Sentences with phrase «into book cover»

His insights into book cover design will put you on the path towards a well - designed book that markets itself.
Being an author myself, I fully understand the need to be able to incorporate an author's vision into their book cover and I am sensitive to their needs.
Sometimes that leaks into book cover artworks or posters, which is very satisfying.
«Your design should perhaps emphasize elements of your cover art instead: tie it into a book cover they may see elsewhere.
Here, seven recent articles with excellent insights from folks behind - the - scenes into book cover design: what goes into making a book cover
Write up a document with elements you'd like incorporated into your book cover design.
Ana chats with Knockin» Books about how she got into book cover design, offers advice for authors looking for a cover designer and talks about trends in the industry.
And all that data won't be visible on the tiny, digital cover even if you do pack it into a book cover design.
Then there are the illustrations, which tie into the book cover.
A great article which gives some really useful insight into the book cover design, I would also recommend the use of a professional, the idea of making one yourself is tempting but should be left to a professional who'll be able to match your design to not only the genre but the market too.
He explains how he started an editing business and then moved into book cover design.
Clutter is the enemy of effective design, but there's more to clutter than just shoehorning too many text and graphic elements into a book cover, or other design project.
Self - Published authors often ask what is the correct way to integrate the book barcode into their book cover layout.
Wiesner has incorporated the story elements of the pigs» homes into the book cover, with the reddish spine representing the bricks, the gray cover signifying the sticks, and the tawny endpapers symbolizing the straw.
What about paying Kirkus reviews to read your book and write a glowing review that you can interject into your book cover?
If you invest very little time or money into a book cover, then it'll show.
With indie writers churning out books at record levels, readers can easily spot some of these works by the effort put into book cover design.
Be sure to save any reference images, notes and documents into a book cover ideas folder so you can easily refer to them later and simply send the folder to your book cover designer in one go.
Focus on building reader reviews and incorporate them into your book cover, book description and website.
Likewise, a well - conceived, well - executed book jacket design translates into a book cover that motivates readers to crack the cover or download the e-book,» said White.
This cover was designed in tandem with Jody Smyers, a professional photographer who photographed the lightning specifically for the cover, and turned out so well that it inspired our venture into the book cover business.
There's a reason so much effort goes into book covers and CD covers etc...
Our linen hardcover books can be foil stamped with your design, wrapped in a full color dust jacket or decorated with a beautifully printed inset image set into your books cover.
Some clients we have worked with preferred to pour their funds into their book covers, formatting and landing page design, while others with limited funds tried to do everything themselves.

