Sentences with phrase «intimacy as»

In this passage, the running water symbolizes our desire for intimacy as it flows from us looking for a place to contain it.
This can impact a couple's emotional intimacy as well as physical intimacy.
My hope for you is that the book and workbook will help you gain the insight and skills necessary to strengthen your relationship during your journey to parenthood and reduce or prevent a drop in the quality of your intimacy as partners.
PAIRS is for any couple: if you have a good relationship that you want to make even better, or you're struggling with distance; unresolved anger, resentments or hurts; or difficulty communicating or creating as much intimacy as you would like.
Intimacy as an interpersonal process In: Duck, S. ed.
Dr. Dan Papero, family therapist, and international speaker said it best when he defined intimacy as:
Figure 4 presents the results of the mediation model test with men and women's recreational intimacy as mediators in the links between attachment and conflict.
Figure 2 presents the results of the mediation model test with men and women's social intimacy as mediators in the links between attachment and conflict.
Extending previous work, the present study expands understanding of links between adult attachment and conflict by explicitly examining intimacy as a potential underlying mechanism to explain these pathways.
Although numerous studies have examined intimacy as a global outcome in relationship to either attachment styles or conflict, research examining intimacy multi-dimensionally in relation to both constructs has been virtually non-existent.
Figure 1 presents results of the mediation model test with men and women's emotional intimacy as mediators in the links between attachment styles and couples» conflict.
Intimacy as an interpersonal process: The importance of self - disclosure and perceived partner responsiveness in interpersonal exchanges.
More recent conceptualizations consider intimacy as a dynamic process between couples that covers multiple facets rather than a static, global outcome in relationships (Collins & Feeney, 2004; Sandhya, 2009).
Figure 3 presents the results of the mediation model test with men and women's intellectual intimacy as mediators in the links between attachment and conflict.
Couples need to set aside time for intimacy as well as communicate with their partner to make sure their needs are being met.
Intimacy as an interpersonal process.
Fortunately, healthy communication is also the easiest place to make relationship improvements that affect intimacy as well.
Saying your partner's first name (not a nickname) can improve intimacy as well.
Challenging prevailing notions of intimacy being a soothing safe haven for insecure people with «attachment wounds,» this piece expands on a differentiation - based view of intimacy as a «people - growing machine.»
To increase your own comfort with emotions and relational intimacy as well as your confidence and skill at helping clients navigate their own experiences.
Be sure to invest in emotional and spiritual intimacy as well.
Many couples have reported increased emotional, physical, and spiritual intimacy as a result of seeking our services.
Adult romantic attachment and couple conflict behaviors: Intimacy as a multi-dimensional mediator.
Couples Therapy, Mindfulness Retreats and Workshops for Couples - Being Together: Intimacy as a Spiritual Path, co-led with her husband, Dr. Richard Borofsky
Couples Therapy, Mindfulness Retreats and Workshops for Couples - Being Together: Intimacy as a Spiritual Path, co-led with her husband, Dr....
Practice little acts of kindness, appreciation and enjoy physical intimacy as much as possible to sweeten your relationship.
Other data showed that there is a significant positive correlation between a high level of family intimacy as well as emotional expression and a high level of self - esteem and self achievement of adolescents (Li et al., 2006); the extent of closeness of family members and the parental expectations might affect the self - esteem and self - concept of the college freshmen (Wu and Ye, 2009).
While one partner may use the frequency of sex to gauge how he or she is loved and valued, the other may have intimacy as the benchmark.
Feeling guilty about married sex can really mess up your intimacy as a couple.
Husbands view intimacy as a time where they can connect with their wives at a very intimate sexual level.
Learn how your sexploration, choosing to explore your sexual intimacy as a couple, impacts both of you as well as your relationship dynamics.
Rubin found that we tend to admire those we like and enjoy their company, but love created a desire for physical intimacy as well as an empathetic feeling that caused a romantic partner to care for their partner's needs as much as their own.
Or are you hoping to get some help with communication, sexual functioning, or intimacy as a couple?
This is important not only for the trust in your marriage, but for romance and intimacy as well.
You can also view this new chapter as a gift to your marriage; being able to nurture your relationship by spending quality, uninterrupted time together will ultimately strengthen your connection and intimacy as a couple!
Problems in intimacy as well difficulties in the work place are the typical issues that bring adults into therapy.
While it's most common to think of intimacy as physical closeness, intimacy takes many important forms in a healthy relationship such as emotional closeness, friendship, intellectual alignment, and attachment.
Yes, 70 % of the couples who decide to make a commitment to extramarital recovery counseling, do find ways to restore a bond of intimacy as researched by Shirley Glass, who has explored the dynamics of the aftermath of cheating.
Watch as Dr. Ginger and Dr. Bill sit down with Carol Alt of Fox News to explain how to use Pillow Talk to provide a boost not only to your sex life but to your emotional intimacy as well.
Date nights are essential to relational intimacy as they ensure you and your partner have dedicated one - on - one time without the busyness of life getting in the way.
the curvature adds a degree of intimacy as you view it typically from the «right spot» about 3 - 4 metres away.
MAS is not of the same level of intimacy as VQF.
Now living in a tiny house means more time outside, and more intimacy as a family.
This comes about because their subjects carry deeper and mixed meaning and emotions, such as love and intimacy as well as personal worries and struggles.
The exhibition also approaches such expansive subjects as the unconscious, dreams, affect, feminism, and intimacy as well as more unusual conditions such as telekinesis, as in Hiller's Wild Talents (1997) and mirror - touch synaesthesia, as in Martin's Sensorium Tests (2012).
This magnificent subversion of everyday materials was used to express the intimacy - in - distance and distance - in - intimacy as a conjoined dynamic, while it spoke tales of lost love, of photographs of the sublime everyday, the Minimalist economy.
Intimacy as Text group exhibition is on at Warsaw's Museum of Modern Art (MoMAW), opening on January 26 and running to April 2.
He produce films, performances and photographs to discuss social interactions and intimacy as they pertain to his own personal identity and history.
Emin has always been inspired by expressionist painters Edvard Munch and Egon Schiele (evident in her Diploma Work Trying to Find You, although it is also explicitly feminist.Viewing her work generates a experience of intimacy as a result of Emin's emotional honesty.
Close - Ups & Two Shots uses cinema history to explore human distanciation and intimacy as understood in an instant of time.
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