Sentences with phrase «intestinal irritation»

Intestinal irritation refers to a feeling of discomfort or inflammation in the digestive system, particularly in the intestines. It can cause symptoms such as pain, cramps, bloating, or changes in bowel movements. Full definition
Like cow's milk, it can cause intestinal irritation and anemia.
Most commonly, diarrhea that occurs suddenly in an otherwise healthy dog is caused by the animal having eaten something that caused minor intestinal irritation.
Low fat diets are generally beneficial when there is intestinal irritation so that was a good thought.
Following extensive analysis, it appears the most dramatic effects of excessive use of S. terebinthifolius are varying degrees of intestinal irritation depending upon one's age and health, as could happen with chile or black pepper.
Certain foods may also cause irritation, discomfort, gas, or intestinal irritation in babies and they should be avoided if your baby shows negative reactions to them: caffeine (coffee, tea, and chocolate), citrus fruits, spicy peppers, broccoli, and garlic.
Digestive enzymes also play a key role in gastrointestinal health because they can exert a powerful effect in addressing a full range of commonly recognized gastrointestinal disturbances, including intestinal irritation, maldigestion, malabsorption, intestinal hyperpermeability, gut dysbiosis, and food allergies and sensitivities.
These therapies can be formulated for specific health challenges, mobilize nutrients into cells by means of a high concentration gradient, and deliver higher doses than by mouth without intestinal irritation or limited absorption due to gastrointestinal disorders.
These could indicate stomach and intestinal irritation resulting from the piroxicam.
Onions, chives and garlic are extremely dangerous to pets and can cause gastro intestinal irritation and can lead to red cell damage.
Intestinal irritation lessens appetite and causes vomission (vomiting) and burrowing parasites cause blood loss and anemia.
As a matter of fact, any weight loss supplement that contains ingredients such as ephedra, high doses of caffeine, country mallow, or even orlistat (an ingredient in the weight loss supplement Alli) may put you at cardiovascular risk, damage your liver, stress your adrenals and cause intestinal irritation, gut damage and gastrointestinal upset.
In many instances of abdominal aches and intestinal irritation, a cup of simple kuzu cream (kuzu with umeboshi paste, shoyu, and fresh ginger juice) brings quick relief, particularly with children, who often do not like the taste of over-the-counter medications.
Symptoms of C. diff include continual bouts of diarrhea, severe cramps, swollen stomach and intestinal irritation.
When we separate the research on poligeenan and undegraded carrageenan, we find that it is still linked to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut), intestinal irritation, and colon ulcers.
It didn't truly come on suddenly, but in the approximately 5 months prior to hitting 40 I was dealing with constant and increasing bloating and intestinal irritation.
Because it is hard to digest, gluten enters the small intestine undigested, where it causes intestinal irritation.
But you were interested in intestinal irritation, right?
When there is low stomach acid (quite common), gluten enters the small intestine undigested, where it causes intestinal irritation.
Intestinal irritation and diarrhea can also occur with large doses and in very rare cases, anemia can develop.
Any bean should be well cooked to reduce gas and intestinal irritation.
There is a distinction worth noting, though, and that is European mistletoe (not American) can be poisonous to your pets beyond minor stomach or intestinal irritation.
Intestinal irritation can lead to pain and bloody stools, which needless to say is not ideal.
The only side effects that have been attributed to aminocaproic acid have been occasional gastro - intestinal irritation.
Including bleach, detergents and disinfectants can cause intestinal irritation to severe oral burns and respiratory irritation.
Other than the usual NSAID side effects (occasional kidney damage, gastro - intestinal irritation) it seems to be a pretty safe medication.
Mushrooms vary in toxicity from stomach and intestinal irritation to liver failure, neurotoxicity, and death.
Once our little Ducky was feeling better and no longer throwing up, we started to see the after effects of all of that intestinal irritation.
Food poisoning symptoms can range from simple flu - like gastro - intestinal irritation — such as diarrhea and stomach ache — that may last only a short period to more serious conditions that require hospitalization
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