Sentences with phrase «into appropriation»

Why are women pushed into appropriation and then criticized for it?
The experience of Floored asks us to reconsider the architectural conversations at play within the space — and this line of questioning is not Paula Wilson's first foray into the appropriation of traditional forms of building adornment like tapestries and rugs.
Henríquez deepens her investigation into appropriation, architectural form and Art History with new works in collage, fabric, video, and Rorschach technique.
The Nebraska Supreme Court held that the fact that a private institution derives indirect benefits from a contract with the state does not «transform payments for contracted services into an appropriation of public funds proscribed by article VII, § 11, of the Nebraska Constitution [the Blaine Amendment].»
«You have to remember that we didn't actually put the minimum wage piece into appropriation language, which is the strictest form of what you're talking about.
The Democratic governor confirmed Tuesday that several of his policy proposals would be dropped from the spending plan, which must be agreed to by March 31 and in which Cuomo has a higher degree of leverage over lawmakers by inserting language they can not change into appropriation bills.
The Democrat - dominated Assembly declined to follow suit after receiving assurances from then - governor Eliot Spitzer, also a Democrat, that he would discontinue the practice of putting substantive policy into appropriations bills.
«(Cuomo) shoehorned into appropriations bills his top policy proposals [and] I think he's going to see how far he can go,» said NYPIRG's Blair Horner said.
George Pataki by the Assembly, which believed he was overstepping his executive powers by inserting policy into appropriations bills, over which the Legislature has very little control.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo released his 30 - day budget amendments, which jammed the Legislature by stuffing ever more policy (particularly ethics reforms) into appropriations bills, on Feb. 21 — almost two weeks ago.
Inserting policy into appropriations measures could hold up a final agreement on the state budget, Senate Finance Committee Chairman John DeFrancisco warned in an interview.
«But when we get into appropriations, Meals on Wheels is a wonderful program.
Last year, a lot of us in the education community were supportive of senators Specter and Harkin, a bipartisan team who actually wanted to put money back into an appropriations bill that funds labor, health, and education programs.

