Sentences with phrase «into bumbling idiots»

Not exact matches

I suppose you could say that the world divides into two camps when it comes to Boris Johnson: those who think he is a bumbling, self - indulgent, unprincipled idiot incapable of doing a serious political job - and those who think that beneath the disheveled exterior lies a sharp, original and amusing mind, a ferocious capacity for hard work, and an even more ferocious ambition to get to the top of the greasy pole.
Do pregnant women and new moms really turn into forgetful, bumbling idiots?
In Dead Men Tell No Tales, Jack is a drunk bumbling idiot who runs around knocking into everything and does not show any intelligence whatsoever.
Join them in a rollicking Egyptian romp, with heroes, villains and bumbling idiots - as they venture into the desert in search of the lost amulet.
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