Sentences with phrase «into anesthetized»

To find out, researchers inserted electrodes into anesthetized turtles» heads.
The earlier tags were also large enough to require surgery, with technicians creating a small incision into each anesthetized fish, manually inserting tags and hand - stitching incisions closed.
So Alkire and other scientists are using neuroimaging to peer into the anesthetized brain to see what happens when it succumbs.
The patient's struggle to find some worthwhile and attainable meaning or purpose for life — versus flight into an anesthetized purposelessness.

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Thence has flowed that considerable and melancholy river of counsel whereby one may learn how to organize an assault upon the cognitive and critical faculties of the mind, how to anesthetize into easy seduction the nonverbalized but dependable anxieties that roam about in the solitary and collective unconscious, and how to conduct a brain - washing under the presumed banner of the Holy Ghost.
Your wife will have to be prepped, typed and cross-matched, anesthetized, and taken into the O.R. — Be sure that the hospital that you pre-register at has a NICU.
These were subsequently fed into a part of the paw of an anesthetized rat, and then, with the help of electrodes in the brain and advanced analytical techniques, the researchers were able to measure the reactions in the neuronal networks.
In fact, when scientists played a tone into the ears of an anesthetized cat, its cortex still produced strong bursts of electricity.
The MNP / Ropiv complexes were injected into the veins (intravenously, or IV) of anesthetized rats.
9 The bugs are anesthetized with carbon dioxide, then zapped with electricity, which makes them release venom into minuscule glass capillaries connected to their fangs.
The team anesthetized the rats for about an hour, for ethical reasons, and then injected potassium chloride into each unconscious animal's heart to cause cardiac arrest.
When the team injected varying amounts of the hydrogen sulfide precursor into the penises of anesthetized rats, the rats experienced stronger erections with increasing dosage.
First, they drilled a 1 - millimeter hole into the tibia (in humans, the bone between the knee and the ankle) of anesthetized mice to simulate a bone break.
Next, working with anesthetized rats, they sent direct ionic current into the sciatic nerve in the legs and, using neural recording electrodes, recorded whether this current inhibited the activity of individual or groups of neurons at the spinal cord.
Around 1 − 3 × 106 cells were injected subcutaneously into the dorsal flanks of nude mice (CByJ.Cg - Foxn1nu / J) anesthetized with isoflurane.
Adult Sprague - Dawley male rats (320 — 350 g; n = 6) were anesthetized with isoflurane (1.5 — 2 % maintenance; in room air), placed into a spinal unit apparatus (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL, USA) and a partial Th12 — L1 laminectomy performed using a dental drill (exposing the dorsal surface of L2 — L5 segments).
Lpar2 - / - CD4 + T cells were labeled with 5 μM CMTMR (Thermo Fisher Scientific), mixed with an equivalent number of WT CD4 + T cells, and injected into recipient mice (5 x 106 cells / mouse); 15 — 25 hr later, the mice were anesthetized using isoflurane admixed with O2.
As with CT imaging, pets are anesthetized while advanced equipment takes a series of images over time and reassembles these images into a three dimensional format for viewing by a specialist.
To perform an intradermal test, pets are sedated or anesthetized and 50 - 70 different allergens are injected into the skin.
A tube is then placed into the pet's upper airway, and gas anesthesia keeps the pet comfortably anesthetized during the course of the procedure.
Anesthetized pets are also given analgesic injections into the gums to control pain.
Pets that are still fully conscious often need to be sedated or anesthetized to pass a catheter into their bladder.
This consists of anesthetizing your pet and placing a catheter into the femoral artery.
The pet is anesthetized and two radiographs are taken: one with the femoral heads compressed (pushed into the acetabula as far as they will go) and one with the femoral heads distracted (pulled out of the acetabula as far as they will go).
This consists of anesthetizing your pet and placing a catheter into the femoral artery to deploy a device in the defect.
For most procedures, your pet is anesthetized and then intubated (insertion of a tube into the trachea).
Because of their behavioral challenges, we simply can not properly examine feral cats until after they've been anesthetized, and feral mothers are likely to ignore or kill kittens born into the threatening captive environment.
Cardiac catheterizations are performed in anesthetized animals and most commonly involve passing specialized catheters via either the jugular vein or carotid artery in the neck or femoral artery or vein in the leg into the great vessels and heart.
• Catheterization and flushing of the bladder - Bladder sludge is usually treatable by anesthetizing the bunny, placing a catheter into the bladder and flushing the bladder with saline to dilute the sludge material.
In doing so, the artist seeks to shake viewers out of a passive, anesthetized state into one that inspires active engagement with their surroundings.
Kim brilliantly converts the mundane «anesthetized» images of television into a dynamic, minimalist composition of light and movement.
By welcoming more acts of critique into their halls, they glean the benefit of appearing like nurturing patrons, but they also anesthetize any sense of real rebellion.
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