Sentences with phrase «interview with the press»

, a lot of TV and radio stuff, a lot of photography stills for ads and news and continual interviews with the press.
In his first interview with the press since becoming NSFC president on 22 February, Yang talked to Science about plans to improve NSFC's grant management, strengthen academic integrity, and stamp out misconduct.
A week after turning 83, Murdoch sat down with Fortune senior editor - at - large Pattie Sellers for his first wide - ranging interview with the press since 2009.
In an earlier interview with the Press & Journal, Mr Movan claimed his constitutional right to practise freedom of religion had been «infringed upon» and that the police department had made «no accommodation» for his religious beliefs.
I identify myself as evangelical in interviews with the press because I want people to know that evangelicalism is a broad and diverse movement with a common spirit, but not necessarily uniform theological or political beliefs.
In a recent interview with the press, Arsene Wenger revealed that Arsenal were one of the English teams battling it out over Chelsea playmaker Eden Hazard.
After years of perennial complaints from the press about the stage - managed nature of party conferences, even the Liberal Democrats have taken bold steps to make interviews with the press even more predictable.
Hammons has, in the past, done all of the following: placed basketball hoops on telephone poles, covered mirrors in tattered shrouds, denied interviews with the press, made art out of elephant dung, and sold snowballs as a performance.
Cáceres won the 2015 Goldman Environmental Award, and in a 2015 interview with the press noted, «We must undertake the struggle in all parts of the world, wherever we may be, because we have no other spare or replacement planet.
In a roundtable interview with press at the GoPro Mountain Games, Woodman said the company's next action camera, the Hero6, will «be bitchin.»
In an interview with press on Wednesday, Zuckerberg said he expects most of Facebook's users who had a specific search function enabled had their public data scraped by a third party.
He put it more succinctly in an interview with Press Pros Magazine (an Ohio sports publication) a few years ago, when asked if politics had gotten meaner over the years: «Politics has never been a place for «sissies,» if that's what you mean.
In those few months Carey has gained a bigger understanding of the role and in an interview with the Press Association has said Bernie's attitude had been holding the sport back.
Later in an interview with the press, Mrs Sowah said many people were ignorant about SGBV, some felt it was a family affair, coupled with the fact that most perpetrators were family close members or friends, people hardly report such issues.
Mr Blackford announced that he would not be replacing Mr Robertson in an interview with The Press and Journal.
Speaking afterwards in an interview with the press, Mr. Gadri entreated miners in the country to support the needy.
Another de Blasio ally (and aggrieved Cuomo victim), Working Families Party director Bill Lipton, echoed the strong language de Blasio used Tuesday in his interviews with the press.
His interviews with the press, like the one reported by New Scientist, seem to have included lots of caveats admitting that the whole project falls short of «Jurassic World» - level science.
In an interview with the Press Democrat, Leno said that compliance only requires a minimal additional expense.»
During an interview with the press, Mr. Kimishima mentioned that his grandchildren play both Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
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