Sentences with phrase «intimidating experience»

An "intimidating experience" refers to a situation or event that makes someone feel scared, fearful, or uneasy. Full definition
Job interviews are in fact the single most intimidating experiences in a professional's life, especially if he or she is recently starting out.
One of the most intimidating experiences of being single is approaching someone you are interested in getting to know better.
Writing your resume can be a very intimidating experience.
To date, this was the most intimidating experience I've had on a stage.
An interview can be a very intimidating experience if you have never had one or have not been hired after the last one or two you endured.
To be a student isn't an easy job; you have to learn, memorize, take tests and the most intimidating experience comes as an assignment or project.
The unique acoustics of the stadium with its cantilever roofs that traps noise and for decades has made Husky Stadium one of the loudest and most intimidating experiences in college football.
Low barriers to entry, cost - effectiveness, and multiple paths to desired audiences are only a few of the factors that have transformed a once complex and intimidating experience into an approachable, engaging, and irreplaceable business and networking resource.
To be a student isn't an easy job; you have to learn, memorize, take tests and the most intimidating experience comes as...
Now you know dating photo shoots needn't be a nerve wracking, intimidating experience in the hands of our friendly bunch of photographers, why not let us take you on a fun adventure and transform your dating profile into the bargain?
Listen as I demystify what can feel like a very intimidating experience.
We know that stepping out of your comfort zone is HARD, and walking into a new gym can be one of the most intimidating experiences, especially when the word on the street is that our workouts are challenging!
Bathing a newborn can be an intimidating experience for first time parents.
For SNA member Beveylon Concha, going back to school at forty years old was an intimidating experience — and a time - consuming one.
It may be that you still haven't got rid of the travel bug from when you were a teenager, or you have to travel for family commitments; either way, travelling with a baby can be an intimidating experience.
She said challenging the powerful D.A. was an intimidating experience and claimed that many attorneys or others in the law enforcement community in Onondaga County are unwilling to speak out against Fitzpatrick.
Coming there for the first time was an intimidating experience.
It's one of the biggest shopping days of the year and quite frankly it can be an intimidating experience to go out and navigate the busy malls.
Even for experienced sugar daddies and sugar babies / models, sugar baby dating can be quite an intimidating experience, especially at the beginning.
And what should have been a very scary, intimidating experience was just a magical time.»
Back - to - school can be an intimidating experience for everyone: students, support staff, administration, and teachers.
Entering a new environment is an intimidating experience, and many behavioral issues are your dog's outward expression of the fear, anxiety, and vulnerability he's feeling inside.
And it doesn't have to be an intimidating experience.
Bringing your beloved pet into an animal hospital can be an intimidating experience at first.
We understand that taking on a proposed breed specific ordinance can be an intimidating experience.
Bringing your cherished cat into the cat clinic for the first time can be an intimidating experience at first.
Some dogs have never seen a human crawl, so it can be an intimidating experience — especially because crawling puts a person right at their eye level.
Dining at any five star establishment can sometimes be an intimidating experience given some of the over the top settings I have encountered in previous reviews, but this was not the case here.
Swimming with whale sharks in Isla Holbox was the most incredible but intimidating experience.
Remember, for most would - be clients, contacting an attorney can be an intimidating experience.
Resolving disputes through the justice system can be a bewildering and intimidating experience.
LegalYou: Your All - In - One Legal Resource Going to court, especially without an attorney, has always been a complex and intimidating experience...
Going to court, especially without an attorney, has always been a complex and intimidating experience.
It can be an intimidating experience if you are charged with a DUI or BUI.
A dawn raid can be an intimidating experience, and it is important that you have competent legal advice in order to properly protect your reputation and possessions.
Attorneys at Rad Law Firm understand that in any serious car accident, working with your insurance carrier can be a daunting and intimidating experience.
Losing your job is an overwhelming and intimidating experience that most employees go through at least once in their working lifetime.
Choosing the right personal injury attorney to represent you can be a frustrating and intimidating experience, but if you fail to put effort into your search, it will cost you in the long run.
Even if you feel somewhat prepared by your driving school and hours on the road, it's still an intimidating experience and something that you've never done before.
Moving away to college is an intimidating experience, no matter how hard you work to be prepared.
Being arrested for a DUI can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience, especially if it is your first brush with the law.
For most, the idea of switching between two platforms — iOS and Android in this instance — is an intimidating experience.
6 Tips for Your First Job Interview: A job interview can be an intimidating experience for anyone — even more so for someone headed in for their first ever job interview.
Whether you are in high school, college, a recent college graduate, or you have been out of the workforce, your job interview does not have to be an intimidating experience.
Writing a cover letter can be an intimidating experience.
The process of deciding how to pay for your education can be an intimidating experience if you have never gone through it before.
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