Not exact matches

However, others still say that altering the bindi and turning it into a fashion accessory is an example of using a culture's clothing and history as a costume is a key example of cultural appropriation.
In the months that followed, the industry persuaded Georgia Congressman Tom Graves, whose district includes the syndication hotbed of Rome, to slip a rider into the federal appropriations bill that would bar the IRS from spending money to enforce the listing notice.
However, in setting the expenditure track for a budget, the Department of Finance would take into account that departments will not be spending all of their appropriations, through what is known as the «lapse» adjustment.
«The State made the required contributions in FY12 and FY13, and the Appropriations Act signed into law for FY14 included the required...
A high school student raised concerns after she says a school dance performance crossed the line into cultural appropriation last week.
This is mostly done through adding work requirements into welfare programs, moving food stamps into the annual appropriations process and block granting them, and making other changes to income security programs to reduce spending.
This appropriation of Neoplatonism, culminating with the Pseudo-Dionysius and Maximus the Confessor, allowed Christian thinkers to incorporate into their thought such Neoplatonic features as the primacy of beauty and the metaphysics of descent and ascent, and thereby to lay the philosophical foundations of nearly all future Christian humanism.
This institution has not yet been appropriated by Israelites, or, if in process of appropriation, it has not yet been domiciled and certainly not yet integrated into the pattern of familiar Israelite existence.
Such a contemporary appropriation of the symbol of the Kingdom of God can also make possible our realization of the gospel, or the «good news,» of the death of God: for the death of God does not propel man into an empty darkness, it liberates him from every alien and opposing other, and makes possible his transition into what Blake hailed as «The Great Humanity Divine,» or the final coming together of God and man.
Luther's theology was a reappropriation of the earlier manuscript theology of Augustine - one could speculate it was a practical appropriation of manuscript theology into the new paradigm of print.
Each appropriation of an item of the many into the arising unity of enjoyment is a «feeling» or «prehension» (literally, a grasping) of that item, and the process of composition is a «concrescence» (growing together) of prehensions.
Those who have turned the WWJD acronym into a fashion item — donning decorative wear that asks What Would Jesus Do — ignore this fundamental distinction between Christ's objective work and our subjective appropriation of it.
But very early in the book the pattern which would continue to govern Wieman's appropriation of Whitehead's views is evident: Whitehead's philosophy, particularly his views published prior to Process and Reality, is transformed into American pragmatism.
Jesus» going away, the writer of John reminds us, is for our advantage, for it frees him to come to us in ever new forms, ones not so restricted by the particularity of Jesus» spatio - temporal existence.34 In short, the positive significance of God's responsiveness to the contingencies of the world and his appropriation of the world into his own being requires that he be sufficiently free of the world to be a creative and constructive factor in it regardless of the actual contingencies that may arise.
What clues do we get from God's experience of suffering for appropriation into social structures?
In a later chapter, suggestions for the appropriation of these insights and the translation of this theology into a method of preaching will be offered.
As for Whitehead, this creativity lies once more in the appropriation and transformation of the given of the past into a subject that is continuously coming to be.
Even if it is true, finally, that the text accomplishes its meaning only in personal appropriation, in the «historical» decision (and this I believe strongly with Bultmann against all the current philosophies of a discourse without the subject), this appropriation is only the final stage, the last threshold of an understanding which has first been uprooted and moved into another meaning.
On the other side, the fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals have begun to see that Christian atonement and redemption are not merely for individual appropriation in isolation but also take into account the whole person with his / her involvement in society and culture.
The cultus embodied the faith of Israel; it was the rehearsal of God's mighty deeds — and therefore, his self - disclosures — of the past; it was, as appropriation of the past, at once also the dramatic conveyance of meaning in the present; and bringing past and present into the immediate continuum of identity, it appropriated in anticipation the future of the people of God and the history of God.1
«23 The aim toward beauty may be frustrated not only by the collapse into disorder as the result of too much novelty, but also by acquiescence in triviality when the appropriation of novelty is relevant.
The stories do not appear to have been radically altered in the course of their appropriation into the biblical corpus.
Yet the vacuum has been filled by a surge of theological engagement by others with patristic theology, above all with Augustine and the Cappadocians, extending into a fresh appropriation of medieval theologies and philosophies, especially Thomas Aquinas.
The relationship of the gift is changed into therelationship of appropriation» (ib.
13 This provision of Buddhism helps explain why there has been an appropriation of Oriental ideas into psychedelic culture.
But Pixley believes that «Whitehead's own philosophical investigations into culture and civilization, if not counterrevolutionary, are open to appropriation for counterrevolutionary purposes» (PS 4:174), while Williamson disagrees.
A United States House of Representatives appropriations bill (HR 2490) with a breastfeeding amendment was signed into law on September 29, 1999.
Addition, November 22: President Obama signed the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act into law.
Paterson objected to what he deemed a «poison pill» inserted into an education appropriation bill by the Legislature.
The Democratic governor told Fred Dicker on Talk - 1300 AM this morning that he still plans to put pension savings into his emergency budget appropriation should legislators fail to pass his budget.
The Executive Budget consolidated 89 separate program appropriations into six competitive pools.
On certain occasions, where less controversial bills have been passed into law, a package of the remaining appropriations bills will be bundled to finish funding work, and this package is known colloquially as a «minibus.»
«Or if after 90 days the legislature fails to adopt their own plan, the reductions to the general fund and state special revenue fund appropriations and related disbursements identified in the division of the budget plan will go into effect automatically.»
[7] An omnibus spending bill is simply a combination of multiple appropriations bills into one larger appropriations bill.
Another set of big - ticket Cuomo priorities was already baked into this week's budget «extender» bill: nearly $ 15 billion in capital appropriations for purposes ranging from basic infrastructure (highways, transit) to a $ 400 million second phase of Cuomo's Buffalo Billion initiative, a $ 700 million «community healthcare capital investment» in Brooklyn, and more 8 - figure allocations to the kind of «economic development» programs that have failed to rejuvenate Upstate.
In the end, Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared the budget on time, based on the passage of major appropriations bills that keep state government funded into the new fiscal year.
He said «following the receipt of full brief on the 2017 Appropriation Bill as passed by the National Assembly, and to buttress the unity at the highest level of government, President Muhammadu Buhari has indicated that it is in the interest of the nation's economy for the Acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, to sign the Appropriation Bill into law.
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