Sentences with phrase «into bottom line»

If your premiums are too high, they can eat into your bottom line.
Ask any real estate investor and they'll tell you that time is money and the more time you have to spend cleaning up a mess - whether it's coordinating others or doing it yourself - directly eats into your bottom line.
One of the other major financial pains was the hard money lender - some of the terms were excellent, including down payment and escrowing of some of our interest payments, but the points and rate were steep, and the additional months holding really bit into the bottom line.
The reaction from sellers has been understandably fraught, with many saying it's going to cut directly into their bottom line.
With larger companies this is a huge pool of money and it's not clear when or if this money is simply folded into the bottom line or taken out of the «could be claimed» column on the balance sheet.
This is an excellent way to add substantial protection for yourself and your belongings without cutting into your bottom line.
That cuts into their bottom line.
Are non-billable or low value activities eating into your bottom line?
And with a general understanding of which numbers feed directly into your bottom line, making calculated decisions on how to spend your annual marketing budget is not only approachable, it's simple math.
While complaining that medical malpractice lawsuits cut into their bottom line, medical malpractice insurance industry profitability has lasted how many years?
That may be true, but as soon as you start spending a couple hours a week dealing with computer issues think about how that time can be turned back into the bottom line and pretty soon you realize that, look, it's an hour of my time that I'm having to pay the equivalent to or less for someone to maintain my computer and it's done all remotely, it's easy and they will support me anytime I have an issue.
Businesses factor the cost of bags into their bottom line, and the Department of Public Works spends time cleaning up these bags from trees, parks, lots, storm drains and waterways.»
«We must urgently take steps that look past next quarter's bottom line,» said Figueres, «and see the next generation's bottom line, and figure health, security, and sustainability into the bottom line
The problems are: Lack of a constructive, earth nurturing moral outlook, ideology that encourages expanding capitalist economies that do not factor ecological capital or its destruction into their bottom line, greed as a way of life, corporate imperatives and power, intentionally misinformed or ignorant public (especially in the United States and China), inertia, rampant bad design in energy generation, housing, transportation, community planning, consumer products and packaging and materials cycling, etc..
It just ends up muddying the waters for my customers and cutting into my bottom line.
Basically, they know that digital games are going to cut into their bottom line, and substantially at that.
I mean, why wouldn't you want to eliminate competitors and thwart those you see as cutting into your bottom line?
Giving cash back cuts into the bottom line, and sometimes it makes sense to sacrifice some profit to build a solid reputation for the product.
A lot of retailers have been dropping their prices on basic or «community tank» items, even though it cuts into their bottom line.
While lowering commission prices might still be an option, many brokerages are reluctant to do so as it directly cuts into their bottom line, which for many in the online investing industry, is long overdue for an upgrade.
Under the revised policy, if you're selling your home and you have a $ 150,000 balance left on your FHA loan, the lender will have to stop charging you interest on the date of the closing, not compute the interest charges that would be due through the end of the month and roll them into your bottom line.
They can lose sight of the writing craft in pursuit of faster releases, even though those shortcuts eat into their bottom line.
Big telecoms have been wary of the initiative, openly expressing their concerns that access to certain apps could eat into their bottom line (eliminating the need for money - generating services they provide, such as voice calling and text messaging).
The Edge Titanium Elite exists presumably because Ford felt Dollar Shave Club was eating into its bottom line (that was a terrible razor joke, sorry).
She pointed out that the «focus on the individual judgements and not collapsing everything down into the bottom line» was wrong, because wider judgements beyond individual heads did matter.
Restaurant owners said vendors often sell similar food to what's on their menus, at lower prices, which cuts into their bottom line, he said.
In ordinary usage, however, these payroll taxes are often considered federal income taxes — after all, on April 15, payroll and income taxes are rolled into the bottom line owed to the federal government.
With the enormous fixed costs that many of the tech companies are liable for, any surprise shortfalls in revenues cut very quickly into bottom line profits.
The capital intensive roll out, along with a hyper - competitive grocery market in Canada, has eaten into its bottom line.
Likewise, too many exotic toppings can eat into the bottom line.
The ongoing doctor shortage is starting to cut into the bottom lines at hospitals — and executives are worried.
«We knew that this is part of a bigger problem, which is the inequality that black people face,» Quarles tells me, noting that he's helped some of the next generation of small - business owners to reinvest valuable savings into their bottom lines.
Hidden from most investors» knowledge is the practice of securities lending, and for most funds, that's a steady source of cash going right into their bottom lines.

Not exact matches

When the flow is diverted to other expenses, such as payments with interest, finance charges, and late fees, they tie up funds that should be flowing into the pocket book to improve the bottom line, not into someone else's pocket.
Bottom line: the Bank of Canada is unmoved by Trump's promises, suggesting it will stick to its present course until the president - elect's Tweets turn into increased demand for Canadian goods and services.
Those looking for a deep dive into what Laszewski thinks will actually work can check out the complete post, but for non-wonks, his bottom line seems to be this: To fix health care we need to control costs overall, and to do that, the industry as a whole must be forced to stay within a set budget rather than gobbling up more and more of the nation's money.
It's still unclear exactly how Beats will fit into the larger Apple ecosystem, but Dre's celebrity connections and seemingly eternal cool will no doubt boost Apple's street cred and bottom line.
This really made me think about the people who are not getting the technology they need to move into the future and embrace the triple bottom line.
Because of the game and the way it's integrated into company procedures, Castle reports, employees are aware of how every decision affects the bottom line and their bonus checks.
Shifting from TCO awareness to understanding and measurement is critical for midsize business owners to gain insight into the dollars they're putting behind employees and their impact on the bottom line.
Second, in the heady days of yore, a lot of money went into growing the top line at all costs, but entrepreneurs need to shift toward the bottom line, he says.
While these small interruptions cut into a business» bottom line, they aren't the only productivity thieves companies have.
Increasingly, says Greven, health care providers such as private hospitals are weaving Prompt Alert's technology into larger electronic medical record (EMR) databases, thereby providing these organizations with a means of communicating with patients in highly practical ways that improve the bottom line at the same time.
The hundreds of millions of dollars Target has been pouring into its e-commerce to help it self - cannibalize its sales rather than lose business to (amzn) and a resurgent (wmt) among others took a big toll on its bottom line.
Virgin America has just turned six years old, and over that time we've put a lot of thought and effort into making flights enjoyable, while almost all of our competitors have focused solely on their bottom line.
Now that the chain has switched to boneless wings, the deal has the power to attract customers without cutting into Buffalo Wild Wings» bottom line.
Regularly surveying your customers can provide a direct insight into how happy your products and services make your customers, what deficiencies hurt your bottom line, and on what kind of new product development you should focus your efforts.
Weaving a greater mission into your financial goals can help get your team, customers and community involved to grow your bottom line.
Invest a little time into making your company a place of joy, hard work and professionalism, and it just might help your bottom line.
Bottom line: incorporate any aerobic exercise into your day - to - day life to reduce stress.
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