Sentences with phrase «into abnormal shapes»

They can also bend into abnormal shapes, called misfolds.
Hemivertebrae is an orthopedic disease in which at least one of the bones in your French Bulldog's backbone is deformed into an abnormal shape called hemi.

Not exact matches

The test requires removing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients by means of a spinal tap, putting samples into a bath of normally shaped prion proteins, and agitating the solution to encourage any abnormal prion «seeds» in the tissue to latch onto the regular proteins.
Clinical pathologists have divided the various abnormal shapes that RBC assume into nine major groups - and probably got carried away in doing so -(those are: sherocytes, leptocytes, target cells, stomatocytes, folded cells, speculated RBCs, schistocytes, acanthcytes and echinocytes).
Although the veterinarian gave it her all in her efforts to repair the leg by cutting a still - visible seven - inch line deep into the muscle tissue parallel to the femur with the intention of surgical intervention, upon further inspection and manipulation of the area, she determined the bone had already formed a callous along the fracture line and healed in a novel — read: abnormalshape, and it was in the terrified, forlorn, unsocialized, fear - reactive dog's best interest to merely stretch the bruised, swollen and contracted muscle as much as possible, stitch up the leg, wrap it in gauze and Coban, and safely confiscate and then place the dog with a local rescue organization until he would be ready for adoption into a loving, permanent home.)
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