Sentences with phrase «intestinal blockage»

The phrase "intestinal blockage" means there is something stopping or clogging the intestines, which can lead to problems with digestion and can be very uncomfortable. Full definition
These items can also cause intestinal blockages if pieces are chewed off and swallowed.
Tinsel and decorations can cause intestinal blockages if eaten and your pet may get a nasty shock if they chew through the electrical cable for your Christmas lights.
Symptoms of intestinal blockage include vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, pain and gagging or frequent swallowing.
A very heavy worm burden may even cause intestinal blockage in a small kitten.
My 2 yr old French Bulldog recently had surgery for intestinal blockage.
It's interesting to note that there is another group of pets that might be susceptible to developing intestinal blockages from clumping cat litters, and that is small dogs.
Intestinal blockage from a foreign body like a bone or toy, or an intussusception.
Halloween Pumpkins and Corn: Although pumpkins and decorative corn are relatively non-toxic to our pets, they can cause stomach upset and even intestinal blockages if ingested.
This parasite often infects puppies before they are born, and they can cause life - threatening intestinal blockages if they are not treated.
Swallowing these types of items can lead to choking and can also cause potentially deadly intestinal blockages.
Intestinal blockage occurs because Crohn's disease tends to thicken the intestinal walls with scar tissue and swelling, narrowing the passage.
CON: Some chew toys may break up and form intestinal blockages, which can also be caused by fabric / rope.
Excessively small products or products that fragment should not be offered as pet toys to any dog, as intestinal blockage requiring surgical removal can occur.
In the late 1990s, a separate rotavirus vaccine was abandoned after researchers determined that it occasionally caused a dangerous intestinal blockage (SN: 9/27/03, p. 204: Available to subscribers at Checkmate for a Child - Killer?).
This can cause intestinal blockage because ferrets have a narrow gastrointestinal tract that blocks easily.
They're not worth the high risk of possible intestinal blockage.
Toys made of vinyl or foam rubber should never be given to ferrets, because these materials can cause a fatal intestinal blockage if ingested.
Bones have been linked to a number of health problems, including intestinal blockages, tooth fractures, and stomach irritation.
Some cats like to nibble on plastic Easter basket grass which can cause intestinal blockages so keep cats away from it.
Squeaky toys, pieces of tennis shoes, rawhide knots and tube socks have caused intestinal blockages requiring surgery in the intestines of clients» dogs.
Pick up anything that could pose a choking or intestinal blockage hazard.
Just avoid anything that has small parts or strings that can come off and be ingested by your cat that could cause intestinal blockage issues.
BRL has provided all veterinary care and supplies for Savannah, including a major laceration repair to her leg (from cutting it in her yard) in 2009, as well as a major intestinal blockage surgery in 2014 after she ate a rope toy that was intended for one of the foster puppies in her foster home.
Puppies may suffer intestinal blockage should too many worms become suspended the length of the intestinal tract.
«Veterinarians and many other pet professionals are recommending to their clients that they avoid rawhide products because of choking and intestinal blockage concerns,» says Glinsky, who expects sales of non-rawhide chews to substantially outpace market growth.
As a result, Crohn's patients eventually need surgery to clear intestinal blockages or remove irreparably damaged parts of the colon.
There are also some issues with the natural ingredient and it has even been linked to intestinal blockage along with other digestive problems like gas and diarrhea.
Fruit stones, corn on the cob, bones, stones, small toys, bouncy balls, golf balls, babies» dummies, rubber ducks, coins and fridge magnets all pose a risk for canine intestinal blockage.
Vomiting in conjunction with a hairball is actually beneficial; cats need to expel hairballs to avoid intestinal blockages.
I found several more pieces in the vomit, and she is now at the animal hospital being treated for dehydration and a suspected intestinal blockage.
The aforementioned intestinal blockage and perforation can both be highly threatening issues in dogs, so never take them lightly.
Wings have small bones that can cause choking, gastro intestinal blockage, and can puncture the digestive tract.
Intestinal blockages do occur in dogs and cats, but such blockages are much more common in ferrets.
In extreme feline constipation cases, surgery is required to remove the hairball or other intestinal blockage because untreated constipation can cause a condition called megacolon in which the muscular walls of the colon stretch and weaken.
The symptoms of intestinal blockage vary based on where the blockage occurs.
Anti-parasitic medications will kill the worms in both people and pets, although surgery may be needed to eliminate intestinal blockages.
She can easily get intestinal blockage and she may also have a poisoning event depending on the type of leaves she consumed.
Nectarine pits are big enough to be a choking hazard and a potential intestinal blockage.
If a non-food item is swallowed by a ferret, the result is usually a severe intestinal blockage.
Examination showed Samson had a serious intestinal blockage, for which emergency surgery was needed.
These pets have the biggest problem because they become overly excited, attack their bones, bite off and swallow chunks, and develop intestinal blockages.
Dog's with pica can be at risk for intestinal blockage and other dangerous health issues.
Complications may also occur in the form of intestinal blockage (by a clump of worms) or even intestinal perforation leading to hemorrhage or peritonitis.
Constant licking of floors, carpets, walls, furniture, his own lips, or even your legs, hands, or arms may seem pretty safe, but when the hair and fibres from these objects are ingested, it can lead to life - threatening intestinal blockages that may require surgery.
Some dogs get so excited after being given a bone that they will simply swallow it whole, potentially causing a deadly intestinal blockage.
Unfortunately what goes in doesn't always come out, and this is what results in intestinal blockage in dogs.
Although pet owners might be tempted to place a plastic bag of hay in the cage, retailers should inform them that a plastic bag can present the danger of suffocation, as well as intestinal blockage if swallowed.
Clothes Swallowed clothing may cause a dangerous intestinal blockage.
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