Sentences with phrase «into crafting solutions»

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The craft brewer is well - known for its eye - catching illustrations, however, for the debut of its signature new pale ale, it has integrated value - added solutions from Ardagh into its packaging.
Such OLEDs — diodes made from organic material such as polyacetylene rather than semiconducting metals — may prove an even more intriguing future solution, because they can be crafted into ceiling panels or even windows (they are often translucent) and are potentially even more efficient at producing light (though not yet).
The summit's agenda was to «drill into the systemic causes of gender bias in the industry and craft solutions,» a spokesperson said in a statement.
-- Post Process: «His final remark was a challenge to vendors: he said that after the country's legal system «is fixed,» effectively ending the e-discovery gold rush, he hoped that vendors would put as much zeal into crafting KM solutions as they currently do with EDD.»
The global leader in crafting connected and intelligent smart grid charging solutions for electric vehicles says that the service will come at zero cost for old and new cliets who tap into eMotorWerks» JuiceNet platform.
VR is here to stay, as Engadget puts it, and developers are bound to craft solutions down the line that'll turn VR into a simpler and more viable experience to ultimately enter.
Works closely with the sales staff and other members of the Sales Support team to determine the right solution set for each customer and to craft that into an effective sales tool.
The love of technology that brought them into IT in the first place is being buried under too much work, too little recognition, too much time digging in the weeds instead of crafting elegant solutions that really make a difference.
API believes that the skills parents use with their children — responding with sensitivity, building a foundation of trust, the use of nurturing touch, responding with empathy, setting realistic expectations, remaining flexible, communicating in a non-violent way and crafting solutions together, and more trickle into other areas of a family's life and can have a positive impact on the marital relationship.
You can craft resolutions which suit the particular needs of your family unit as opposed to having to fit into a cookie cutter solution.
With a few simple storage solutions, you can turn a regular old closet into the full - blown craft closet of your dreams.
With the increasing consciousness about up - cycling and re-cycling, domestic glass bottles are now being crafted into different kinds of lighting solutions.
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