Sentences with word «intertwined»

The most complex machine will not exhibit any purposiveness, yet the determinist and the teleological arguments are intertwined into the very roots of nature.
They experience triple oppression: classism, racism and sexism, which are intertwined.
Local religious independence and political independence on a national basis, were again being actively intertwined and this progress, laced with the duplicity and corruption common to such affairs, was at the heart of local and international politics during the coming twelve years.
This view is worrisome because it is finally unclear about just how theory is intertwined with practice in such a way that neither is the source or end of the other.
With us in North America, on the contrary, Christ and culture are so subtlety intertwined, so inextricably connected at the subconscious or unconscious level, that we do not know where one leaves off and the other begins.
If theory and practice are intertwined in a dialectical way, then to engage in one is inescapably to engage in the other also, as an inherent part of education.
I struggle with it because I have no religion but yet it is so intertwined with my Greek culture.
Thus creativity - esse accounts for the being - here of an activity in which both potentiality and actuality are intertwined.10
Characteristic of such issues is the way in which technical and moral questions are intertwined.
The question that has to be asked, however, is whether Spinoza intended the readers of chapter 14 (especially those who lived in the years before the publication of the Ethics) to understand that he is here speaking Spinozistically, and that the universal religion he outlines and seeks to propagate is intertwined with propositions that are not true but that are nevertheless useful for maintaining «the piety of the masses.
In fact this notion presents fullness of life as intimately intertwined with the idea of inclusive and cooperative living, which is an alternate worldview to the homogenizing and hegemonizing one promoted by the Hindutva.
In other words, the crucial and fundamental question about thinking is what type of imaginary could accommodate and reconcile complementary, closely intertwined but antagonistic ideas; for example, mechanical habit and free or spontaneous action.
23:28) Dreams and prophecy were intertwined; it was impossible to do the work of a prophet without doing dream - work, and true dreams established the prophet in the office of prophecy.
The full Gospel of Jesus Christ is an intertwined story of life, death and resurrection.
So, it only makes sense that churches and the military would be intertwined anyway.
«60 This primary theology will, no doubt, be closer to the unsystematic, bordering on the inchoate, intertwined with the vulgar, and tinged with the nonrational.
There is also reason to believe that the material and the immaterial (or spiritual) are very intimately intertwined.
the bible says GOD created adam (which in hebrew means mankind, not just «one» person, so apparently while the bible is about one person, and his offspring, generations and others intertwined leading to the birth of JESUS as told by the prophets of the OLD TESTAMENT, there were OTHER people alive on EARTH..
Scholars are agreed that religious beliefs have always been intertwined with human life.
Though this theory is clearly fashioned after the concrescence of the many into one, concrescence had two intertwined connotations for him which made it unacceptable.
Thus this knowledge is integrally intertwined with power: to colonize, to dominate, to educate, to covert, to guide and control.
This nontextual character of Dalit and Adivasi traditions influences the direction of contextual liturgical expressions: instead of reaching back to the pristine and original world of the past (mostly inscribed and frozen in sacred texts), they may be intertwined with an orientation towards the future.
And yet there were ways in which «imperial mission and missionary imperialism» became inextricably intertwined.3 Through a meticulous, comprehensive and multidisciplinary study Studdert - Kennedy documents the similarity between themes of contemporary Western Christian theology and the core beliefs which grounded politically the unfolding of the imperial mission in India.
The Bully Pulpit provides and imaginative and persuasive account of white Protestant clergy and of how theological and political orientations are intertwined
Of being reminded of & overwhelmed by the realization of God's fingerprint in my story and how my story is so intertwined with others stories and that God has ordered it all!
But I had a unique experience in seeing how their faith is intertwined with their politics, work, family — everything.
According to the Einsteinian formulation of GTR, the physical magnitudes so represented define the metric structure of the space - time continuum, and fields of gravitational force are interpreted as inextricably intertwined with this structure.29 According to the Whiteheadian formulation of 0TH, the physical magnitudes so represented define a physical characteristic, the «impetus,» against the background of a uniform metric structure.30 In effect, Einstein incorporates fields of gravitational force into a theory about the metric structure of the space - time continuum, whereas Whitehead retains such fields as special physical factors constitutive of the physical field associated with an event.
This gets intertwined with their temptation to maximize their own satisfaction, income, and social position precisely as economists, which their own analysis tells them are the proper and perhaps only rational goals of their activities.
This defense was also inevitably intertwined with defending the Christian character of the old curriculum and of the tightly disciplined collegiate life.
They are intimately intertwined in a love relationship where the one guards the others heart and physical affections.
We are too intertwined with nature as a whole, and too dependent upon it.
Consequently it would be erroneous to see Bultmann's theological position with regard to Jesus as a belated appendix to his historical position; if one were unwilling to concede that the theological and historical factors are inextricably intertwined, then one could equally well argue the priority of the theological.
To suggest that sexual orientation may be intertwined with nurture, trauma, experience or desire is to complicate the victories the LGBTQ community has won using this civil rights argument.
It is far better to view people as both physical and spiritual, with both aspects being intimately connected and intertwined.
That nostalgia is all intertwined with evangelical memory, so that the nostalgia has a vague religious feeling about it.
With me the two are intertwined.
It's very brave to do something like this, especially when your life is so intertwined with you faith.
'» More substantively, the discussion of your education at Southwestern and Yale, and then of your successive teaching positions at Augustana, Notre Dame, and Duke» all intertwined with the ups and downs of your personal life» is not only interesting but also instructive.
As the worldwide community becomes a single intertwined economy with an increasingly homogenised culture, so the consequences of our shared beliefs and collective actions become ever more dramatic and far reaching.
Your lives and friendships are so intertwined that to leave is heartbreaking.
@Fred, «Religion is inextricably intertwined with our political and judicial process.»
Certainly human lives are intertwined, and we know as yet little about the power of thought transference.
If the interests of the information and culture producers and the powers that be are intertwined, a society's capacity for democratic government is seriously undermined.
Resources become intertwined with identity.
Religion is inextricably intertwined with our political and judicial process.
I believe that faith and life have to be totally intertwined to have meaning.
Evangelicalism in particular has gotten so intertwined with conservativism that some have tried to correct the problem by franticly jumping to the other extreme, turning to liberal politics and habitual America - bashing to state their case.
Bolton said in a statement: «Fashion and religion have long been intertwined, mutually inspiring and informing one another.
When, in theological reflection, attention is given to the primal expressions in Scripture of the vision of reality with which the emergence of Christian existence was intertwined, there is greater assurance that selection and emphasis of those elements of common reality that characterize Christian existence will occur.
One can conceive of a variety of types of interstitial occasions (such as varying forms of «entirely living occasions») that might pervade the whole interstitium sort of adjacent to or intertwined with the presiding occasion.
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