Sentences with phrase «into calcitriol»

In addition, healthy kidneys are required to process vitamin D into calcitriol to preserve calcium for bones and for normal calcium balance in the body
It's all calcidiol, ready for storage in fat tissue or dispersal to the kidneys for conversion into calcitriol, also known as 1,25 (OH) D. Calcitriol is the active hormonal form whose primary role is to regulate blood calcium levels.

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While the long - term goal of the team is to understand the function of calcitriol in inflammatory diseases, identifying the kidney - specific enhancer region of the genome is already yielding insights into the mechanisms involved in bone disorders.
Chris, what do you think of Dr. Cannell's argument that Vitamin D3 is more comparable to beta carotene than to pre-formed Vitamin A since Vitamin D and beta carotene are precursors that the body transforms into the active forms (calcitriol and Vitamin A) as needed.
If there's enough calcidiol left in the tank after the calcium duties, it gets sent to other tissues in the body to be converted into more calcitriol to fulfill even more roles.
In the kidneys, PTH stimulates the conversion of vitamin D into its active form (1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D; calcitriol), which rapidly decreases urinary excretion of calcium but increases urinary excretion of phosphorus.
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