Sentences with phrase «into brutal action»

Pivoting effortlessly from digital sightseeing to cinematic survival, then into stealth before exploding into brutal action, this is truly blockbuster stuff - appropriate for one of gaming's biggest icons.
Goaded into brutal action by the lies of Cornelius Hickey, the crew of the Terror and the Erebus have shot five Netsilik men, women, and children to death, adding their bodies to the pile of two already assembled by...

Not exact matches

Players are dropped right into the action as they battle to defend an Imperial Forge World, a planet sized factory, from an invasion by the savage and brutal Orks, using the most devastating weaponry mankind has at its disposal.
Stewart masterfully wields Saulnier's words but, as new pieces of evidence crop into place, there's never an epiphany moment that defines the character or his emotionless, brutal actions.
Dominik turns the machinations of the criminal element into a blackly comic microcosm of American society — a critique of an unravelled economy, keeping the story bare and the action unfailingly brutal.
S. Craig Zahler follows up Bone Tomahawk with an equally brutal tense action piece, this time starring Vince Vaughn (of all people) as a man trying to provide for his family who falls back into the drug world and ends up in prison, forced to carry out hits to ensure his wife isn't killed by his former employer.
Salt and Sanctuary bravely attempts to bring the trademark brutal difficulty of the Dark Souls games into a 2D action platformer.
Before his life becomes a monomaniac quest for vengeance, a sleepwalking, barely awake Willis embodies wealthy whiteness at its most expensive and plain as the husband of a beautiful, white, boring Elisabeth Shue and the father of a college - age daughter who is very model - beautiful, white and boring to the point where her brutal assault is the catalyst for the action and her father's descent / ascent into vigilante - hood and I forgot that her character existed and was still alive but in a perilous state for most of the movie.
There's no room for attachment in the brutal world where they're trying to survive, Theron says, which means she (and viewers) are spared any attempts to force a romance into one of the smartest action movies to come along in recent memory.
The team behind DMC: Devil May Cry and Heavenly Sword is back with a new third - action game for the PS4 about «a warrior's brutal journey into myth and madness.»
Here's what you need to know about Mortal Kombat XL, which packs even more brutal action into one of the biggest fighting games around.
«This is all part of the game's high - action descent into the darkest, most brutal parts of the Mass Effect universe».
Salt and Sanctuary bravely attempts to bring the trademark brutal difficulty of the Dark Souls games into a 2D action platformer.
Yakuza's party piece are the Heat Actions — contextual super moves triggered by giving foes a consistently brutal thrashing — which brings the camera in close showcasing some absolutely vicious beatdowns — such as smashing someone's face into a brick wall or clubbing them with bicycles.
Dark Souls 3 is an action RPG for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in which players are thrust into a gothic fantasy world and asked to survive against brutal odds.
Here you'll find good, old games like the classic PaperBoy and Worms, or if you're into the more brutal action games, try Doom and Doom 2.
Hellblade boasts brutal action combat (which is common for Ninja Theory games) while also being a project that has had extensive research behind it into mental illness, and how it could be best portrayed without seeming disrespectful to it and those who suffer from issues such as Senua does.
The Lowitja Institute welcomes the swift action by the Federal Government in announcing a Royal Commission into Northern Territory juvenile detention in response to the brutal treatment of children detained in the Northern Territory criminal justice system, aired in the ABC Four Corners program on Monday 25 July.
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