a concise presentation of the history and spread of Islam and of the beliefs and obligations of Muslims as interpreted by outstanding Muslim scholars of our time.
Of course, it has gradually come to be agreed in the church that such beliefs are not essential to Christian faith in creation; and theologians today commonly maintain that the first two chapters of Genesis are properly interpreted as mythological.
When I became a lawyer I swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which now, as interpreted by the Court, contains newly discovered rights that, if accepted, would destroy my moral and religious beliefs and therefore my conscience.
They are valuable so long as they help to interpret our experience as Christian people and to indicate the direction in which we ought to look if we want to understand something of the nature of our belief.
Were I a leader of Wiltshire Church, I would try to plumb the richness of what the church now interprets as rejection of Christian belief.
Because Jung wrote about myth and considered all religions worthy of study and respect, many have wrongly assumed that he interpreted religion as myth in the sense that it is deluded belief, something childish and meant only for the unthinking masses.
Democratic Secularism should not be interpreted as a common denial of belief in a transcendent religious ultimate, as when Scientific Rationalism or Marxism is made the State ideology.
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 120) These truths are organized into a coherent system, and they succeed or fail, as do other beliefs, by their ability or inability to interpret life.
The bible appears to promote violence in selected passages, but the very fact that Christians analyze scripture with the underlying belief that there is such a thing as an objective truth and morality we don't have the freedom in our doctrine to falsely interpret passages from Leviticus to justify killing while ignoring Christ and the ten commandments.
The Court's statement in Seeger that a registrant's characterization of his own belief as «religious» should carry great weight... does not imply that his declaration that his views are nonreligious should be treated similarly... very few registrants are fully aware of the broad scope of the word «religious» [as interpreted by law since Seeger].»
In so far as your metaphysical beliefs are implicit, you vaguely interpret the past on the lines of the present.
Your comments regarding your wild and exaggerated belief that God was somehow confused on what he created in «Adam then Eve» as male and female and that the bible can be interpreted in any way you choose reminds me of some scripture that you (being a scholar and former pastor?)
However, these computer simulations produced the same pattern of data that is usually interpreted as showing optimism bias, due to the fact that belief scores changed more in response to good than bad news.
While others theorize that mentalizing — interpreting human behavior in terms of intentional mental states such as needs, desires or purposes — has a positive association with belief, the researchers found none.
Harteveld: «It could be interpreted as showing that women are on average less faithful to their own beliefs when voting.
«We can interpret this as the younger Christians being as committed to their beliefs as older Christians,» stated Sam Moorcroft, President and co-founder of
If, for example, we are brought up to believe that throughout history our people have been innocent victims of anti-Semitism, that because we are Jewish we are victims, we will be compelled to interpret events, such as the Israel - Lebanon War, in a way that preserves that belief.
It follows this learning journey: - Defining the key terms «fate» and «free will», and establishing their relevance within the play; - Reading and interpreting Act 5 Scene 8, and establishing how Macbeth's death was set in motion long before the battlefield; - Mapping Macbeth's demise, from his early success as a brave and respected warrior, to his death as a tyrant king; - Understanding and analysing how the key themes of ambition, power, and his belief in fate contributed to his downfall; - Peer / self evaluating the learning in the lesson.
As we interpret the data, then, a strong desire to implement technology with a belief that it is important is what set the eight teachers who used more technology apart from the three who did not.
This transcendence can be as open to interpretation as the evaporation of sea water, the struggle to personify the natural world in human form in order to make an emotive connection, or ultimately, the idea of interpreting a belief system as architecture, both of the natural and man - made world, in order to transport oneself from a secular state to a sacred experience.
Thus the whole ensemble may be interpreted (at least potentially) as sampling our collective beliefs and uncertainties regarding the climate system, although the ad - hoc and uncoordinated nature of the model - building process around the world may raise some doubts as to the plausibility of such an assumption.
This method does not make much sense to me, and it certainly does not appear to be compatible with the Bayesian perspective in which probability is interpreted as a degree of belief.
But given the importance of the problem, perhaps we can be less frightened of telling users what we believe — and perhaps we can credit them with the intelligence not to interpret our current beliefs as everlasting promises.
In argument, however, the Crown conceded that the confusion created by this clumsy wording should be resolved by interpreting s. 487.012 (3)(a) as requiring that a reasonable belief standard be met notwithstanding the use of the word «suspected» towards the end of the provision.»
In Aboriginal sacred sites litigation, this second criterion should be interpreted in accordance with Indigenous worldviews, which situate sacred sites as part and parcel of spiritual practice, belief and indeed identity.
Finally, we demonstrated how debunking propaganda faces big challenges as biases severely limit a person's ability to interpret evidence which runs contrary to their beliefs.
I am your neighbour / Ideas about the family / Ideals and limitations / Identities / Identity and relationship / Identity vs role confusion / Image of social care / Immediacy / Impediments to permanency / Importance of cooperation / Importance of fathers / Impulsivity and irrational beliefs / In - between / Including families / Inclusion / Independent living / Independent living skills / Indications for treatment / Individual and residential treatment / Individual antisepsis / Individual demands / Individual differences / Individual experiences / Individual recognition / Individual sessions / Individuals and groups / Indoor noise / Indulging the deprived child / Inner pain / Inner world / Innovative book / Insecure attachment / Inside kid / Institutional care in Germany / Interactive learning / Intercultural relationships / Interest contagion / Intergenerational programs / Intergenerational theory / Intergenerational work / Internal / external control / Interpersonal dependence / Interpersonal responses / Interpretation as interference / Interpreting behaviour / Interpretive systems / Inter-staff relationships / Intervention environment / Interventions / Interview / Intimate familiarity / Introducing supervision / Intuitive decision - making / Investment in relationships / Invisible suffering / Involvement of families / Involving families / Involving young people / Irish view / Irrational acceptance / Isibindi project / Isolation rooms / I've been an adult too long
Some of these children had experienced early separation from their parents or obvious neglect, and Bowlby interpreted their disturbed behavior patterns as support for his belief that a mother's love for a child was vital for healthy psychological development — as vital as good nutrition is for physical growth.
Yet, given that cultures vary in their customs and beliefs, the same behavior may be interpreted differently across cultures.2 It is likely that any behavior that is viewed, within a culture, as adaptive will lead to its encouragement by significant others including parents and peers; in contrast, if a behavior is perceived to be maladaptive, it will be discouraged.
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