Not exact matches

Naturally, I go into much more detail in my latest DIY Simple Investing book and cover other aspects that underpin this central theme.
The book is concise and clear, yet goes into a great deal of detail on aspects of link building I haven't seen covered anywhere before.
last time I checked flying planes into buildings and killing innocent civilans was not covered in any prayer book.
I shove the book back into my purse (relieved to at least put the kitschy orange and green cover out of sight).
Not only have they faced the difficulties of language, but they have all been required to cover in a few pages material which could scarcely be covered adequately in a whole book, and to fit that material into a common outline.
While I'm not quite sure the book deserves the «must - read» status advertised on its cover, I'm certain it will be interesting and useful to anyone wanting insight into life serving within the Church of England, and of particular help to those considering, training for or beginning ordained ministry.
Friends who know my book - besotted line of work sometimes ask whether I actually read, cover - to - cover, all the volumes that come streaming into my office.
If you are interested in using my images for these purposes (advertising, marketing, merchandise, books, magazine covers, etc.) or any other purpose which does not fit into any of the above categories, please contact me with details and I will quote a price based on your intended specific use (haywardart (at)
The book's third and fourth parts cover the reign of the Ottoman Empire into the present day.
The «final solution» of conquering them and crowding them into concentration camps euphemistically called «reservations» may have taken place after the period covered by this book, but the pattern of broken treaties, treachery and extermination was the policy of the European settlers from the start.
For those of you into non-fiction reading, the three most eye - opening and thought - provoking books I've read these past couple of months: The American Way of Eating (read it cover to cover in two and a half hours), The Soil Will Save Us, and The Unsettling of America.
My hopes were not high as we walked through the dark alley and into the restaurant through what looked like an apartment kitchen, but I was once again reminded to not judge a book by its cover.
This book covers the culinary traditions of Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Cuba, and Spain and not only delves into the recipes but is full of the history and background of these places and how they are forever intertwined.
Twilight has already thickened into Prussian blue, and candlelight gutters against the spines of many books; the coffee table is an old hatch cover, highly varnished but scarred beneath the gloss.
Still, with the national championship as his playing field, editor Wade has a broad swatch to pluck from, and his book covers lots of territory, with some nice sidesteps from the obvious that include former USGA top dog Frank Hannigan's insights into course setup and some skinny from John Feinstein on the wit and wickedness behind the pairings.
In his pursuit of 30 wins, McLain zoomed about in Lear jets, played Hammond organs, swigged Pepsi - Colas, schmoozed with Steve Allen, Bob Hope, Ed Sullivan, Joey Bishop, Glen Campbell and the Smothers Brothers, changed his hair color, appeared on the covers of TIME and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, recorded an album, gave organ lessons out of his home to two dozen students at $ 3.50 an hour and got himself booked in advance into the Riviera in Vegas, the Detroit Auto Show, Disneyland and a hundred other places to play electric keyboard with his band come winter.
This has been a wonderful book that covers the topics of why it is important to filter the world out, why simplification is imperative to keeping childhood innocence, how to implement simplification into your family structure, how environment plays a huge role in the influence of your children, the importance of rhythm and schedules, etc..
Divided into three sections, the book covers «The Unconscious Marriage,» which details a marriage in which the remaining desires and behavior of childhood interfere with the current relationship; «The Conscious Marriage,» which shows a marriage that fulfils those childhood needs in a positive manner; and a 10 - week «course in relationship therapy,» which gives detailed exercises for you and your partner to follow in order to learn how to «replace confrontation and criticism... with a healing process of mutual growth and support.»
This hefty hardcover book is all about the thoughtful details: from the cheerful cover that Gabby created with her kids, to the many pages of inspirational, gorgeous photography accompanying ideas for every room in your home, to sweet little DIYs, to Gabby's personal storytelling about how she manages life as a wife and mother of 6 kids while instilling values and fun and beauty into the everyday.
The book covers the prenatal period through infancy, toddlerhood, and into middle childhood, with emphasis on extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, a natural foods diet, avoidance of toxic chemicals, limited use of vaccines, and treatment of health problems with homeopathic medicines and herbs.
Written by parents who have studied toddlers up - close in their natural habitat, the book will cover survival skills including how you can outfit your home to outlast a toddler occupation (baby gate, cabinet locks, wine), how you can subdue an angry toddler («Elmo's Song,» mac and cheese, smartphone) and even how you can safely venture out in public together without your toddler — or you — bursting into tears.
But, I'm working as we speak on finishing up my newest book, «Baby Poop,» and I've put lots of time and effort into this section, covering all of the most recent info I can find, and speaking by phone with a couple of the researchers to answer my questions.
This book, however, DO NOT go into much depth regarding labor and birth as this is covered in another companion volume by the same authors: The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Bibook, however, DO NOT go into much depth regarding labor and birth as this is covered in another companion volume by the same authors: The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying BiBook: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Birth.
The book might look intimidating to read at first, being almost 400 pages in length, but it's nicely broken up into the stages of a subsequent pregnancy, starting from the days and weeks following the initial loss with questions to consider, then covering, a future pregnancy.
Much is covered in this book, and I was most interested in how it explains working through the challenges of incorporating Reggio practice into American classrooms and the art of documentation for advancing child learning.
By Evie Peck When I was 9 months pregnant, I walked into a major chain baby store and I saw something I really wanted: a BABY BOOK — the kind where you write down everything that happens - first bath, first smile, first solid poop... It had a hard cover, thick pages and places to -LSB-...]
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