Sentences with phrase «into a budget bill»

He also indicated he would be willing to alter his proposal, which was tucked into a budget bill that must be approved for the budget to take effect.
The governor did not commit to putting enabling legislation into his budget bills, which would link ride - hailing to a larger spending plan that legislators will consider in the coming months.
«Our current system, in many respects, rewards mediocrity, punishes excellence by granting unlimited job security to all who teach a few years,» Berger said last March at a news conference to unveil his Excellent Public Schools Act of 2013 — which contained language that ended career status and was ultimately inserted into the budget bill passed last summer.
In 1996 the NRA persuaded the late Representative Jay Dickey of Arkansas to insert language into a budget bill to prohibit the CDC from advocating or promoting gun control.
But a dangerous provision snuck into the budget bill passed last week in Congress upends that system.
«According to the sponsors of A-1157B, there is no fiscal impact on state government, so why has language from that bill been cut - and - pasted into budget bill A-9055C?»
While there were several policy proposals baked into the budget bills, one would transfer the Canal Corp. from the auspices of the Thruway Authority to the New York Power Authority.
In a ruling handed down by Supreme Court Judge Eugene Devine and obtained by Capital Tonight, there's no criticism of the way the 2009 law was passed, which was inserted into a budget bill over Republican objections.
Cuomo said that was a natural part of his rhythm, and he didn't regret trying to put policy items into his budget bills.
And by stuffing so many substantive decisions into budget bills — which he and the legislative leaders will inevitably hash out as Albany's infamous three men in a room — Cuomo is enabling the Assembly and Senate's bad habit of never allowing rank - and - file members to act like real legislators.
Virtual charter proponents such as Bryan did not respond to requests for interviews, but Bill Cobey, chairman of the State Board of Education, tells Policy Watch that the virtual charter provisions tucked into the budget bill stemmed from direct conversations between virtual charter operators and lawmakers.
In 2014, an anonymous last - minute insertion of language into a budget bill doubled the distance that a wind turbine must sit from any adjacent property.
Earlier this year, the lawmaker knocked Cuomo's push for a $ 15 minimum wage in New York, which led to an arched rebuke from the governor (ultimately, all Republicans in the Senate voted for the wage measure, which was tucked into a budget bill).
The state Senate has put legislation into the budget bill it recently passed that would eliminate the maximum floor - area ratio for residential projects.
To complicate the issue, lawmakers inserted language into the budget bill that would improve truth in advertising for the lottery.
But a spokesman for Senate Republicans, who inserted the provision into the budget bill, defended it as merely regulating vehicle registration laws.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo quietly created the new pot back in 2013 by inserting it into a budget bill.
Lobbyists and advocates say it can be easier to slide provisions through the Legislature by inserting them into budget bills, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo has increasingly used the budget — where he has greater authority to draft language — to highlight the policies of his choosing.
Tucked into a budget bill is an increase in the state's minimum wage, from $ 7.25 per hour to $ 8.75 per hour, effective July 1.
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